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The Official Fire Emblem Fates Thread

  • Thread starter Deleted member 81859
  • Start date

Deleted member 81859

With the game releasing in less than a month, I figured it was my duty to get people talking.
To start off, which side will you be choosing, Hoshido or Nohr? It's kinda obvious what my choice was ;)

Also, is there anything that you would like to see Fates add to the franchise?
Dec 14, 2008
Louisiana, USA
I'm pretty excited, since Awakening is in my top 5 favorite games of all time list. I was surprised to find out that some long-time fans didn't like it, but as someone who's played the series religiously since Path of Radiance, it did best what I think is the series' strong point - strong and likable characters on top of an engaging story, along with some excellent turn based combat that has a good amount of depth to it. Difficulty was never the selling point, I don't think.

That in mind, I'll be picking up the bundle with both games. Unfortunately it seems like the "ultimate" bundle with all 3 story choices is sold out, so I'll just have to get the third one via DLC or something at some point.

I'm still thinking about which one I'll try out first, but I'm leaning towards Nohr. I definitely want to be an expansionist western empire that beats some sense into a "peace loving" eastern civilization. Because there's totally not any bias there on the developers part.

Kidding aside, the Nohr side just seems more interesting and unique. Hoshido is looking like your pretty standard hero/family story, with clearly defined "good guys" and "bad guys". The game with the best plot in the series to me is Radiant Dawn, because there isn't a clear-cut villain or hero for most of the story. You just had people who happened to be on different sides of the conflict, and this is something that I hope shines through with the Nohr storyline when we get to understanding why the empire is doing what it's doing.

I just really hope the game doesn't delve too deeply into the "dating sim" aspect. I didn't quite mind where it went in Awakening, but I feel like anymore than that would start steering the series in the wrong direction.


Mr. SidleInYourDMs
ZD Champion
May 5, 2012
American Wasteland
even though i've only played binding blade and blazing sword,im definitely excited for fates
im going for the hoshido version as i hear its more light in difficulty compared to nohr,and as much as i'd love to get the special edition and have all 3 sides readily available to me....economics ;-;


A Cool, Cool Mountain
May 24, 2015
Not cool NoA!
Not cool.
They completely removed an entire mode in the western version of FEFates that regarded the Fire Emblem Aime thing.

Regarding localization, I totally get that they change some dialogue, some jokes. Gregor, for example, was very well done. I can even get that they change a couple of models. It can happen. There are different cultures. And none of that actually affects gameplay or story(most of the time).

But removing a whole gameplay mode?!
I'm sorry. But that is just inexcusable! It's even a feature I would never use, but it is missing. That's downright terrible. They cut all of that content. They ruined the artists vision for the game. I don't care for the pandering of the FE pandering of characters. I feel it goes against what FE is about. However, it is missing the vision for the game, and that's also going to make those that do like it, not get the game.

Now, I definitely know that I'm not going to get FE Fates at launch. I am going to get it used in the summer. I'm not giving NoA my money for this.


i never knew daylight could be so violent.
Apr 12, 2012
somewhere, I suppose.
a mystery inside of an enigma wrapped in a soft fuzzy blanket of I don't even know what
What's more mind boggling to me is that everyone has been treating Kotaku like a reliable news source.

I'm calling bull**** until Nintendo holds a press release. I don't care for the petting minigame in the slightest, but Kotaku is known for their lack of accuracy and "clickbait reporting."
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Deleted member 14134

I'm very excited for this game as Awakening was my first fire emblem game and my favorite 3DS game to date. I have the special edition pre-ordered and I'm occasionally checking to see how many more days until the game is released.

On another note, I'm not sure which version I should play first. Do I start with the easier Hoshido and build up the difficulty as I transition to Nohr, or do I start with Nohr hoping the added difficulty gives me the best "fresh" experience as I do enjoy challenging games more. Any advice? To anyone playing both version, which one will you play first?


A Cool, Cool Mountain
May 24, 2015
I'm very excited for this game as Awakening was my first fire emblem game and my favorite 3DS game to date. I have the special edition pre-ordered and I'm occasionally checking to see how many more days until the game is released.

On another note, I'm not sure which version I should play first. Do I start with the easier Hoshido and build up the difficulty as I transition to Nohr, or do I start with Nohr hoping the added difficulty gives me the best "fresh" experience as I do enjoy challenging games more. Any advice? To anyone playing both version, which one will you play first?
When I am going to get it, I am going to play Hoshido first. It's the game that's tailored to Awakening fans. So it's an easier experience with less strategy involves. You can grind, and all that stuff. The story is simpler, like Awakenings, so it will be just more of the same.

Then, I an going to play the real fire Emblem game with Nohr. No grinding, no casual pandering, tough as nails strategy. Different objectives return. And it apparently has a very gripping and more complex story. That one is going to impress me the most. So I am playing it after the tamer Hoshido side. This is so that Hoshido doesn't disappoint me, because I am going to play both anyway.

Deleted member 14134

When I am going to get it, I am going to play Hoshido first. It's the game that's tailored to Awakening fans. So it's an easier experience with less strategy involves. You can grind, and all that stuff. The story is simpler, like Awakenings, so it will be just more of the same.

