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  • oh ok sorry it didnt show up for osme reason. I feel like a total noob now XD soooo am i in your evil group thingy?
    what iment by clone was if he would want to make a cloak for you 2 also using his magic. and also i can make you guys the crossbows and bolts. But the sword cant be re made because it is magically enhanced.
    ok i though ark was your master sorry i may want to join u but then branch off to being allys later on. Can you tell ark this please? also i would like to show u and ark the equipment i have to see if he wants to clone any of it.
    oooh im srry i didnt read it like that i read it like this. *starts to talk about magic with ark* so i assumed you 2 were in the same room i msorry.
    I was i nthe same room as you to. I was just guessing he was next to you because i was tlaking with you and you turned and talked to him. Im not godlike i hate being godlike cuz then its not fun.
    ya ive noticed but ive supplyed so many ideas and hes used most of em. But this one is a very good idea it will leave everyone shocked!
    Wasn't he a human/Dragir or something in the story? I asked Xeldimus for clarification and he gave me a Dragir description instead:
    "Yellow random scales here and there over his body, smaller horns than Rad's, for Anubis is younger than him. He wields a fat sword and several other items he described, but if you draw a satchel, you wont have to draw all that. Eyes are cat like and red. And he will have dark wings too, somewhat like those of bats. Place a blucker on one of his forearms, a plate on his torso and gauntlets. What color? Silver works.".

    I'm really confused now. Can I go with that description or what? I want to be true to both the original design by the character's creator as well as the portrayal in the story, but it's kinda hard to do that when I have to deal with a species crisis. :sweat:
    Hey Anubis!

    I've decided to try and draw your character for "Ascendancy of the Last". I wanna work on it this weekend, so can you post a physical description in the sign up thread or somewhere? The more detailed the better, but I kinda at least need a basic outfit and color scheme to start. ^^
    Hey, lol, yeah my real name is Seth :)
    I was surprised it wasn't taken when I registered for the site.
    Do you know you can make your pic clickable? it is very easy to do. I see....Halo eh? I neve rplayed the game while I own it :eek:
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