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  • Hey Sabi, sorry for the belated reply~ But how are you? It has been a while ^ ^

    I'm alright, I just bought the Hyrule Historia last week ;o
    What are you up to? x3
    It's going as well as it could be I suppose. We'll have our full trailer up soon, so hopefully that will encourage people to donate haha!

    What are you in school for?
    :lol: We get all our consoles from our uncle, he gives us his used ones so yeah, we never have to buy them. XD

    Yeah, perhaps it was because of the sailing, that can get pretty boring. Yeah, I'm at the wind temple too. Hope you get to finish it though. ^^
    Well I've been playing Nancy Drew(the new ones aren't all that great) I've been playing Kingdom Hearts(at the end) I've been playing Shadow of the Colosis(no puzzles there) I've been playing Wind Waker(all the puzzles seem easy) and that's about it. All that I can remember anyway.:lol:
    Heh,That's okay.I really wished that I could make my own siggy but my computer or my laptop is crappy. :)
    I've been gone for a while, working on getting this movie funded. >< Busy, but overall not bad. How have you been?
    A am replying to your previous message. As long as you don't have to go out of your way, it would be great if you could finish the project. :) Thanks!
    Good, I wanted them to be challenging because I've been looking for that in a game for a while but haven't found it yet. ^^
    Well thanks! i loovee your siggy too and I see younmade it by urself! Well,can I have a Siggy request? (lol)
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