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  • In your previous VM you say so I cant take my wii its horrible I thought you meant that your Wii was in bad condition.

    BTW Cool Avatar another pic of you I assume.
    Don't worry if you don't have a Nidorina, you don't have to go through all that trouble, I was planning on RNGing me one. It takes a while but I am sure I can get one.
    I agree, Mudkip is cute. I reset my game a while back after I easily beat it, and so I RNGed myself to get a shiny starter. I was going for Chikorita but rang a Cyndaquil instead. Hey, I took what I got, those shinies are rare, unless you cheat by hacking, etc. Anyway, I doubt you'd have a shiny Nidorina, that's my favorite Pokemon. I could also say I love Pikachu and Absol, and others, but If I mention them all I am afraid I wouldn't have a favorite. I like all of them but Nidorina does it for me. XD

    What are you looking to trade for exactly? Any rare pokemon?
    Haha, I never tried battling before, but maybe one day we can play for fun, eh? I'll keep the trading in mind, though. Do you have any shinies, by the way? I am curious about that.
    Speaking of Wind Waker, that's the only Zelda game I played. I got to the very end parts but never finished it. It's sad. :(

    Any other particular games besides Zelda?
    Will you be living by yourself or have dorm room if it's a dorm room then 1 of your other roommates might already have a Wii in better condition.

    Since you mentioned it I'll be starting my Senior year of High School after the summer break.
    Many people have the same statement after they learn the Ballad of Gales.

    Any other LoZ games you're working on?
    Excluding the sailing around part I found it very enjoyable. Have you completed the Tower of the gods yet because then you can learn the Ballad of Gales which is kinda like the Song of Soaring in MM.
    How has Majora's Mask been going for you? that's what started our conversing anyway?

    Do you still want me to answer the ? in your previous message.
    I've been great. I'm in summer vacation. And I've been doing some Gimp artwork. Check it out at the Avatar and Signatures Forum
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