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  1. Sasuke Uchiha

    The Person Above Me, Me, the Person Below Me

    ^Was Right, I'm Not On A Boat < <3s Black Ops!!!! V Also <3s Black Ops
  2. Sasuke Uchiha

    Your Video Game Wish List

    Just added one more to my, to-buy list. My newest one is Dark Souls, sequel to Demon Souls.
  3. Sasuke Uchiha

    Pretty Funny

    What are the things you've found funniest out of any Zelda game you've played? Mine would have to be the fact that if you walk up one of the horizontal chains next to the gate into Castle Town, during the day, in OoT, you'll get twenty rupees and if if you turn you're back to the Dodongos in...
  4. Sasuke Uchiha

    Rate the Character Above You

    ?/10 I have no idea who that is. Roy Mustang (Give him a 10 or higher or he will INCINERATE YOU!!! :P :P)
  5. Sasuke Uchiha

    Majora's Mask Why is Majora's Mask So Underrated?

    I honestly enjoyed playing Majora's Mask more, but Ocarina of Time had a better storyline and a larger landscape, in my opinion. I don't know, it's definitely a close one... but I'd have to say Majora's Mask was my favorite.
  6. Sasuke Uchiha

    Welcome to the Castle Town Sig Shop (With Annoying Music!!!)

    Whups... Ok, I guess I forgot to mention that I was going camping with friends and would be gone for two weeks, two weeks ago. @_@ I am back now and will be online Sundays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays. My apologies again to Molgera2 for not responding to your request. It shouldn't happen again.
  7. Sasuke Uchiha

    Games You're Looking Forward To

    It doesn't matter that RE4 isn't even remotely new, in my book it's the best RE game yet!
  8. Sasuke Uchiha

    Games You're Looking Forward To

    Now that the E3 has ended, a lot of new games are being released. Anyone looking forward to some new games? I'm personally looking forward to Modern Warfare 3, Skyward Sword and Resident Evil Operation Raccoon City.
  9. Sasuke Uchiha

    Operation: Raccoon City!!!!

    Is it just me, or is anyone else looking forward to this oncoming Resident Evil Game? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Stu5btuLN7Q
  10. Sasuke Uchiha

    The Person Above Me, Me, the Person Below Me

    ^ Actually I never have even thought about New Zealand < Just realized that whoever created this thread probably created the largest thread ever made on this forum V Is looking forward to the new Operation Raccoon City game coming out this Winter
  11. Sasuke Uchiha

    Epona in Skyward Sword

    Really great point there. It's actually impossible for Epona to be alive in Skyward Sword. Thanks for figuring/pointing that out!
  12. Sasuke Uchiha

    General Art Anime Art

    Mine just used Google Images. My programs used were: Impress, Paint, and Game Maker 8.1
  13. Sasuke Uchiha

    Twilight Princess If You Could Choose/make an Item to Help U with the Game What Would It Be

    I'd make a Philosipher Stone that allows you to create gigantic explosions that totally destroy your enemies.
  14. Sasuke Uchiha

    The Person Above Me, Me, the Person Below Me

    ^ You aren't weird :D < Like's the new signature I just made V Like my signature picture
  15. Sasuke Uchiha

    General Art Anime Art

    Though you may not have drawn it, it still counts as digital art if you change the images and reuse them in a different way. Just re-posting something that someone else already created is what doesn't count as art. And without a scanner, digital art's the most I can exibit. ;_;
  16. Sasuke Uchiha

    Epona in Skyward Sword

    I hope Epona makes an appearance in Skyward Sword. It was fun running her through enemies in the previous games!! XD
  17. Sasuke Uchiha

    Your Zelda Records

    Cool! I also beat ST, PH, OoT and MM 100%, but I didn't time myself. ;_;
  18. Sasuke Uchiha

    General Art Anime Art

    Anyone have any anime art that they had recently created and want to share? Mine most recent one's on my signature.
  19. Sasuke Uchiha

    General Art My Online Game

    I recently got into video game design, and a month ago I finished my first game. It's called Resident Evil 6. Here's the link to play it: CLICK HERE FOR AMAZINGNESS!!!!
  20. Sasuke Uchiha

    Welcome to the Castle Town Sig Shop (With Annoying Music!!!)

    Hero of Music, is the new Sig I just made for myself ok? It passes your recommended size by 200 pixels.
  21. Sasuke Uchiha

    Your Zelda Records

    I was checking through the Forums and realized that there was no other thread like this, so I decided to post one. This thread is for you to post your own personal records when it comes to Zelda games. Here's mine: Phantom Hourglass 3 Heart Completion Time: 6 hours and 28 minutes. Spirit...
  22. Sasuke Uchiha

    The AND THEN Adventures

    Then you knock an apple loose AND THEN!!??
  23. Sasuke Uchiha

    Name a Game

    Dragon Ball Z Budokai Tenkaichi Three
  24. Sasuke Uchiha

    The Funniest Zelda Parody Ever (No Joke!!)

    I think a lot of you guys might have seen this video already, but if you haven't, here's a HYSTERICAL Zelda Parody, The Parody of Time. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XDgighw4K1A :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
  25. Sasuke Uchiha

    Slingshot -_-

    I think that the Slingshot is a TOTAL waste in Zelda games. I never used it in Twilight Princess. I just used my sword until I got the Bow and Arrow.
  26. Sasuke Uchiha

    Twilight Princess The Reason Behind Midna's Theme Revealed!!

