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  • W
    Just listening to z-talk #2 it's cool
    Hello how's it goin :D today??
    Belly flop is the same as a belly buster, so yeah....ouch!! haha So, Kayla, have you read my story yet? Um, you haven't appeared but you will later on. The story is called Rise of the God. You don't have to read it, but if you ever feel like reading it, you know where to find it, right?
    Yeah, I know how to swim, but now that my friends have gone to college I doubt I will be doing any swimming. The pool is opened here, so maybe one day I may go and get soaked up, lolz. I like jumping off from the spring board, that is for sure, though I am not a good diver. My brothers are crazy, though, those dive in without using their hands, rather they go into the water head first with their legs straight up, like torpedoes. I tried diving like they do and ended up doing a belly buster. Haha. What about you? Are you a good diver?
    Oh yeah, it is played there but I don't live there. I watch soccer when I can, especially when the Seleccion Mexicana plays. I watch it through Univision. Are you a good swimmer? Do you go into the water at least?
    Well, I can understand the aspects of the people who dislike the game. It really feels like an remake of Ocarina of Time. An yes, it got a few flaws (compared to the Beta, the final game of Twilight Princess is a whole different game as planned). But, you're right. It's epic.

    May I add you to my friends?
    This would be cool =)
    *Yawns* Haven't said hi in a while, sorry, I was sorta busy making my mind up. How have you been? It is late here, tengo que irme a dormir. I will talk to you tomorrow or leave a message here. Have fun. ~Ats
    Oh yes. Twilight Princess is awesome. Well, many people complaining about the game. But for me, it's in my personal Top 3.
    What is your favourite Zelda =) (Damn sounds like a Zelda version of Scream xD)
    Mine is A Link to the Past. Well, I'm Oldschool =)

    I've just read your Thread about Majoras Mask. And we share just the same thoughts. I hate to work with a time limit. That's why I've never played the for the Nintendo 64 when I was younger. But I gave the game another chance. I've downloaded it for Virtual Console. And nowadays, I really love the game. It's totally unique. And I also like the surreal style (big Fan of David Lynch and Suda51). The time limit is not as bad as I was thinking of.

    Well, anyway, I hope you have a nice day ;)
    Mine are 1. A pic of Link in crouched position. 2 A black shirt with the Hylian Crest. 3. The buttons for the song of time that say's I make my own time 4. another shirt like 3 but with the song of storms and it says sorry to rain on your parade 5. another like 3 but with the song of healing and it says I self-medicate. With in the next 20 I'll be leavinf for a doc appointment.
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