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  • Hell-o! Yell-o! I forgot to introduce myself: I'm Enemy Tracker, the foundator of THQ!

    I replied late...:dry:
    Anyway I've posted...
    And it's this big secret method to bypass the 50 character limit. I could tell you...
    Yeah, there's just a little problem... Enemy has grabbed you, so you would want to sort that out, first...
    Yeah, there's just a little problem... Enemy has grabbed you, so you would want to sort that out, first...
    I could go away and meet you just outside the cave. I could attack you before knowing that we;re on the same team...
    oh and I heard about the treasure hunt quest... I would love to join them It just that I never really understand what they do there, so I felt bad to just join them when I don't know what to do.
    I made it, well I didn't draw it myself, I just cut Link from the wind waker manga...

    Its can't be the same picture coz I cut it myself, but maybe someone else thought about it too. can you send me the URL for that picture?
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