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  • What up. Congrats on the promotion to HK. And that's really about all I have to say. So, we'll c ya around~
    I just wanted to thank you for the link you posted in the "Links Awakening for the DSi" thread! I´m grateful.
    I want to leave my Social Group with you. You are the best in my contacts to leave it to and I trust you can take care of it.
    Thanks for the help on the DSi thread. I'm going to wait til after E3 to decide what I am going to do.
    Basement24, I have 824 posts :P hee hee. Man I'm bored and willcontinue sending visitor members to random peeple.
    Cover your ears, I'm about to sing.
    Happy birthday to you
    Happy birthday to you
    Happy birthday dear basement24
    Happy birthday to you

    Or is this whole birthday thing an April fools joke? o_O
    Thank you :) If you "hang along" (can you say so in english?)/ choose to stay active, you will become a hero in no time!
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