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  1. Mellow Ezlo

    Rate the Last Movie That You Watched

    In theatres it was Deadpool & Wolverine. As much as I was skeptical of seeing Hugh Jackman again after his perfect sendoff in Logan, this movie was pure joy from start to finish. Featuring plenty of blood & gore, crafty 4th wall breaks, crude humour, and a pair of lead characters with...
  2. Mellow Ezlo

    Rate the Last Movie That You Watched

    The Matrix I have no idea how I somehow avoided ever watching this before and even less of an idea how I was able to go almost 28 years without learning a single plot detail seeing as this is one of the most popular films of all time. Saw it yesterday for the first time. Incredibly solid...
  3. Mellow Ezlo

    Rate the Last Movie That You Watched

    Soul This movie was very intriguing to me because it is actually extremely personal in a way; I have something of a dream to perform for a living, primarily in the jazz scene, but I'm studying to be a music teacher and will likely end up going down that road instead. So it is essentially my...
  4. Mellow Ezlo

    Rate the Last Movie That You Watched

    Spider-Man: Far From Home Nice to have some relatively low stakes again after Infnity War and Endgame. The movie was really fun and dare I say funnier than the first film, but my biggest problem with it comes in the form of Mysterio. Through the first half of the movie, his character was really...
  5. Mellow Ezlo

    Rate the Last Movie That You Watched

    Avengers: Endgame was a very enjoyable film for anybody who's followed the MCU since its inception in 2008. It tied up so many loose ends and delivered a thrilling and satisfying conclusion to the 22 film Infinity Saga. Some little things bothered me, such as a treatment of one particular...
  6. Mellow Ezlo

    Rate the Last Movie That You Watched

    Foodfight! Excellent movie, true cinematic masterpiece. 10/10
  7. Mellow Ezlo

    Rate the Last Movie That You Watched

    Thor: Ragnarok was decent. Not as great as Civil War or Doctor Strange, but still a solid Marvel flick. I liked the new direction they were taking some of the characters, and Hela was a great villain. Mark Ruffalo is bae as usual. 8/10 Justice League was a nice surprise. I went in with low...
  8. Mellow Ezlo

    Rate the Last Movie That You Watched

    War For the Planet of the Apes Damn. This movie blew me away. Between the believable story, the amazing special effects, the incredible performances all around (especially Andy Serkis, who is bae af), the music, everything was just on point. This is one of the very few trilogies that I think...
  9. Mellow Ezlo

    Rate the Last Movie That You Watched

    Wonder Woman Easily the best DC Comics movie since The Dark Knight, and the best in the DCEU by far. A fantastic origin story with great pacing, great acting, great action scenes, great visuals, great music... it has everything! I knew about the twist at the end because of the cast list, but...
  10. Mellow Ezlo

    Rate the Last Movie That You Watched

    Captain America: Civil War Since Thor: The Dark World (but not including that film), I've been consistently impressed with the films Marvel studios has put out. Winter Soldier and Guardians of the Galaxy were both fantastic, but for different reasons. Age of Ultron had plenty of flaws, but it's...
  11. Mellow Ezlo

    Rate the Last Movie That You Watched

    Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens 7/10 It was a good movie and I definitely enjoyed it, but it was a bit too much like A New Hope. I'm ok with paying homages and borrowing ideas from previous films, but this felt like a copy/paste of the original film. It didn't feel to me like a new...
  12. Mellow Ezlo

    Rate the Last Movie That You Watched

    Fantastic Four (the new one) 1/10 I'm serious. Terrible pacing, awful casting, ****ty music, and total destruction of the classic F4 story. It looked like it was made 15 years ago. Not a single scene was memorable. Absolute crap, definitely not worth the money. It makes the 2005 film look good.
  13. Mellow Ezlo

    Rate the Last Movie That You Watched

    Avengers: Age of Ultron Minor spoilers. Marvel's heading in a good direction. 2013 was a bad year for them, but 2014 was fantastic, and now we have AoU. I'm excited for Ant-Man. 9/10
  14. Mellow Ezlo

    Rate the Last Movie That You Watched

    Furious 7 Non-stop action and brilliant acting accompanied by some cheesy moments and an incredible tribute to the late Paul Walker at the end (which actually caused me to get a little teary eyed). 9/10 Probably the best installment in the series thus far. It had its unrealistic and cheesy...
  15. Mellow Ezlo

    Rate the Last Movie That You Watched

    OK, so I finally got the chance to watch Whiplash (and by finally I mean finally decided to look for it online), and holy ****, I'm definitely glad I did. This movie is just incredible. The cinematography is amazing, the acting is fantastic, and the story is great. It was extremely intense and...
  16. Mellow Ezlo

