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A Link to the Past GBA Vs. Virtual Console

Master Kokiri 9

The Dungeon Master
Aug 19, 2009
My ship that sailed in the morning
doesn't The GBA version have an edited Back Story? along with some extra quests??? im not sure but i thought there was, can anyone clear this up for me.

Well as far as I know the GBA version only has an ever so slightly edited backstory (snes/vc has wise men in the bs GBA has sages in the bs) and extraquests no it doesn't (unless you count the temple of the four sword). So there.


Yes there are extra quests in the gba version. Theres the palace of the four sword(Not really a quest), if you complete four swords with ten medalions then you get the riddle quest, at the end of it you get the hurricane blade(a really awesome move).
Hope this helped.
Jan 3, 2009
Well while the GBA version is more expensive, has worse sound quality, and really has a useless game unless you have four friends with GBAs and a copy I say the GBA version is superior. The reason is because if you save in a dungeon in the GBA version and turn it off and then start playing again you can start from where you entered the dungeon. In the VC version you can't.

I never played FS, and judging from FSA and MC, I probably won't like it. Also the GBA's "start you off at the beginning of the dungeon you saved in" thing, just takes away from the challenge factor. Besides, on VC you could just use the suspended play thing with the Home button. I'll just call'em save states since it's kind of similar.

Niko Bellic 817

GH3: Legends of Rock
Apr 24, 2009
I def. understand your point with the multiplayer-only aspect. But I really would not let that get in the way of buying it. A. I'm going to be playing my favorite Zelda game anywhere I want! and B. atleast I say i own this game, and maybe, hopefully, one day I will find another whom I can play with.

I only play GBA games on a DS making the Four Swords game comepletely useless.


I have the GBA version, and yes it does seem heavily edited compared to the snes version. Unless you don't want to play Zelda on the go, then I'd go with the VC version because its truer to the original.

However, i plan on getting the cart because I still have my snes.

Halo siera 117

Eh.... senior member?
May 24, 2009
Broken bridge on Death moutian
The GBA version has a lot more fetures than the SNES version had, like palace of the four swords, and such. Although the VC is the closest you can get to actually playing it on the SNES, even though I actaully have the game on the SNES, I tend to play GBA version a lot more.....


i think the GBA one is better i beat the game on that and i loved it

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