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Majora's Cat
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  • Aww, My mom is laid back, like me, not strict at all but she commands a lot of respect, I've been pretty lazy this school year, I just have to get used to going back and forth through school buildings. I have one of the worst (IMO) classes... Enterpreneurship, which I just cant get focused in...after that it's English, Global Studies (A class I need to get changed because it's for 9th graders and I Aced it completely) and Spanish... I sleep through English and GS... I need to get my sleeping checked...anyway enough of my rambling...
    Heya, who are you, stranger? Why the friend request? I'd accept you but I've had it with people wanting to be friends with me and then later stab me in the back. I am having none of it anymore, and I am sorry about that because I know most of you people don't have anything to do with that, but that is the way it goes.
    Yeah the only laptop I really use is my brothers, and his friends come over everyday and get of FaceBook, and of course there's school, on a somewhat related note, do you have SSBB? The only fun I get mostly is playing team battle with cpu's, or with someone else, and most people in my friends list are not on
    Haha...I guess that gets around. Lol. Anyway, if you go to my profile, click About Me and scroll down to my sig, click on the Signature Tutorial link and I will teach you how to make the signature like mine.
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