    Rate the Last Movie That You Watched

    I just spent the last hour and a half reliving my favourite movie as a child, The Iron Giant. It's been 13 years since I last saw this movie, and the nostalgia is overwhelming. 10/10!
  17. Mellow Ezlo

    Rate the Last Movie That You Watched

    American Sniper It actually ended up being quite a bit better than I thought it'd be. For the most part, it was your typical war film, but unlike most others, they didn't include a bunch of bull**** and made it extremely realistic. Of course, that's to be expected when it's under Clint...
  18. Mellow Ezlo

    Rate the Last Movie That You Watched

    Night at the Museum: The Secret of the Tomb A decent movie at best... not quite as good as its predecessors. It was definitely nice to see Robin Williams one last time though. 6/10
  19. Mellow Ezlo

    Rate the Last Movie That You Watched

    Pretty much this. Although I have to admit that I would have been totally OK with Smaug dying in the previous film instead. It seemed like his death didn't belong in this film since it occurred so early and so quickly, and was overall pretty meaningless within the context of this particular...
  20. Mellow Ezlo

    Rate the Last Movie That You Watched

    Finally got the chance to see Guardians of the Galaxy I just... I can't... asdhghghsoivxnoighrege so good!!! 10/10 Also dat post-credits scene, omg!
  21. Mellow Ezlo

    Rate the Last Movie That You Watched

    Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles I was honestly expecting them to butcher this movie... but they actually didn't! I'm tired and don't feel like writing much, so I'm just gonna say that I actually quite enjoyed it. It was nice to see the new take on old characters. The story was changed a bit, but...
  22. Mellow Ezlo

    Rate the Last Movie That You Watched

    Sharknado 2: The Second One Every bit as great as the first. Completely flawless. 10/10
  23. Mellow Ezlo

    Rate the Last Movie That You Watched

    Transformers: Age of Extinction In terms of direction, screenplay, special effects, music, etc, this movie was no different from the rest of the Transformers films. It was, essentially, just more of the same that we get with each new entry to the series. However, I must praise the change in...
  24. Mellow Ezlo

    Rate the Last Movie That You Watched

    I'm having a Transformers marathon on Thursday in preparation for Age of Extinction on Friday. My personal ratings for those three movies are as follows: Transformers - 8/10 Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen - 7/10 Transformers: Dark of the Moon - 8.5/10 Haven't watched these recently, but...
  25. Mellow Ezlo

    Rate the Last Movie That You Watched

    How to Train Your Dragon 2 In all honesty, just the fact that Toothless is one of the most adorable mother ****ers in film history makes this movie deserve at least a 9/10. I don't have much else to say.
  26. Mellow Ezlo

    Rate the Last Movie That You Watched

    X-Men: Days of Future Past I don't have much to say about it, since it was extremely different from what I was expecting. I can't find the right words to describe it besides saying that it was a great film that exceeded my expectations. 9.5/10
  27. Mellow Ezlo

    Rate the Last Movie That You Watched

    Godzilla I don't know what I was expecting tbh, so I can't say whether this film met my expectations or not... I know I missed stuff, but what I listed is what seemed the most significant. Overall, it was not a bad film, despite the criticism. In all fairness, I will give it a 7.2/10...
  28. Mellow Ezlo

    Rate the Last Movie That You Watched

    The Amazing Spider-Man 2 Because of the amazing special effects, great acting, decent character development, and OK score, I would normally give this film an 8-8.5/10. However, because I felt like the ending was rushed and kind of unnecessary, not to mention the complete lack of a post credits...
  29. Mellow Ezlo

    Rate the Last Movie That You Watched

    12 Years a Slave This movie really hit a spot. I've seen a lot of movies about the slave trade, but not one of them has depicted the cruelty and absolute horror of being involved in it. It was extremely detailed and very well done. I also love how it was based on a book that was written by...
  30. Mellow Ezlo

    Rate the Last Movie That You Watched

    Hamlet (1996) We just finished watching it in English class. This movie has amazing acting, for the most part. There was one scene just before the intermission that was a major "wtf" moment, but other than that it was really good. Kenneth Branagh did a great job as both director and playing...
  31. Mellow Ezlo

    Rate the Last Movie That You Watched

    Stoker Was really weird... Very suspenseful and creepy, but strange... 5/10
  32. Mellow Ezlo

