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Yoooooo, happy birthday bro!!! I bet you walked into a bar at 12 am today to buy a case of Jack Daniels. I hope and pray everything is working out well with life and we look forward to your return.
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I am playing with the idea of swinging by a liquor store later, not for booze, but to get my picture with the "you have to be born on this date" sign since it'll have my exact bday on it.
Out of curiosity, does anyone have the ZD forum Discord link?
Not really the forum's. More like the site's:

There's also ZD Nights, for when people want to play games together and stuff:
See that road off in the distance? I saw this cave from there and we had to go up. My two boys and I hiked for about 5 hours all together and made it all the way up here. If ever you come out to see Rushmore, I'll point the cave out to you, it's a great hike.
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