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  • I know, it's super epic! What about me being a girl? It doesn't say that. :P

    This should explain quite nicely.

    ZD's One Direction Crew - Blogs - Dungeon Gaming Network
    It deleted my first two messages. D: I posted something along the lines of "I'm posting so Sierra wins and you get distracted during your kid icarus match. MUHAHAHA!" But I accidentally posted it four times. ^^"
    Haha, I got promoted to Wiki Scribe. XD

    Looking at your previous VMs, my sister says that she accidentally posted on your page four times in a row and the other two didn't show up for whatever reason. :P
    Hahaha. It's frustrating. You die and then all your health gets healed, without giving me the points... how is that fair? Sounds like a really powerful ability. XD
    Well, yeah, I'm normally in one if the first three places... (Except in Light vs. Dark. I suck at that. Especially when I'm the angel.)

    I'm a lot better at 1 v 1 because people don't steal my KO's. (Or maybe it's the other way around – I'm better at multiplayer because I steal other people's KO's... :P)

    Good matches, though! You really pwned me when we both had the Viridi Palm, haha. And mine was higher value, too. XD What ability was it where you kept dying and then coming back to life? It was frustrating. :/
    Four times?!? What's wrong with me?
    Oh, sure! ^^ We can't have too many battles, because I'm leaving somewhere at 12:00 (in an hour) but let's go for it!
    Good match?! I didn't play with you. o_O

    I was about to, but then I had to go eat, so I turned it off... Did an NPC take my name or something? XD I wouldn't use a Hewdraw Club, anyway; I mainly stick with Viridi Palm and Violet Palm.
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