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  • Hey Djinn, I like your username!! :D
    BTW, do you like the Zelda music? If you do you should join the Koji Kondo group that I made!!
    Well before I went back on Zd I played WW and used the Action Replay code have Complete Triforce before getting the Master Sword boy did I regret that. So when I went to get the MS and the Darknuts that you have to fight before Ganon's Castle appeared I beat them but I couldn't pull the MS so I have restart my 3-Heart Challenge for WW.
    Oh, I thought one of the other chat mods already added you. Sorry. I just added you I believe... if it doesn't work then accept my contact request and I'll try again.
    yeah, those characters are REALLY cool, but my personal favorite is cecil himself

    and yeah, putting music on your profile is REALLY awesome, i'm actually surprised that more people don't have it
    ugh. same here. ah well, let's talk about something better; i love FF4 too,it has such great characters and story. whose you're favorite?
    hey there djinn, thanks for the friend invite! so what've you been up to lately? (btw i love your profile pic)
    I've started a New Thread about an hour but no one's even viewed it which I'm suprised because it's about an interesting topic.

    Thread title if ur wondering(City in the Sky is Skyloft?????)

    Logging Off dinner's ready.
    Many people think that Valoo is a descendant of Volvagia don't why though personally I believe that because Valoo is good.
    What's up so lets continue our conversation shall we.(Look at message sent at 4:26)

    It's 10:00 and I gotta go to school.
    Many people bag on the time limit thing but truly there isn't one because you could always plat the SoT. When I found a new dungeon and it wasn't the 1st day I would always find the closest Owl Statue hit it then play the SoT and immedately at start would play the SoS to that Owl Statue.

    You bring an interesting point about the world peace topic.
    My Fav LoZ: OoT(gameplay is good and also liked the BGM's) MM(BGM's mostly I can play the Stone Tower on my keyboard) TP(BGM's)
    Triforce wish: World peace.
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