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  1. V

    The Official Fire Emblem Fates Thread

    Beat Birthright yesterday, and I'm feeling like what I suspect a lot of Xenoblade Chronicles X players went through later last year. Mechanically, I feel like this is the best Fire Emblem. Abolishing the weapon durability took out an arbitrary aspect of micro-management that I feel paid off...
  2. V

    The Official Fire Emblem Fates Thread

    Hinoka. I had a feeling from the beginning that the implied incest might not be all that bad (ZD is pro-incest after all), and she's a badass character.
  3. V

    The Official Fire Emblem Fates Thread

    Yeah, I can see that. I'm still hoping for a big twist in Birthright that really grabs me, but after about 22 hours, I'm scared that it's not coming. We've been marching towards the Nohr capital for the entire game..... and that's it. We've had some "convenient" plot devices, and that's about...
  4. V

    The Official Fire Emblem Fates Thread

    I was hoping for a more general idea that wasn't spoilers, haha. I haven't played the game, so I'm not going to read any spoilers. Could you be a bit more vague about the general ideas that make it inferior? If you can't without being specific, I understand.
  5. V

    The Official Fire Emblem Fates Thread

    I'm curious about this - what exactly makes Conquest's story so bad to so many people? I'm like 18 hours into Birthright so far, and I'm not really impressed. I'm worried if Conquest is inferior to that.
  6. V

    The Official Fire Emblem Fates Thread

    First impressions on Birthright: - Production values are obviously much higher than Awakening. The music hasn't grabbed me yet, but I'm not too far in the game. - Really liking the My Castle element of the game. It captures the feel of a "home base" much better than past games. - Difficulty...
  7. V

    The Official Fire Emblem Fates Thread

    I mean, it's a win-win. They appeal to fans of both styles by having two different games, one which caters to the old guard of fans that kept the series going for so long, and one for the newer fans that kept it alive. I fundamentally disagree that the old Fire Emblem formula didn't work...
  8. V

    The Official Fire Emblem Fates Thread

    Because it's supposed to reflect the traditional roots of the series. A vast majority of Fire Emblem games progress on a chapter-like basis in which you can't revisit old levels. This added to the intense strategic factor of those games - you can't blaze through a level, neglect one unit, and...
  9. V

    The Official Fire Emblem Fates Thread

    I'm actually much happier with what we're getting in the west, to be honest. The face petting seemed like something that was put in solely for Japanese appeal; I'm kind of relieved that it isn't going to be something that's present in the vast majority of copies being played (I'm assuming it...
  10. V

    The Official Fire Emblem Fates Thread

    I believe it's been 100% confirmed by Nintendo that the face-petting is definitely not present in the English localization of the game. I've also read that dialogue was changed in some instances to be less blatantly sexual, along with a certain scene being completely retooled in order to not...
  11. V

    The Official Fire Emblem Fates Thread

    It doesn't just work for dogs. All of the random females I pet on the face on a daily basis love it. It totally leads to incredibly engaging and through-provoking discussion.
  12. V

    The Official Fire Emblem Fates Thread

    Damn. When you put it that way, I'm really starting to think I should go with Hoshido first as well. I thought the only true difference was the difficulty and maybe some story complexity, but I didn't know that level grinding and the like were exclusive to Hoshido. On the whole censorship...
  13. V

    The Official Fire Emblem Fates Thread

    I'm pretty excited, since Awakening is in my top 5 favorite games of all time list. I was surprised to find out that some long-time fans didn't like it, but as someone who's played the series religiously since Path of Radiance, it did best what I think is the series' strong point - strong and...
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