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Activities That Others Love, But You Don't.


Composer of the Night.
ZD Champion
Jan 22, 2016
United States of America
Very much a dude.
What's an activity that everyone else seems to love and enjoy, but you don't get it?

For me, it's camping.

Two reasons. I have fair skin, so I burn easily in the sun, with no tanning afterwards, so I have to constantly apply very high SPF sunscreen. And the second reason, I have to apply bug spray constantly, because if I don't, I just get eaten alive by bugs. I once sat on a rock in Yellowstone, instantly covered in loads of bites from ants, that nobody else got bitten by.

So in camping, I'd be staying in the shade constantly, applying weird smelling sunscreen and bug spray that I feel gross after due to my sensory sensitivities, and people usually don't want to camp with me anymore because I'm miserable.

I also am allergic to bee stings, so anywhere there's bees, I'm about as far away as it's possible to be, just out of reasonable safety.

I also never wanted to willingly go camping, I always get dragged and coaxed into it, and I either get sunburned, or bitten by bugs and I itch all over.
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AKA Patrick
Aug 13, 2013
Watching sport. Really boring for me. Don't give two ****s who's playing or who won. Don't feel any sense of community, belonging, fealty, or affinity to any team or sport.
I will have to take you to a football game where the crappy local team nearly makes the first goal of the game in the last second of overtime and flubs it, it will then hit you that this kind of drama could not simply be written. But yeah, watching sports on television is the most dull thing ever, so much of what makes live sports entertaining is the community around it and you can't get that through a television.

Ashley the Witch

ZD Champion
Oct 9, 2023
I honestly don't like watching sports, I do love playing them casually with friends, but otherwise not so much. The only type of sport I do watch is probably Pumpkin Chunkin'. It's an annual competition to see who can catapult a pumpkin as far as possible, with the winner getting a trophy for the rest of the next year until the competition happens again. Another one I'm watches the Kitty and Puppy Bowl, It's just like football, except the kittens and puppies are the players.
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You Are The Light
Feb 7, 2018
Hyrule Kingdom
going to the beach, I absolutely hate everything about it. I don’t know how people love going to the beach and sitting in the hot sun for hours, just sitting there. so boring and such a waste of time. the ocean also scares me so it’s just awful all around. I grew up in a beach town so I’ve been going since I was a baby (against my will) and have hated it ever since I can remember. luckily now that I’ve moved roughly 11 years ago I basically never have to go anymore.

I’ve been camping a handful of times in my life and it’s miserable also. I despise bugs and camping is filled with those.


~ It's me, Dio!~
Jul 6, 2011
Absolute unit
What's an activity that everyone else seems to love and enjoy, but you don't get it?

For me, it's camping.

Two reasons. I have fair skin, so I burn easily in the sun, with no tanning afterwards, so I have to constantly apply very high SPF sunscreen. And the second reason, I have to apply bug spray constantly, because if I don't, I just get eaten alive by bugs. I once sat on a rock in Yellowstone, instantly covered in loads of bites from ants, that nobody else got bitten by.

So in camping, I'd be staying in the shade constantly, applying weird smelling sunscreen and bug spray that I feel gross after due to my sensory sensitivities, and people usually don't want to camp with me anymore because I'm miserable.

I also am allergic to bee stings, so anywhere there's bees, I'm about as far away as it's possible to be, just out of reasonable safety.

I also never wanted to willingly go camping, I always get dragged and coaxed into it, and I either get sunburned, or bitten by bugs and I itch all over.
Agreed. I don't like spiders so camping was always a scary experience. I wouldn't go if I was invited these days anyway. I like my comforts too much such as a hot bath and access to a ready supply of protein powder.
Watching sport. Really boring for me. Don't give two ****s who's playing or who won. Don't feel any sense of community, belonging, fealty, or affinity to any team or sport.
I feel the same way about most sports particularly football/soccer. Thankfully nobody in my life talks about it.

Going to crappy nightclubs is something that others seem to love but I hate. The music they play in there is usually awful and I can't get into it and unfortunately you can't even have a conversation because it's impossible to hear over the din being blasted out of the speakers. The only clubbing experience I enjoyed was at a heavy metal club, they actually played music I could get into. My own city unfortunately is absent a heavy metal club and I would have to travel for hours to find one.

Azure Sage

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Watching sport. Really boring for me. Don't give two ****s who's playing or who won. Don't feel any sense of community, belonging, fealty, or affinity to any team or sport.
100% this. Watching or participating. I used to watch them with family when I was a kid but it does absolutely nothing for me since I got old enough to form my own opinions.
I will have to take you to a football game where the crappy local team nearly makes the first goal of the game in the last second of overtime and flubs it, it will then hit you that this kind of drama could not simply be written. But yeah, watching sports on television is the most dull thing ever, so much of what makes live sports entertaining is the community around it and you can't get that through a television.
I've been dragged to live sports before in the past and hated every minute of it. The last time I went, I got so bored that I walked two laps around the entire stadium. That was back when I was a teen. In person or on TV makes no difference to me, except on TV is a much quieter environment that I can escape from.


Mr. SidleInYourDMs
May 5, 2012
American Wasteland
gambling, I haven't really melded w/ it the few times that I've tried, but that might be for the best actually

reading is also something I'm up and down on, definitely don't enjoy it like others can

Mikey the Moblin

if I had a nickel for every time I ran out of spac
ZD Champion
Aug 31, 2014
southworst united states
Hiking here in Utah means "walking for hours on end up a perpetual incline just to get a better view of the nasty mountains you're stuck on", which I am not a fan of

I am generally a fan of long walks along the beach or through gentle forest paths


Apr 16, 2021
weed, cigarettes, and vapes just seem like "how to **** up your life while also making yourself and your possessions smell awful forever so you can feel a bit silly for a minute". It irks me when people make a habit of it, especially when they're doing it indoors

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