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  • I did leave you huge VMs, didn't I Must have taken a while to read everything

    --Perhaps, but I did enjoy reading all those vms, it only let me know how much people missed me. And to have you back was something special to me. I thought you lost but when I knew you had come back, well...I was overjoyed.

    Funner isn't a word ... Wait, Google Chrome isn't marking it wrong... guess I need to give Google a spelling lesson

    --It's not a word, but I tend to come up with non-existent words, so long as peeps sorta understand what I mean. :P

    Why not we go and start a protest

    --Because I really don't care about Rep. Let people believe they are better than others just because they have huge rep or rank, in the end it's just a lie anyway. I am more special and valuable than many here, and that is all that matters to me. ;) Those are the Great One's thoughts and beliefs.

    Probably If she easily said yes to drawing a pic, then she probably is good at drawing

    --We will see when she shows me the pic. ;) I'll take another shot at her since I have an idea from one of her past submits. I will use that and go from there.

    I enjoy writing about my day, because I know that you'll like that But sadly, my life isn't as packed with new things as much as many other teens life is packed with Wait, is that a good thing, or a bad thing?

    --It's probably good. You just be yourself and the world will spin around you. That is what I do. :P

    No, at this point, the small details of the story is far from predictable. Not even the main plot of this story is predictable You put a lot of twists and turns into it And the depth of all the character's background and personality makes the story even more better

    --Good, so long as you and the others continue to like it, I will continue to write on it.

    I also do like seeing family and friends that I haven't seen in a long time. Especially you And you really do miss your brother dearly. Wherever he is, I'm sure that he's happy, don't worry.

    --You really like seeing me? Well why? You don't even know me. Have you seen pics of me? I posted some but removed them, you know the story already.

    Yes, and that's one of the other million things that make you so special, Ao

    --Thanks, but if I am special to you, just know that you are equally or more special to me.
    Fine. Caeda threatened to hunt me down and kill me if I didn't read Atsie's first story, but I didn't have the time or the motavation, even after she threatened me. :P
    Really? You had 27 notifications waiting for you when you came back? That proves how much you were missed, Ao

    --Just by you and some others. :P But having you miss me is enough. ^^

    Did it taste good? I bet it did I never actually made a gingerbread house before. Must be fun.

    --Yeah, it did. Making it was fun, eating it was even funner. :lol:

    Really? People give negative rep for typos? I understand if the whole post is full of gibberish, but just one or two typos doesn't deserve a negative rep. Koki got an infraction for giving negative rep to a mod. And it was for a good reason.

    --Check my conversation with Bluelink, he gets bad rep for nothing. lol The system is wrong, I once got lots of bad rep for something I had in my siggy, a saying I use often. Apparently people didn't like it and gave me negative rep.

    Is she good at drawing?

    --I haven't seen anything from her, but I think she's good at it.

    No, I meant by over explaining everything Like my days, and things like that

    --I love hearing what you did during the day, so any kind of talk from you is more than welcomed, Shorty, you know that. You never will trouble me or annoy me with your long vms, I actually enjoy reading about the stuff you do. ^^

    I didn't even think about that possibility. I really now can't wait to read the rest of the story You keep us all so into the story, Ao!

    --Do you really get submerged in the story with what is going on? Have any ideas of what is going to happen? Is the story too predictable for ya?

    Seeing your sister will be nice Looks like you have a big family, Ao It's just me and my sister over here

    --I like it when we all reunite, I have a good time with everyone around, although it also saddens me since one of my brothers is not with us anymore. You probably know how that feels.

    And you are special in every way, Ao

    --So are you, but you already knew that, right? Yep, to me you are dearly special, Annie. ;)
    27? Whoa, you're really popular When did you get 27 notifications?

    --When I was gone and came back. :P

    Really? That's not teamwork, Ao And did you get to eat the ginger bread house

    --Yeah, we did. My family ate it when I was able to take it home. I ate a bit as well. ;)

    I don't worry much about rep It's just one of those things that mean a lot to some people, but don't have a meaning to others

    --I'm not interested in it, you are right, it's just one of those silly things without too much value or importance. I like helping those who are given negative rep for small things such as typos, etc.

    Nice Can't wait to see the changes

    --I have to wait for Magatha to show me what she has in mind. :P

    Really? I was worried if I was too picky Nice to know that I'm not But I bet that I over explain things too much

    --You actually help me out a lot, so don't worry about that, girl. ^^

    Yes, the Pirate hat was the first thing that caught my eye when I saw the pic That's why I told you that she's really different than what I expected her to be I was thinking of maybe her hair style changing, or her eye colour is different, or something along the lines, I didn't expect a change as big as her being a pirate And no, there's not a thing that I would change

    --But she might not be a pirate at all, that could be an outfit she wears. Just wait and see what happens, eh? :P

    In Canada, Thanksgiving was all the way at 10th October It's different than America, remember? And no, we don't really celebrate thanksgiving much We don't celebrate a lot of Western Festivals to be honest

    --Oh, okay, I see, my bad. :P I may go with my family to one of my sister's house. Everyone is going and I have to go too. :P
    Yeah, I have, lots of times actually. Going up is not scary, and I don't need anyone to hold the ladder for me, I know how to position it well so it's sturdy enough on its own. And coming down is a breeze, I do it with my back against the ladder, not the other way around, and I just go down quicker like that. My brother has says that I remind him of spider-man. lol

    It's good that you helped your Pa, though, you did great by helping him out. ^^
    6 Notifications? That's an awful lot! ...

    --That's nothing compared to like 27 I once had, :P

    Same, Ao I left you a decently long email Read it, and laugh at my project xD I hope that the pics show up but Did anything similar happen to you?

    --Something similar? No, I never really messed up any projects, probably because I let my companions take care of it. :P I did make a ginger bread house at one time, but it didn't come out as good as I thought it would, the other students' house turned out much better. D: :lol:

    That what you did to my story, so it's all even now You don't need to rep me for that And I have... umm... 310 rep points I think that's 3 hearts, I forgot

    --You need 90 rep for another heart. Just keep aiding me the way you are and you will receive it sometime in the future. ;)

    Wow, that's a lot! You're as busy as a bee And how come you're remaking Magatha's? It's nice.

    --Yeah, I was so busy with that. And Magatha...well, because I spoke to her about it and she's gonna draw a pic of her for me, then I will compare it and see what changes I will add. I think she didn't like the hair, neither did I. In the next one I will try to show her long ponytail.

    Yeah, I knew that it wasn't a mistake. It just stuck out to me for some reason, and ruined to flow of the words, so that's why I pointed it out I might just be a bit too picky

    --Naw, you are not picky at all, you are very helpful. *Taps Annie's shoulder* Thanks. ^^

    You have made Annie by now I'll see your AAAwesome drawing, Ao They must be really nice!

    --Yeah, well you told me you had liked her, so I guess that's good. Do you even remember about the pirate hat? Oh yeah, Annabeth will wear dark leggings, as you can see. Do you want anything removed or added?

    I did too, but after December, things should start coming back to normal Hopefully But I'm sure that it will be. All the big things will be done by then


    --Okay, we'll see how it turns out, eh? Will you be celebrating Thanksgiving?

    It's good to see you, Annie. ^^ ~Ao
    I posted Annabeth up. She's nothing you'd expect...but it will all become clear sound. Enjoy and I hope you like it. ;) I can always work on colors or something you wish to add or remove. ^^
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