Loved Twilight Princess!
Hidden Skills were a really good idea.
The Overworld was HUGE!!
Lots of secrets(Heart Pieces, Poes, Bugs)
Dungeons were very long and stuck with the theme
Too little of the secret grottos(Holes you find as wolf)
The Rods (Fishing and Dominion) were really...
Kakariko in Oot. Liked the music.
Clock Town in MM. Liked the sections and everything to do
Outset in WW. Just liked the people on the island better.
Ordon Village in TP. Liked how it was just a quiet little village.
Skyloft in SS. It's the only town in Skyward Sword!
I thought Skyward Sword did an excellent job of making you emotional. Fi, the Zelda amber scene, Impa dying and Groose's reaction, just made we want to cry.
The first phase I slash left-right-left-left and the jump, repeat
The second phase I wait until I get the Lightning Skyward Strike and shoot it at him, go for the kill, repeat.
The person you are describing here is the Skull Kid, the one who is used as Majora's puppet. He's just doing what the mask tells him. Other than that, I agree with you.
The Lanayru Mining Facility. It just seemed to easy and the puzzles took no time at all. The Sandship did a better job at the Timeshift Stones and puzzles
I actually bought my first at random. I was going to buy a CoD, but it wasn't there, so I bought TP because I liked the characters and music from SSBB.
I don't think it's biased. The Sealed/Hylia's Grounds was where Demise's seal was. Having Demise's portal to the final boss fight at the exact place of the seal was an excellent way of placing the boss fight.
Phantom Hourglass. Soundtrack was boring and completely unmemorable. The ship parts took too long too find. The dungeons were too easy, and The Temple of The Ocean King took too long. Spirit Tracks did a much better job at all of these.