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Majora's Cat
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  • Happens to the best of us sometimes :)

    It's best to use the search feature in the top right of the page, under the game logos and profile options. You can also use advanced search to make it more specific.

    This will allow you to avoid posting threads about topics that already exist. Using the search can be a nuisance, but it's prevented me from making duplicate threads in the past. ;)
    Sorry I'm doing it. I usually take a few days though. Also, if you want to ask somebody else who will do it quicker, thats perfectly fine with me. :)
    Metroid other M was bad??????

    I don't think Skyward Sword will be a "flub" , Miyamoto and Aounuma seem to be putting all of their potential in it, besides, since when was a Legend of Zelda game bad? Sure some have flaws but they all have a significant point in them! Skyward Sword woohoo!!!!! ( "flub" :-? )
    lol! obviously! say , are you a moderator? you have moderator potential!! :D

    ~ the moderator potential is strong in this one.........
    nah, no one can blame you, exept for the people who have never been a member of this forum, its just way too awesome!
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