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  1. Guru-stalfos

    Questions about Kokiri fairies

    I agree with you. I don’t take that quote literally, I think Saria was trying to make Link feel included. I’m just saying there are many references which indicate that it is considered abnormal to be a Kokiri without a fairy. Another example is the deku tree calling link ‘the boy without a...
  2. Guru-stalfos

    Questions about Kokiri fairies

    “Wow! A fairy! Finally, a fairy came to you, Link! Wow! That's great news! I'm so happy for you! Now you're a true Kokiri, Link! Is that right?” According to this dialogue, Saria seems to consider having a fairy as a prerequisite for being a Kokiri.
  3. Guru-stalfos

    Questions about Kokiri fairies

    Interestingly, Saria appears to lose her fairy when she becomes a sage
  4. Guru-stalfos

    Questions about Kokiri fairies

    I had some questions about kokiri and their fairies, apologies if some of this has been covered here before. Do we know if kokiri fairies are similar to Navi in their ability to communicate to their kokiri counterpart and other beings? What exactly is the nature of the kokiri and fairy...
  5. Guru-stalfos

    Do you think Nintendo will ever explain the lack of female Gorons?

    I don’t think Gorons are genderless, because all major Goron characters are referred to as “he” in the third person. I like the looking identical theory which would explain the confusion at gerudo town. I would like to see Nintendo address it by introducing a major goron character who is female
  6. Guru-stalfos

    Which iterations of zelda/link/ganon have the lowest/worst quality of their respective triforce piece

    TP Ganon gets whipped around with a fishing rod so I might go with him for least powerful. OOT Link is courageous in his actions, but less so in his presentation. No other Link was practically wetting their bed from Gannondorf nightmares. So I will go with him for least courageous. No...
  7. Guru-stalfos

    Which iterations of zelda/link/ganon have the lowest/worst quality of their respective triforce piece

    Essentially, who is the least courageous Link, least wise Zelda, and least powerful Ganon?
  8. Guru-stalfos

    Breath of the Wild What's your favorite climate biome in BOTW?

    No one has mentioned Faron yet so I will chime in. The misty rainforest around Floria is absolutely my favorite locale. It is so beautiful and peaceful. I love the walk across floria bridge. Climb waterfalls, hop around and eat bananas.
  9. Guru-stalfos

    What would it take for BotW 2 to become your new favorite/least favorite Zelda game?

    I don't necessarily expect this, but I would love to see MM-style side quests in an open world game. More emotion, more interesting characters, more satisfying rewards for completion. It would allow for preservation of the open world style, but add in some more interesting narrative elements...
  10. Guru-stalfos

    After BotW2

    Well yeah that is pretty sad. I think I posted because I’m curious how fans would take to such a plot. To me it’s not a “spin off” if it has the major Zelda themes and gameplay style, even if link is not the character you control. But others may feel differently.
  11. Guru-stalfos

    After BotW2

    Hi I am new here and just wanted to post an idea I had after a dream last night Essentially the dream was about a Zelda game that takes place in an ‘era of peace’ in Hyrule, and a young knight (not Link) takes off on an expedition with sages/other Hyrule warriors on a Jason and the Argonauts...
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