    Ok, I found this a year or so ago, but forgot to share it online. Anyways, you all know Midna's theme I'm sure. Well here's what it sounds like backwards: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N6Tp4z_SFyw Sound familiar to anyone?
  27. Sasuke Uchiha

    Zelda's Lullaby in SS Trailer Reversed

    Hey, that's pretty cool. But check this out: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N6Tp4z_SFyw This is Midna's theme backwards. Sound familiar?
  28. Sasuke Uchiha

    Latest Video Game Purchase

    Resident Evil Nemesis (M), Splinter Cell Ghost Recon (T) and Call of Duty Black Ops (M).
  29. Sasuke Uchiha

    Ocarina of Time Will You Get the New Ocarina of Time?

    No, I'm not going to buy it. I'm sorry, but I just can't imagine OoT on a portable system. I think it would kind of ruin it. UNLESS... they improved the graphics. Then, it would be worth it in spades.
  30. Sasuke Uchiha

    Name a Game

    Naruto Shippuden: Clash of Ninja Revolution Three
  31. Sasuke Uchiha

    Favorite Item?

    I actually like the masks in Majora's Mask, but my favorite one was The Fierce Deity Mask.
  32. Sasuke Uchiha

    The AND THEN Adventures

    Then I arrive and scream, "And land on your face!" as I get there. And THEN????????????????????????????????
  33. Sasuke Uchiha

    The AND THEN Adventures

    And then I start posting on this thread, just in time to be 13itch kick'd by Ichigo, before the keg blows both of us up. AND THEN...
  34. Sasuke Uchiha


    If you didn't already know, TDWP is the short name of the band, The Devil Wears Prada. They are an AMAZING band and I would like to share one of their albums. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QUazwgb8jJ0
  35. Sasuke Uchiha

    The Niche

    One major problem you made in your recolection (with the Twinrova comments and other comments on the "children Link dimension") is that the children Link aren't the same and don't grow up into the same older Link from SS. The "children series" is in one Master Swordless dimension after OoT. The...
  36. Sasuke Uchiha

    Monster Hunter Tri

    Yeah, but it'll let you save in the Village.
  37. Sasuke Uchiha

    Monster Hunter Tri

    You can save at any time. Just go to your menu, press Quit, then it'll ask you if you'd like to save. That way you can do it anywhere.
  38. Sasuke Uchiha

    Monster Hunter Tri

    I now have the Escadora, Helio+ and Yamato+ armor. My favorite weapon is Reaver: CALAMITY. I've had those for months now, but I haven't been on Monster Hunter in three months ( D*** punishment ;_; ). Hey, we should all arrange a date where we meet online and hunt together. anyone up for that? IT...
  39. Sasuke Uchiha

    Monster Hunter Tri

    Oh. I haven't heard that term yet. Thanks for clarifying.
  40. Sasuke Uchiha

    Monster Hunter Tri

    Wait, you can farm MONSTERS??!!! I'm RANK 89 and I have no idea how to do that? HOW???!!!!!!
  41. Sasuke Uchiha

    Mafia 4: Majora's Mask

    Hey guys, hope I'm not interrupting anything, just checked in for the first time in a week and I saw that I was dead. I just wanted to wish you all the best of luck!! Also, I'm sorry for all the lies, it was just my role as a mafia. I hope you all have fun with the rest of the game; see you all...
  42. Sasuke Uchiha

    Mafia 4: Majora's Mask

    Ok, looks like I'm out. But just in case one of you will listen, I don't see why I'm getting voted for. I saw that evryone was FoSing me, so I explained that if I was mafia, it would be the worst tactic I could possibly do to kill Jo. Everyone said that I practically confessed by saying that...
  43. Sasuke Uchiha

    Resident Evil Afterlife (Explanation and Ideas)

    I know they don't closely relate (that and I got confused on which game was which, total fail on my part) but I do know that their is a timeline, and the games do intersect with the first movie (the first movie was the third game) and the last movie where Chris makes an appearance from RE5.
  44. Sasuke Uchiha

    Favorite Horror Movies of ALL TIME!!!

    Yeah, BTW, how do you attach spoiler tags? I don't see an option for them.
  45. Sasuke Uchiha

    General Art Please Help With Signature!!!!!

    Ok, me asking this is kind of embarrassing because I already make free signatures on this site, but I need help with how to make one. I've noticed alot of people on this site have moving videos on their signatures and I don't know how to make those. I just joined a Resident Evil Forum and have a...
  46. Sasuke Uchiha

    Rate the Character Above You

    ^ 8/10 Midna's pretty cool V Link
  47. Sasuke Uchiha

    Mafia 4: Majora's Mask

    I see that Keyshe is acting weird lately, but I don't see anything that makes her look mafia. I do believe, however, that you are the only one acting suspicious right now, and hope that I (and the other two voting for you) are not making a mistake by voting the way we are. VOTE: Keyshe
  48. Sasuke Uchiha

    Favorite Horror Movies of ALL TIME!!!

    That movie wasn't horror to me at all. Hey, I heard about this crappy hack-and-slash movie and checked it out a few days ago. Has anyone else seen it? It's called Simon Says. It's so crappy its hysterical!!! Here's some horror movies I saw over Thursday and Friday: Devil Case 39 The Last...
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