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  • I haven't posted here in a while, so if you return here, you could still see we haven't forgotten about you :P I hope you're doing very well :D
    When you've returned you will probably be overwhelmded by all this many vm's :P

    I was wondering, do you have a goal in your life now, or something you're searching? I was wondering what I missed in my life, but I think I now know what it is. When is was younger I've always had a best friend (for some reason, my real best friends have almost always been a gril), and I think that's what I am missing and what I need.
    I don't think I'll be able to finish my search soon because I'm hardly meeting new People now, but maybe in the future I will complete my personal quest :D
    I dunno where you are, nor do I know whether you are doing good or not, but I hope you have a great Christmas time, even if you don't celebrate it. I have no idea whether you do or not, so yeah... :P I hope to see you well and soon, my great friend, I miss you. ~Ao
    it really is a pity that everyone is becoming inactive, I should take more time to reply, after a while, I'm kind of missing our conversations :lol:
    next time I will answer a lot faster :D (unless if it's in the christmas vacation, I don't think I would be able to go online then... :P)

    oh and something else, I was actually thinking about joining a mafia game again soon. I don't have time now and in the christmas vacation, but after that (in 3 weeks) I have. It's only a bit less fun if most people I liked playing mafia with are gone, so if you like to, maybe we can join a mafia game again together :D
    hey zelday :D
    in a few weaks, in the winter vacation, my nephew (who lives in Australia) is going with us on vacation for a few weeks :D

    I've heard of Harvest Moon before, but I don't think I really like it :P but well, sometimes no fighting could be fun too

    have you bought Skyward Sword
    I'll probably be gone for a while, I'm going to stay with my sister for a while, I dunno how long, depends how long I decide to stay over there. Tomorrow we will be heading over there, so I hope you enjoy your time here if you happen to come by. I nearly got all the art done, and I updated the story again. That will have to do until I come back. I'll be missing chatting with you and having fun and all that, but do enjoy yourself, Annie. ~Ao
    You don't know how glad I am to be able to talk to you again I doubt that my home school, Rick Hanson, will have laptop courses, so I'm really happy that I'm in IBT now, with my own laptop, so I'm able to talk to you That's one huge positive which over-weighs all the homework

    --That's good, Annie. I am your friend, and I will be here for you until you decide it's time for us to part ways. What I mean by that is that one day you will probably meet a cool guy at school that you will like, and I will not be standing in your way to happiness. That's something that sorta bothers me, not because you will be happy with him, with whoever you meet, but because of me. I do wonder if that comes to happen someday, what I will do. I'll probably leave ZD and my experiences lived here behind, and I will move on as well. We are friends Annie, you are way younger than me, 14 last time you told me, eh? I know how the world works, one day in the future you'll set eyes on someone, and so you'll have to pay more attention to that than me, and that's good, really good indeed. I will really be happy for you when that time comes, but I will also move on. Just know that.

    And the Great One's thoughts and beliefs are 200% correct

    --No, those are just my views, doesn't mean I am right. But yeah, there are many here who care for their rep and status and whatnot.

    I can't wait to see another pic of yours, even though I know that you'll be posting so many more

    --I can show you a pic if you want, I don't mind showing you. Oh wait, you meant art, right? :lol: I will post what I have soon enough.

    I am myself, and I don't acting like someone I'm not I've never actually tried before

    --That's good, just be yourself, you'll find out how unique you are. ;)

    And guess what? Myriad has decided to read the first book It took both me and Caeda threatening him to make him start reading

    --Really? Haha, poor guy, give him a break, he's too busy. :P You should like just tell him what happened.

    No, not seeing you, but talking to you, online That's what I mean And no, I haven't seen any pics, and nor do I need to I just know that you have a lovely soul, Ao

    --That is all that matters here. I know you have a great soul as well, you're awesome. :P

    Nah, can't be more

    --Wanna bet? :P

    People say to drink 8 glasses a day I can't do that!

    --I know, that sorta bugs me. I don't need to drink two gallons of water to be healthy, I am not a freaking camel. One or two glasses a day is enough.

    Alright, well you have left. See you tomorrow if you can make it. If not, I will wait patiently. ^^ Have a good day, Annie. ~Ao
    Yes, I know. However, where I am now, I am clueless as to the conflict in the story as of yet. (Loki has been defeated, and Saga is wanting to go to the human world.)
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