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I have been meaning to ask you for a while now, but I kept on forgetting. Anyway, a while back you had something or another on your Twitch Streams, so I was just asking to see if when you normally stream, if you do it normally.
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A Link In Time
A Link In Time
Dang, I should have asked way earlier. I have been missing some great games I see. I will definitely drop by for a bit whenever I have the chance. Thanks for the Twitch link.
Sorry that I keep on missing your streams. I have been trying to catch some but I just got back from something that I had to help out with but I missed your stream again:kawaii:. Other times you are streaming at 1 am in my time. I will try to watch the next one tho.
Oh Hey! Your banner indicates Neurodiversity. I am ADD with High Functioning Autism.
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Goddess Athenaeum
Goddess Athenaeum
Thank you so much for sharing that with me! I know it's not always easy to talk about. I just recently was diagnosed with ADHD about four years ago, but I'm pretty sure I've had it since I was a kid. Still growing and learning.

I'm also still researching autism. Not sure if maybe I fit an AuDHD. My current therapist believes it's simply ADHD.

Either way, I've learned to be proud of it!
Daku Rinku
I got diagnosed in my teens, it helped with college so I could get some aids (no time in tests, and etc) as well as helping me understand how my brain works. :)

I am glad you are proud of it too! We like Highlander song goes, “Here we are the Princes of the Universe!” :)
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