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Majora's Cat
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  • What did you think of the episode? I thought it was great. The song that Ice King was singing was funny, and it felt like I knew what it was from, but at the same time I didn't.

    What is up with the next episodes preview? It's full of wut. Do you know if something special is going to happen in it?
    I am too! I've been wanting to know more about their relationship since the episode when the Ice King was making songs to get Princesses.
    Thank you. I certainly cannot justify being a knight since I barely ever lurk these forums anymore. I've entered the busy world of university life and don't really have the time/interest to spend time on these forums anymore.

    This is still a nice place to come to every now and then, but until momentum gains and lack of interest wanes, I welcome the demotion as a necessary condition of my inactivity.

    Thank you for the message.

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