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  • Mhm, I need 30 bucks ;_;

    A tip that I have for beating chapter 1 on intensity 9 is to use the Babylon club or whatever, use the power that makes you invisible, and use super speed. Then, when you get to the boss, ignoring all other enemies, use quick charge so you can keep hitting him with charge shots. But DON'T use backwards charge shots, they don't rack up damage, it's only one hit. Stick to forward and standing charge shots and you should win fairly easily.

    Also, I beat chapter 25 on intensity 8. He's hard ._.
    I've been in Canada, thank you very much. XD And I am too online! I guess I just forgot to respond to your last message... (Yeah, sorry about that...)
    I can only beat chapter 1 on intensity 9. I'm so awesome.

    I do indeed, the Xbox 360 version at least. I've been thinking of getting the PC version too, just so I can try out the mods and stuff.
    Eh, I can't really play online. I get weirded out if I give my friend code to people I don't know in real life. No offense to you, of course, I'm just saying, since I had a problem with that in the past.
    Sounds good! My video is actually uploading right now... It looks like it's gonna take a while. I'll give you the URL afterwards, M'kay?
    Thanks. Pitoo is pretty awesome--

    Seriously, that is the LAST time I want to hear Pitoo!
    Uh-oh ._.
    Lol, it's not near ready yet. For some reason my software has a habit of hating to record emulators... So, I'll try again, then I'll switch my software.
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