I have an album called... *looks it up* Plagues.
It's pretty good. I like all the track names
they're pretty goofy. (Goats on a Boat, HTML Rulez Dood, and Reptar, King of the Ozone)
Aside from that, while I generally enjoy the music, I find it to be rather monotonous. I prefer that a song leads up to to a really screamy/loud/awesome/beautiful/thrashy climax rather than just come at me with all the bells and whistles at full blast. That being said
I F***ING LOVE BREAKDOWNS, and tdwp has a lot of them. That alone could be enough reason to listen to them daily, but in reality I listen to that album maybe once every month or so (and I listen to anywhere between 1 and 3 albums on a normal day).