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  • oh thanks, I love yours to ^^. I hope you'll feel better...
    yea! go toon Link :clap:
    Sure. That's fine. Just play along with our attacks.
    Currently, Violet and the other heroes are on their way to the fortress of ice. Violet has been captured, and she's running away. But let her escape, she will be needed if the heroes are to continue
    when is that..... i am so cunfuseled aaaarrrrgggghhhh i have read post a bout my presence ok
    well hurry up and ask ASAP! I think you need to ask enemytracker, let me know when you have asked!
    The treasure hunting quest gang say: Welcome to the group, please make sure you use proper spelling and not text talk, follow the rules, but most importantly, have fun!!

    Meego7 says: Join the Arkvoodle fan club that I created!
    Right, Ikalee needs to make her entrance soon. Mialee has felt her presence and on my next post I will run out of the cave and you are waiting for me, then we will have a battle and near the end you will run off saying "see you around" and lauging evilly, how does that sound?
    Oui, je suis Francaise.

    Ah, the Treasure Hunt... Well, the rules are simple:
    -No god-like profiles. (like invincible ect)
    -Before starting to quest, make a RP profile (in our group thread).
    -Talk about the quest in our reunion group thread.
    -no double posts.
    -dont post new threads without Enemy's aproval.
    -We all must respect each other.
    (The rules that have been changed is that before, you had to post maximum 5 posts per day, but now it has been changed to no limit.)

    You are evil... Do you want to join me, Ark, Anubis and JB?
    ok, well you said voice so it wasnt very obvious and btw you will get in trouble if you keep posting in caps...
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