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  1. Poste

    General Modern What You Suck at in Zelda Games.

    I suck at the trap room in ALTTP in the swamp palace
  2. Poste

    General Modern What You Suck at in Zelda Games.

    i cant get around enemies, especially in TP the raptor enemies
  3. Poste


    What are you thoughts on this 2D adventurous, mining, building game?:keese:
  4. Poste

    3DS Friend Codes

    ya man sorry to say but there already a gigantic tread about this stuff, check it out in the General Gaming section it should be near the top
  5. Poste

    Which Song Are You Currently Listening To?

    Hignia Blessthefall i dont ussually listen to screamo but is good
  6. Poste

    List Your 5 Favorite Zelda Games

    1.Twilight Princess 2.The Legend of Zelda 3.A Link To The Past 4.Phamthom Hourglass 5.Majoras Mask
  7. Poste

    The "you're Nearly Dead" Sound

    i liked it in all games, it actually pumped me up to try harder and beat whatever was killing me
  8. Poste

    What Instrument Do You Play?

    Bass, Flea Of RHCP is my idol and pretty much got me started, ive been playing for 2 years and i ca play almost all RHCP songs
  9. Poste

    Majora's Mask Spring in Snowhead

    You have to beat Goht on the first day, give your sword to Smitheh then do the race then on the second day get your sword and give him the razor sword and the dust, third day get your Gilded sword the never leaves you! BEWARE: Your Gold Dust and Razor Sword disappear if you play the song of...
  10. Poste

    Which Song Are You Currently Listening To?

    Under The Bridge RHCP! flea ftw
  11. Poste

    3ds Colors

    i think the black one looks best :devil: but i would like a orange lol
  12. Poste

    What is Your Favorite NonZelda Game?

    I say Fallout 3 it's very epic
  13. Poste

    Favorite Brawl Character?

    I like toon link and ike mostly cuz their swords are the best
  14. Poste

    Favorite Band?

    Rise Against and The Offspring
  15. Poste

    Favorite Books

    Full Metal Alchemist and Tegami Bachi both are epic series with good storys to them
  16. Poste

    Favorite Brawl Character?

    Hey sorry If theres already a thread like this, just wondering what other people think, I personly i think its Ike or toon link
  17. Poste

    Project Cafe Discussion Thread.

    Wait, the controller is gonna have a touch screen? Ive been living in a cave for a while and only recently got news of the project cafe. Is the controller gonna be a console itself? Because that what I'm getting from this.
  18. Poste

    Whip or the Hookshot/Clawshot?

    I think the whip... because it looks cooler, but the clawshot was and is a zelda classic. still i think that they should remake the whip because the clawshot/hookshot is overused
  19. Poste

    How Do I Close a Thread?

    Oh ok so any moderator and post "Thread Closed" in my last post?
  20. Poste


    Yeah I'm only borrowing a N64 from my friend and he only has Majoras Mask
  21. Poste

    How Do I Close a Thread?

    :( I don't know how to close a thread lol
  22. Poste


    Heh ya the sevant that nobody knows exists exept, well you know, the guy who I serve, or somethin
  23. Poste


    Thank you, I didn't know any of this stuff
  24. Poste

    Favorite Quotes in Zelda?

    Boy, This Is Really Expensive!-Shopkeeper Buy Something Will Ya!!-Shopkeeper
  25. Poste


    Ohhh I understand the triforce now, thanks! So he was wrong, three triforce pieces make one triforce not three triforces make The Triforce. Thank you'ses Now how do I close this thread (heh heh)
  26. Poste


    Wow, ok thanks. But why does the triforce in TLoZ have 8 pieces?
  27. Poste


    Wait so they only have one piece each? ( Btw sorry I dont get it, I'm trying to learn about it now)
  28. Poste


    So I was talking to my friend and he said that three triforces (Links Zeldas and Ganondorfs) create one full triforce. I told him he was wrong but, call me dumb, i'm not quite sure he is or not. And I wasn't sure if this went into zelda Help or not.
  29. Poste

    Hoping-to-See Weapon/Item

    Im kinda hoping to see some sort of a wirlwind ST but you shake the nunchuk to use it. Idk just the whole Sky stuff makes me want another wirlwind
  30. Poste

    Twilight Princess Does Twilight Princess Deserve to Be Called a Disappointment?

    I got The Legend of zelda first but i wasnt such a fan then, but then i got TP and that pretty much did it for me. But i was dissapointed with how you defeated Ganondorf with the fishing rod, that was kinda dumb
  31. Poste

    Swimming Underwater

    I tink Link should meet someone in the story, like Barnes in TP, which will eventually give link an item that alows him to to breathe underwater. Be it Zora armor or some sort over new item.
  32. Poste

    Gorons- Interesting Race or Too Overused?

    I enjoyed the useage of Gorons in all the LoZ games, especialy in TP
  33. Poste

    Majora's Mask I Believe There Should Be a Sequal to Majora's Mask

    That sounds great. But, what system would you make it for?
  34. Poste

    If You Got the Chance to Live Anywhere in the Zelda Series Where Would You Live?

    Definatly Castle Town (TP) and Pirate Island (ST) like a boss...
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