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  • Congrats with your rep Djinn. You get those hearts because you are making decent and good posts. So if your rep goes up so high it cannot be anything else than you working hard for it and you deserved it ;) We needed members like you because most newbies are young kids who still have to learn how to post. But they will ;)
    The only other member I recall who's rep got up faster than yours was Majora's Cat. He reached like 8 hearts in three weeks or something.
    Well, you're cruising up through the ranks. 5 hearts in two weeks? Impressive. And, I posted a thread recently (that took forever to make) all about Avatars and Signatures. It has a ton of information and resources if you're interested in improving your graphic skills. Its located in the Avatars and Signatures area of the forums and its a stickey post, so its not hard to overlook. Of course, if you're not interested, ignore my post. I just thought that you made your own signature.
    Hey Djinn. You can just call me HoM, if you wish. Its easier to type than Hero of Music. I don't think I ever gave you a formal welcome. I'll just use my default run down... "Hi Djinn! Welcome to the forums! Read the rules (when they come up), have fun, add great discussion, and be a great person! If you ever need anything feel free to ask me, a mod, other experienced members, or whoever! Have fun!"
    Yeah, thinking up of an original thread is really tough, especially when some people actually get mad at you for duplicating threads.
    Don't worry, i'm sure you'll think of something. If not, just post comments, like me lol. I haven't made a thread in a while, only when something truly thoughtful comes from my head.
    Holy cow, five hearts?! Geez man, you're doing great, I suppose then! Are you yourself suprised? Nice signature, though why is it sideways sort of?
    Hello Djinn, I just wanted to drop by and tell you I love the art you posted. An excellent refresher from the fan-fics that dominate the fan-works section.

    Also, a very late welcome to ZD.
    Hey Djinn, how are you doing?!
    Tanx for the friend request! :D
    The forum software we use (vBulletin) has the ability to allow Admins to create custom usergroups. These include things you see like Hylian Knight and Hylian Noble. These are examples of permission groups. Those groups have the ability to get special permissions on the forum. However, those groups can only be given to a person through voting process, etc.

    That link on the sidebar shows you how many PUBLIC permission groups you are apart of. That would mean that we could technically make a group, such as we made the Hylian Knight group, and make it public. We could make it a joinable usergroup. However, we don't have those. But anyway, that's what it means. If you try and click "Join Groups", you will see that it tells you there are no public usergroups that you can join, and that's because there aren't any created.
    No problem. Lol, It really isn't hard work :P Besides all I did was match a bunch of colors together :)
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