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Should Link Die?


[Insert Funny Statement]
Nov 11, 2008
I hope Link never dies forever. that would stink and I (as well as many other hardcore fans, I'd assume) would be really angry at Nintendo! I mean, little changes in appearence, gameplay and/or storyline are to be expected and are fine. But if they turned Link into a woman, made Zelda a villan, and had Link running around with an AK-47 and camo jeans, it would'nt be Legend Of Zelda anymore!

first of all, like ive said before twice now, there are many Links, even if one dies (death is usually forever), there would just be a different Link in the next game. i dont understand why this is so confusing for everyone. there are only like 3 games with sequels that have the same link which means the other 8 games are all completely different Links. it would not matter if Link died. it would be a weird twist to the game if it happened at the end but then there would just be another hylian wearing green who would step up. stop posting stupid stuff saying you hope Link doesnt die. Link represents the good that will always be there in the presence of Evil. Wind Waker shows us this by introducing a character that is seemingly unworthy to be the Hero. even one of the gods (i think the ocean king or something) says in Wind Waker that he may not be the hero they need. in wind waker you are just some kid who gets green clothes as tradition and then sets out on an adventure because his sister was kidnapped. if he wouldnt have gone on the adventure then some other kid from a different island in that game would have gone on the adventure and saved the day. the character is just a metaphor for everlasting heroism.


Still a Moosh fan!
Nov 14, 2008
Virginia, USA
>_< omg duh it's not exactly the same person! Link is sometimes an adult and sometimes a kid! but when i said i hoped he wont die, i meant the character! i didn't mean a link in one game dies and he reappears in a new game! i meant it would stink if they killed off link FOREVER, if you would read what i said!


The Geekette
Nov 25, 2007
Yeah but you might use completly different weapons if it was a different hero. Maybe he isn't a swordsman and you don't have to use swords. What if its more guns and explosives. It might be just like one of those Army games. I think that would be really cool.

Please tell me you aren't suggesting Link with hand grenades.

Personally, if there were more modern weapons (although we have advanced to bombs, crossbows, hookshots, etc) I think the game would fail. There are enough war games, not enough good old fantasy. If the Legend of Zelda became even a futuristic fantasy war game, that would just kind of ruin it for me. There are already games like that, but quite frankly - to me there is nothing like the Legend of Zelda series.

Also, Link just cannot die. I really think it would ruin the series. After all, if the hero were to be defeated, then the land would perish and be unresolvable. What kind of game would it be with no hero?

Alder Dragon

Classic Gamer
Nov 20, 2007
Pennsylvania, USA
Yeah but you might use completly different weapons if it was a different hero. Maybe he isn't a swordsman and you don't have to use swords. What if its more guns and explosives. It might be just like one of those Army games. I think that would be really cool.

Wow, I can't even think of words to describe how horribly mad I would be if Nintendo did that. It would completely ruin the Zelda series.


[Insert Funny Statement]
Nov 11, 2008
i didn't mean a link in one game dies and he reappears in a new game! i meant it would stink if they killed off link FOREVER, if you would read what i said!

you are definitely still not getting my point.

if they killed Link off forever then they would just have a different hero wearing the same clothes.

i think what you are trying to say is that it would suck if they had a hero that was nothing like Link. if they introduced a totally new character wearing completely different clothes then yes that would suck and i think that is what you are trying to say but you werent doing a very good job.

nintendo will never do that though. there are too many die hard fans who would be pissed and if they did that then it wouldnt be the legend of zelda. its like saying "what if they have a game where the princess of hyrule isnt named zelda?"

its a dumb question to ask because it will never happen.


Still a Moosh fan!
Nov 14, 2008
Virginia, USA
epic fail

i think what you are trying to say is that it would suck if they had a hero that was nothing like Link. if they introduced a totally new character wearing completely different clothes then yes that would suck and i think that is what you are trying to say but you werent doing a very good job.

Just because you couldn't understand what I was saying, doesn't mean i did a bad job explaining it!:mad:


[Insert Funny Statement]
Nov 11, 2008
actually, if you re-read what you said, it definintely was a poor way of putting it. all you did was emphasize the same word that everyone else had been using. that doesnt change the way the sentence is read, it just changes the way ONE word is stressed. the way you said it made it sound like they would just continue Zelda without a hero. the way i interpreted it for everyone is that they would make a new hero that is nothing like Link. so, yes, you did do a poor job of explaining it. i wasnt trying to be a jerk when i said that. i was just merely stating the obvious. get over it.


Hello World
Nov 20, 2008
ha my friend said he might make link die in a game and link in spirit world trying to bring himself back to life by collecting parts of his soul [fatetality] in a certain amount of days like in majora's mask [i was like what 2 short you crazy]
Oct 20, 2007
Yeah but you might use completly different weapons if it was a different hero. Maybe he isn't a swordsman and you don't have to use swords. What if its more guns and explosives. It might be just like one of those Army games. I think that would be really cool.
If you want to shoot crap, go play CoD.


[Insert Funny Statement]
Nov 11, 2008
Link has died countless times. What do you think happens when you run out of hearts?

that is definintely something completely different. whenever you "die" in the game you just restart from an earlier spot so as far as actualy events in the game go, you never die.

however, Link does die. i mean most of the games have a different Link which means the previous one has passed on.
Nov 20, 2008
Well the title of the Game IS Legend of Zelda, so it leaves space for link to die and pass on the triforce of courage to the next main character. It's possible but I for one won't want him to die.

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