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6 Hearts Start


be vigitant
Feb 20, 2012
I didn't mind the six hearts. Getting used to the motion controls was already a challenge, and I almost died fighting the first enemies in the game. Plus, in Hero Mode, taking double damage would mean two hits and you're dead.
Apr 4, 2012
There actually isn't much difference between the three hearts in other Zelda games and the six hearts in Skyward Sword. In the games where you started with three hearts, enemies at the beginning only did a half a heart of damage. In Skyward Sword, the starting enemies do a whole heart of damage. The only difference is visual, making it only look like you have more health.

Heh, true. If they had done it with three hearts, enemies would probably take away one heart instead of two, so really you'd still have a chance to get hit three times before you die.

Anyway yeah, I didn't really care about starting out with six hearts. I really needed those in Hero Mode, but in the normal adventure, I don't think I ever died once...


Apr 9, 2012
I did not like having 6 hearts I would much rather have 3 because it makes it more challenging so 3 hearts are better.


Jun 22, 2011
United States
I didn't like it at all because it meant less collectibles. Likewise I thought health medals were a rip-off. I mean if this game was done traditionally starting with 3 hearts and no medals then we would have ended up with 15 hearts. A game released in 1991 in the same series had 5 more heart containers from dungeons and the same amount of collectible heart pieces. This game was released in 2011 so how can I not feel ripped-off in this respect?


Jan 2, 2012
6 hearts was good for Skyward Sword just because of how much damage you would take from enemies. 3 hearts works better for all of the other Zelda games, except Twilight Princess. You might as well start out with 1 heart in that game, and only get a max of 6 BECAUSE ITS SO FRIGGIN EASY.
Jun 1, 2010
Personally, I would have preferred starting with 3 hearts and having five heart pieces to a heart container, as in Twilight Princess. there would have been more heart pieces to collect, and the game would have been more challenging (which I think it should have been).
Oct 26, 2011
I L-O-V-E-D the six hearts. Dying just interferes with the gameplay and is such a nuisance. (Who would have thought we would live in a world where people could say something about death so trivially and not be judged;))

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