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  • Okay thanks, I'll try to remember that. Surely you don't count degrees in Kelvin though, right? Personally it's easier for me to understand the Kelvin system than the Fahrenheit system 'cause the differences between the degrees are equal to those of the Celsius system. Fahrenheit is certainly more unique there.
    Yeah, I've tried to understand the Farenheit system, but with no success. It must be tough for you to be using both of them though. In which temperatures according to the Fahrenheit system does water freeze and boil?
    Yeah, me too. Though I never want it to be too much snow. But since the temperature rarely gets below 0 degrees over here before the last few days of the year, it's uncommon for us to have a White Christmas. Oh, you don't use the Celsius scales, do you? You use the Fahrenheit, right? Heheh! :D In the Celsius scales water freezes to ice at 0 degrees and becomes gas at 100 degrees. So the Celsius scales is pretty much based around how water reacts to different temperatures.
    Hah! That's cool! When does it start? It is starting to get cold, though we usually don't get any snow here until January, or maybe late December if we're lucky. Last winter we didn't get any snow at all.
    I'm not all that interested in the Cold War myself actually, compared to other events of the 20th century.

    Ah, should be nice with the weekend coming up soon. :D
    Heheh! Well the Cold War started almost immediately after World War II ended. You know when Germany and Berlin were divided between the Soviet Union, the United States, the United Kingdom and France. The Vetnam War was a major part of the Cold War. The Cold War in itself was no real war though, it was mainly a Balance of terror between the Soviet Union and the United States of America. Nothing to intense ever really happened between the two, but there was a lot of other things going on, like the Berlin Wall for instance.
    That's good! ^^ Ah I see, so you mean everything before the Cold War? Like with the Interwar period and the times around it?
    I apologize for this late reply, I was busy with school stuff. Anyway, nor I like the medieval period so much. When I think of that time of history it seems so dark and sad with diseases and famines, you know. By the way, which specific part of the 1900s is it that you like? :?
    I also really like ancient history, with Greece especially, but also the Roman Empire. The Renaissance and the 1700s are also very interesting periods, with some very cool architecture. And there was a lot going on in the 1900s, so that time period is also one that I find interesting, with the World Wars and all that. Sure, it was terrible, but still quite interesting. Not to mention how much our technology actually developed during the 1900s. :D
    While discussing Back to the Future and time travel and whatnot, I have a question. Which period(s) of history do you find the most interesting?
    Maybe not, heheh! Now I really feel like watching the Back to the Future films, I like the first one the most, and I think the third one comes in second place for me. The second film is also grand, they're all, as you said, spectacular. :)
    Yeah, that one's great too. :lol: Personally though, I would have wanted Doc Brown to win. I love Back to the Future!
    That's cool...my day was alright, typed up and added info to two pages on the ZD Wiki. Kind of worried right now though as my sister hasn't been online at all today, her computer was in rough shape, so part of me worries it may have just broke on her now...but on the other hand she mentioned last night that she'd be getting her report card today, so maybe her parents weren't happy with it and she can't go on her computer for awhile now because of it :/ I have no way to know really, and I may just be worrying way too much, but I sent her a Swapnote on 3DS about such things just in case >,>
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