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Pop 360
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  • awesome!!! Make some sort of entrance once we are out of the cave, and i will be like "Sis?! Is that you?!"
    Also she cant talk much if she puts people to sleep!
    Name: Ikalee galactic (eye ka lee)
    Abilities: wall/tree/anything climber, trained in martial arts, good gymnast (back flips good dodging reflexes), can make nearly anything if given correct equipment, also has a voice that pts anyone to sleep if heard...
    bow and arrows wooden shield
    ultra long nails
    dark Gaia sword
    sound amplifier(can hear things far away )
    Side: evil
    Avatar: have drawings see album
    Scruffy blue shirt, a tattered black waistcoat, old down to ankle trousers, and brown hunting boots, blue and white flat cap, also has a blue earring in one ear has freckles a scarlet hair, half elf. Is very evil and always thinks of the evil way of doing things e.g. Person 1: what should we do with prisoner? Ikalee: kill him or make him rot in this pit I just found...
    Hey everybody on Pop360's page, its her birthday on Thursday 18th March!!!!
    Ello, ello, ello what do we have here then?
    it seems that your b-day party is next weekend, am I invited?
    :lol:HEY EVERYBODY!!!!!!!!! I started a club called club youtube!! Come join it if you want to live!!:lol:
    I was, but then I lost everything that I had started due to a computer crash. I am currently only using my iTouch to do anything so I will not come in contact with an actual computer with the programs I need for a while. I'm only a beginner.
    you have to post your profile including: skills, abilities, appearence, weapons and back round if you want but you also have to follow all the rules, it would be god if you were a villian coz then we would be against each other!
    you also cant be godlike
    Yup. My fav pokemon is Infernape. I started off with Chimchar in pearl, and since then, I've always had a soft spot for him...;)
    So I gather you play pokemon?
    Not too terrible. im gonna paint my new bb gun in a couple of hours.
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