    Rate the Last Movie That You Watched

    Sharknado 104/10 greatest movie ever made, legit.
  33. Mellow Ezlo

    Rate the Last Movie That You Watched

    The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug This film is just amazing, and worthy of being a predecessor to the epic Lord of the Rings trilogy. So much better than An Unexpected Journey on so many levels. I can't give this film anything other than a perfect score. If I could, I'd give it 150%, but...
  34. Mellow Ezlo

    Rate the Last Movie That You Watched

    Thor: The Dark World Despite the film coming out a month and a day ago, it didn't reach our theatre until Friday of this week, and I didn't get the opportunity to see it until tonight. Oh, the toys of living in a small town. Anyway, was the film worth the wait? I think so. There were small...
  35. Mellow Ezlo

    Rate the Last Movie That You Watched

    Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Pt. 2 1985710710341086715348956298672/10
  36. Mellow Ezlo

    Rate the Last Movie That You Watched

    Gravity The special effects were great, the story was cool, and the acting was good; however, for the most part, it lacked an important little thing called character development (she got the guts to keep going, that's about it), which was a little bit of a drawback movie. Nevertheless, it was...
  37. Mellow Ezlo

    Rate the Last Movie That You Watched

    We're watching A Civil Action in Law class. I have never been a big fan of John Travolta to be honest, and I really don't feel like this is one of his better performances. However, it is proving to be a fairly interesting court film, with some humour added. Overall, it's not too bad; just not...
  38. Mellow Ezlo

    Rate the Last Movie That You Watched

    Last movie I watched would be The Avengers. I don't have much to say except this movie is freaking awesome! 100000000/10!
  39. Mellow Ezlo

    Rate the Last Movie That You Watched

    Kickass 2. 9/10. I love how movies that are rated R in the States are usually rated 14A here in BC XD
  40. Mellow Ezlo

    Rate the Last Movie That You Watched

    Paranormal Activity 4. I got into the Paranormal Activity series a little over a year and a half ago, and I watched all three in one day. I enjoy them because they are not like typical horror movies. I like really suspenseful, realistic horror movies, like these ones. I definitely find that...
  41. Mellow Ezlo

    Rate the Last Movie That You Watched

    Pacific Rim 8.3/10
  42. Mellow Ezlo

    Rate the Last Movie That You Watched

    What, no Kickass? The last movie I watched, I think, was Captain America: The First Avenger. Solid film. Good overall take on the great comic book hero, and does in fact look like the 40's. 9/10
  43. Mellow Ezlo

    Rate the Last Movie That You Watched

    I just got back from the theatre, after watching The Wolverine. I must say, of all the superhero movies that have been released since The Dark Knight Rises, this one is easily my favourite. I love the story, and how Logan has so many fantasies, or dreams, about somebody who, due to spoilers...
  44. Mellow Ezlo

    Rate the Last Movie That You Watched

    Man of Steel 10/10 I admit, I hate the old Superman movies, and thought I would hate this one. But this movie absolutely wowed me!
  45. Mellow Ezlo

    Rate the Last Movie That You Watched

    The Great Gatsby Very interesting, I quite enjoyed it. I wasn't sure what it was going to be about until I watched it, and it had kind of a cool storyline. I also liked the characters, and the actors/actresses portraying said characters. I give it an 8.9/10!
  46. Mellow Ezlo

    Rate the Last Movie That You Watched

    I watched the Fast and the Furious last night (I'm planning on watching all five before the sixth one comes to my town) Not my favourite F&F movie, but still a solid film. I give it a 7.8/10 because the racing scenes are awesome, but I like the story of some of the later installments better.
  47. Mellow Ezlo

    Rate the Last Movie That You Watched

    Star Trek Into Darkness I'm not overly familiar with the Star Trek series as a whole, but I loved this movie! What with all the action packed fights, the amazing special effects, and the awesome portrayal of PancakeSamurai Spock, it was overall a really good movie! I gave it a 9.5/10, since I...
  48. Mellow Ezlo

    Rate the Last Movie That You Watched

    Oblivion This movie was really good, but at the same time really weird.. 7/10
  49. Mellow Ezlo

    Rate the Last Movie That You Watched

    Last movie I watched was War of the Worlds (The Steven Spielberg one), just ended about an hour again. I thoroughly enjoy this movie. I've seen it a few times, and I love it every time! Although, that might partially be due to the fact that I am a large Tom Cruise fan... I give it an 8/10
  50. Mellow Ezlo

    Rate the Last Movie That You Watched

    A Few Good Men. We watched it in English Class after reading the Short Story "Gentlemen, Your Verdict". I actually quite enjoyed it. It may be because I seem to have some sort of thing for trial movies, but either way, I did really like it. I'd give it a 7.6/10
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