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Spiritual Mask Salesman
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  • Summaries my Tron Story......or the Super Mario Sunshine one......or possibly the Super Mario Galaxy 2 one, which one :bleh:
    Aww man, you should have given it to me last week, because I'm almost done with the sig, I just need to add the text, then I'm done
    Yeah, the Viral Akatsuki are all gonna be in a chapter of my story…...and as far as the Pokémon show goes, I don't watch it anymore really, but the movies are still ok in my opinion :yes: Anyhow, I’m gonna disconnect for now....see you later.
    The Viral Akatsuki are composed of the original Akatsuki members….only they have all since been infected and are now viral.

    The Members are as followed:

    Six Ports of Vain / was Six Paths of Pain

    Glitchon / was Konan

    Derezzidara / was Deidara

    Crashori / was Sasori

    Hackedon / was Hidan

    Krashuzu / was Kakuzu

    Glitachi Uchiha / was Itachi Uchiha

    Krashame Hoshigaki / was Kisame Hoshigaki

    Glitchzu / was Zetsu

    And Tobi just stays uninfected :rolleyes:
    I am Vain.....Pain, infected.....with rainbows o_O Well, at least that’s what Mecha Lord Gearahim tells me to say :rolleyes: Besides, I act as a different Vain then the one from my story on these forums….the one in my story is terrible, or at least, the mission given to him and the Viral Akatsuki is……↑&↓&↻ Up and Down and All-Around
    I've only played Kingdom Hearts 358/2 days for the DS....but there's a Tron level and I like the series enough so.....yeah :bleh: And, damn, you got some catching up to do eh :sweat: I’m sure you’ll get a 3DS and all that eventually though :yes:
    Super Mario Sunshine you say :clap:.....that happens to be ma favorite Mario game of all time ^^ I’ve beaten it at least ten times and have even made a complete Chapter Story based off of the game…..yep :yes: Anyhow, I’ve been playing whatever I can get my hands on…..recently bought Mario and Sonic at the London 2012 Olympic Game…..it’s an alright game :nod: Currently I’m really interested in getting Sonic Generations for the 3DS or 360…..and then during March Break I’m gonna buy Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja Storm Generations….and then after that I want to get Paper Mario 3DS and Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance. The last two games don’t have a release date yet though so…..
    You sure about that.....the chapter it appears in is 28 pages long typed after all o.o I’ve finished typing out 6 of the 14 Chapters so far, and the people who have read it enjoy it so..….hurray :3
    Nah, the “Gratitude Crystal Collector's” group is connected to all nice things I do so yeah :silent: Also, he gets dragged into TRON City to retrieve the now infected viral entity known as.....Majrixa’s Mask o.o
    That's the alias the Happy Mask Salesman goes under in my Tron Story......and the previous VM says to look hard for it, guess I wasn't specific enough >.>
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