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  • Yeah, and you do good by letting her snipe..such the gentleman, you big lug you, XD

    Um, nothing much is up...usual stuff for a human. -.- And you? How are you doing lately?
    Heya, Rish. I am doing great, man, life is good. XD I heard that you and Din are getting it on. Hahaha. Hey, teach her how to hunt those dang zombies in RE five...How do I know you two are hanging out? Dinny told me herself. XD So yeah, have fun together. :D
    lol. yeah? I wouldn't think there would be that much to clean up. Your room is 100% clean all the time! lol
    I miss ya too. But I will be seeing ya tomorrow!

    I wrote three pages this morning already. lol I guess I can get stuff done when no one else is home. ^^
    oh man. Worst night ever in terms of the actual job. The computer crashed and so we had to do orders, totals, and put throughs all completely manually. It sucked so bad. But I really bonded with the people I worked with tonight because of the whole mess. We all leaned on each other and tried teh best we could. Most of the customers were pretty good about it too. We just told them what was going on and they understood. So that part was good.My really good friend, the cook I told you about, his wife was due last saturday, so she should be going into labor any minute now, lol.

    Post more! lol. :)
    See ya tomorrow.
    SUP! you are online! :D
    What's going on?
    I'm waiting for mom to get home, then I'll be getting ready for work.
    Can you see the Shoutbox yet?
    lol. Hi!
    I misses you too Mr. Rish. THough i will see you tomorrow! so, then it will be less. :D
    ROFL! is that what you call it.
    Good. You better. *hands on hips and a motherly look.*

    Wow, I kinda took over your profile. :D
    lol. I didn't even give you heck for not posting. I forgot! You distracted me. lol
    So...I havn't checked the Rp's yet......did you post!?!?! :nod:
    Creeping your profile.......*creeps, creeps, creeps*
    May 21st! Hey! you were online and did not come post! :O ....Rishian, we will have to have a talk about that tomorrow! lol
    Or...I guess that would be today now. lol.

    See ya in a few hours! :D
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