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  • Your welcome, I just had to zoom and at delete the white parts. Well, I need to find some MMD Bedroom stages
    Ah. It looked really good, so great work! ^^ I actually started experimenting with lighting techniques myself. I used them on my new avy and sig. I think they came out pretty good, even if I do say so myself. Experimentation is usually a step in the right direction.
    Ah. I kinda liked your last avy. The one that had that girl from your background in it. I thought it was cute :3
    :O Banned User?! *le gasp*

    Lol, I hope your avy is just a picture and that you're not actually banned or anything...
    Just made myself a new sig, Hero of Spirits Style. I'm going to try to work on a new avy too.
    "zeldahuman (epic graphics, definitely the best here on ZD)"

    You just indirectly spit in Destiny's, Korp's, Mandy's, David's, Wyatt's and my face.
    Wait what? I thought I made it for you. I guess I have to remake it, well I'm trying to remake one because my laptop closed GIMP by itself
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