Then, I an going to play the real fire Emblem game with Nohr. No grinding, no casual pandering, tough as nails strategy. Different objectives return. And it apparently has a very gripping and more complex story. That one is going to impress me the most. So I am playing it after the tamer Hoshido side. This is so that Hoshido doesn't disappoint me, because I am going to play both anyway.

I guess I'll go that way to. I didn't realize there was such a difference between versions. It should keep both experiences rather fresh if they can remain diverse enough.
Dec 14, 2008
Louisiana, USA
When I am going to get it, I am going to play Hoshido first. It's the game that's tailored to Awakening fans. So it's an easier experience with less strategy involves. You can grind, and all that stuff. The story is simpler, like Awakenings, so it will be just more of the same.

Then, I an going to play the real fire Emblem game with Nohr. No grinding, no casual pandering, tough as nails strategy. Different objectives return. And it apparently has a very gripping and more complex story. That one is going to impress me the most. So I am playing it after the tamer Hoshido side. This is so that Hoshido doesn't disappoint me, because I am going to play both anyway.

Damn. When you put it that way, I'm really starting to think I should go with Hoshido first as well. I thought the only true difference was the difficulty and maybe some story complexity, but I didn't know that level grinding and the like were exclusive to Hoshido.

On the whole censorship thing, was it just the Fire Emblem-amie thing that got taken out? Because to be honest, I don't think I could care less about that. Like I said above, "Fire Emblem - The Dating Sim" is something that I really want the series to avoid at all costs, and I have to admit I was among those who thought the whole "face-petting" thing went a little too far and was actually kind of creepy. I don't mind romance in the games, since character interaction and relationships are what makes the series so great to me, but I'm not really seeing any true harm with this being taken out as of right now.

Of course you could claim it's altering the creator's vision and intent and all of that, but I don't think this alteration is something that was critically important to core elements of the game. If I'm wrong on that I'd like to know though; I've been avoiding anything about this game since its Japanese release because I don't want to be spoiled on anything.


i never knew daylight could be so violent.
Apr 12, 2012
somewhere, I suppose.
a mystery inside of an enigma wrapped in a soft fuzzy blanket of I don't even know what
On the whole censorship thing, was it just the Fire Emblem-amie thing that got taken out? Because to be honest, I don't think I could care less about that. Like I said above, "Fire Emblem - The Dating Sim" is something that I really want the series to avoid at all costs, and I have to admit I was among those who thought the whole "face-petting" thing went a little too far and was actually kind of creepy. I don't mind romance in the games, since character interaction and relationships are what makes the series so great to me, but I'm not really seeing any true harm with this being taken out as of right now.

Of course you could claim it's altering the creator's vision and intent and all of that, but I don't think this alteration is something that was critically important to core elements of the game. If I'm wrong on that I'd like to know though; I've been avoiding anything about this game since its Japanese release because I don't want to be spoiled on anything.

Digital romance is all the rage in Japan -- if I recall correctly, Japan's most popular dating sim, the Tokimeki Memorial series, allows for face petting, with the most sexual line being crossed is after school kissing. (You tap someone's lips with the stylus). You can also talk to your girl or guy of choice via the DS microphone. If anything, the Fire Emblem Amie thing wasn't "the artists' vision," they were just following a trend -- right down to using the microphone, although you use it to help cool off your Avatar's significant other off after they're done in the bath.

I, personally, feel ambivalent about FE Amie, although I would have no objection to its removal. It feels pretty pointless, and I found myself rather confused when it was first introduced. That being said, people are still thinking Kotaku is a credible source and I continue to be baffled.
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Deleted member 81859

Not cool NoA!
Not cool.
They completely removed an entire mode in the western version of FEFates that regarded the Fire Emblem Aime thing.

Regarding localization, I totally get that they change some dialogue, some jokes. Gregor, for example, was very well done. I can even get that they change a couple of models. It can happen. There are different cultures. And none of that actually affects gameplay or story(most of the time).

But removing a whole gameplay mode?!
I'm sorry. But that is just inexcusable! It's even a feature I would never use, but it is missing. That's downright terrible. They cut all of that content. They ruined the artists vision for the game. I don't care for the pandering of the FE pandering of characters. I feel it goes against what FE is about. However, it is missing the vision for the game, and that's also going to make those that do like it, not get the game.

Now, I definitely know that I'm not going to get FE Fates at launch. I am going to get it used in the summer. I'm not giving NoA my money for this.

The voice acting is half/half. I want to ****ing strangle Felicia, which is a shame as she was adorable. Vic Mignogna voices Nishiki (coughKadenbutNOAcansuckadick) and completely nails it. Hana is adorable! Everybody sounds half decent except for Kaze, who's actor sounds like he's flat reading off the script. And Takumi, who sounds like Batman. And Sakura, who sounds like she's 20. And Nyx, who sounds like she's five.

And as for Hinoka, the character who made me choose the Hoshido path?

She's voiced by Ash Ketchum. I threw my phone in anger when I heard that voice coming out of that girl.

Zelda U better be ****ing perfect because I hate Nintendo right now.

Deleted member 81859

So in order to get to know a person you have to pet their face? I have a feeling if I tried that in real life, I'd get arrested or at least a restraining order.
It's more like you're spending time together, and they open up.
It only gets weird and suggestive if the character you're touching is your spouse.
**** gets kinky then.

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