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  • Ah, I see. Well, yes, it looks awesome, it caught my eye. My favorite character is Tetra, btw. That's the name I originally used to join this site, but I changed it. XD

    So, which Zelda games have you played?
    I don't know if you read my reply on the 3DS XL thread, but yes, your fiance (who by the way is a lucky guy;)) can transfer his ambassador games over to the XL. He'll just have to hold on to his 3DS a little bit longer (in case he's planning on trading it in) to transfer the games onto the 3DS XL.
    I would absolutely love a Final Form. He's so amazing. Is there a Limit Form Sora figurine? Because I would want one of THOSE.
    no I don't collect the figures unfortunately. I would absolutely love to have a Roxas figurine, but I don't really have the money to get one :(
    Oh, no I don't have a 3DS unfortunately. But I played KH3D (Japanese) and watched many videos! Does that count? xD

    No, I'm not getting the MoM edition. If you're wondering why, the problem is that Japan got their own custom KH3D 3DS while we just get a faceplate! It's almost as if they're saying "We're gonna have KH3DFM".
    Re:Coded in my opinion has the best Command gameplay out of it, KHDDD and BBS. It's just so refined! The story is lackluster as is the world selection (at least in my opinion), but there is almost zero lag and it looks rather nice for the Nintendo DS. I sort of wish there were more enemy diversity, but that is countered by the many MANY different kinds of commands and stuff.

    The Panel Matrix or whatever it's called is perhaps the best level up scheme the entire series has ever used. I love how you can place chips in an area or replace them with useless chips to give yourself a challenge; the only problem is that you cannot completely remove a chip once you've placed it (meaning, you have to use Blank Chips or some other chips that you don't plan to use).

    All in all, Re:Coded may not be the best entry in the series since it is almost entirely filler, but it's gameplay is on par with KH2 in my opinion. Love it! <3
    :) Thank you very much! It's my personal favorite which I strive to abide by in every day life. Keeping at such sturdy faith is taxing at times, but utterly worth it.
    I actually haven't posted a story on here in quite awhile. I'd imagine my last one shot is on the second page at this point.
    Yes, I've written a few, they're also on ZD. Although my later ones I'm embarrassed by and wouldn't want to link you to them, there's only one I would consider, but it's decently long.
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