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Azure Sage
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  • Strawberry..... oh! My fruit comic's. =]

    I want to believe I can't draw, but it's impossible. Your shading is far more better than mine.
    no problem glad to have you :)
    Aw, I hope you get better. <3

    I just draw whatever is on my mind. But I just usually draw anime. I need to stop drawing anime. :lol:
    What do you draw? =]
    Your welcome. =] I need new friends so, be honoured that I chosed you. :P Just kidding. =]

    I'm happy that you liked my picture, I do have a art thread, but it isn't that great.

    How're you doing? =]
    Your Fav LoZ game(s)?, Fav MM mask?, and your Triforce wish?

    Ur new at least since the last time I logged on to ZD.
    Yup. It's good to get some good quality posters here. Not that we don't already have a lot of those, but new ones are always welcomed.
    Hi, seems like you're enjoying yourself here. I like the discussions you're bringing up. Keep it up!
    That's a good question. :)

    The hearts are reputation. You get reputation from other users by making great posts. The more rep you have = more hearts.

    The points can be spent in the market, which I belive is temporarily unavailable. You can buy collectable items and add-ons for yourself, like glowing user titles.

    I hope I answered what you were asking okay. If you have anything else, i'll be happy to answer :)
    Happy day late welcome to the forums :3
    You will be staying on the 789th floor, in the sixth room to the left. Don't open the window! There's no air in space. :)
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