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Zelda's Unbroken Bloodline Is ABSURD

Sep 5, 2020
The point of reincarnation is to be born with a different bloodline every single time. You will never again have the same bloodline, and trying to be your own grandchild isn't going to change that truth. A character's former ancestors will be misplaced, and they're going to have a new set of ancestors from their children that gave birth to them (crazy, eh, how some people want characters to be their own grandpas and grandmas, and love the idea of a woman eternally giving birth to herself? o_O :crylaugh:) If some people are so desperate to have certain ancestors from their former lives in their new bloodline (pretty shallow; they're still your ancestors, just from another life), just have them reincarnate with you in your new bloodline. If minor characters like Beedle and Tingle can reincarnate, you damn well know Link's parents and Zelda's parents are reincarnating with them.
Hylia's unbroken bloodline is about controlling reproduction, particularly women's. That's the only way Hylia's bloodline can last forever in a steady line throughout the Royal Family until the end of time; a Zelda has to give birth to a child, but also can't have too many children, or else her bloodline will spread like wildfire among the common people via her children. Not only does she have to give birth forever and not have as many children as she wants, she also can never get with Link. Think about that: forced to be a babymaker to produce future vessels for herself, but she can't even at least do this horrific thing with the guy she loves. Because Link and Zelda are never brother and sister in the games, it means the former incarnation of Zelda never had a kid with Link. Which is against her character, because Link is the only man Nintendo has ever hinted Zelda has romantic feelings for.
Even if Link is reborn outside his own bloodline, i.e. isn't his own grandson, he'll still just be getting with his daughter from another life if he gets with Zelda.
Hylia's unbroken bloodline is garbage, and anyone who supports it is truly detestable.
Having children is about creating new individuals you will love and cherish, not cloning yourself to create a future body for you to possess. That's what it means for reincarnation to be tied to bloodline, a massively stupid, anti-science, and unethical "concept" that most people in the fandom, thankfully, reject, as seen in Link x Zelda being the most popular romantic pairing, their intimate relationship being the driving force of the series.
Again, the history of The Legend of Zelda has lasted more than 10,000 years, if SS Zelda/Hylia had just one child, and that child had children, those children had children, so on in a never-ending line until BOTW, her bloodline would've spread into almost every living being in Hyrule who can mate with a Hylian. Unless it was controlled, which we know it was, at least according to the bloodline power garbage, because Hylia's bloodline only exists in the Royal Family of Hyrule. Science and evolution, thankfully though, completely and epically destroys the grossness and monstrosity of Hylia's unbroken bloodline only being in the Royal Family, because human nature and the reality of genetics wouldn't allow that, and neither could that level of inbreeding survive until BOTW, or of course, the rest of time.
This "unbroken bloodline of Hylia" theory will go to the garbage can, just like the Rito "evolving" from the Zora, just like Nintendo already starting to ignore their past "Hero's bloodline of descent" garbage for Link, and going for "Soul of the Hero". "Blood of the Goddess" means reincarnation, just as it did when the phrase was first introduced in Skyward Sword. Link and Zelda are the same individuals reincarnating, get over it.
This was enjoyable. I do indeed love educating and spouting the truth. :zelda::ezlo: The best part is that the truth never changes. :dealwithit:
Oct 10, 2017
You seem to be hammering one interpretation pretty hard as both wrong, and the way it just is in the Zelda universe. Aren't there other ways to look at the problem so that your point stands (Zelda isn't giving birth to her self), while the lore as we see it (particularly in the games) is preserved?

Which is against her character, because Link is the only man Nintendo has ever hinted Zelda has romantic feelings for.

The same could be said about fish princesses and daughters of ranch owners.
Sep 5, 2020
Ninty doesn't care and neither should you.
Next time they'll introduce half a dozen needless concepts, most of which will be just as inane, that will contradict the whole thing even further and make it clear that ninty's forgotten about the whole thing entirely.

My best guess to explain it all is that the incarnation stuff isn't affected by bloodline but rather by divine right. So basically, if you're princess you have divine right to be and therefore Hylia is with you or some such. This baseless grasping-at-straws theory pulls heredity as a factor out of the issue entirely and greatly simplfies the matter.

Is Link's incarnation affected by common ancestry? It's established that Link is the descendant of Hylian knights, so perhaps there is.

Thank you, I completely agree with you on these top points and am glad someone else on this forum has the guts to speak reason, even though we really are the majority.
I want to point out, though, that Link can be a descendant of Hylian knights every single time without being his own ancestor. So can Zelda be a descendant of the Royal Family every single time without having to be her former incarnation's grandchild. There are an infinite number of bloodlines throughout a population, and even smaller groups like the Knights of Hyrule and Royal Family of Hyrule will have different strains, eternally changing as its members marry with outsiders, have children, adopt, recruit new members, die, etc. It's very easy to break one single individual's bloodline of descent, all they have to do is not have a kid, get killed before having one, etc. Which is the point I'm trying to make with Link and Zelda: they don't have to be their own descendants in order to reincarnate. They don't have to have kids or reincarnate in their own grandchildren to come back. God, do I really have to point that out? :rolleyes: :lol:
The reason Link is always a knight, and Zelda is always a princess (with the exception of Skyward Sword before the Royal Family was established) is because that's who they are. If it had anything to do with bloodline, everyone who shared their blood whether by kin relations or offspring would be the "chosen ones". Everyone in Hyrule who has their blood would be called to defeat Ganon. But no, it's always this particular knight and princess, named Link and Zelda, different versions of them but essentially the same characters with the same roles reappearing throughout time. It's about the soul, being chosen by destiny.
This also applies to others characters, like Impa, Ganondorf, even the four Champions from Breath of the Wild who may have been the ancient ones piloting the Divine Beasts in that image showing the events of 10,000 years ago. Regardless, characters like that have the potential to reincarnate.

When it comes to characters having children with eachother, you want them to be born in different bloodlines in the next life, for them to have completely new and separate bloodlines each time they're reborn (which is inevitable, thankfully) so they can get together and/or have kids again if they so choose and never have to worry about being related. Again, the fact that Link and Zelda are never related in the games, and that other characters' original blood relations--or lack of them--with eachother are being preserved, proves that this is, thankfully, what's going on. It's the graceful cycle of reincarnation keeping things as they should be.
It's amazing how much you can figure out in this series, how much bull**** you can cut through, how to know what's true by using logic and education. :zelda:
Sep 5, 2020
Wow you seem pretty enthusiastic about this singular topic

Yes, try to cut down a woman who speaks her mind and provides irrefutable evidence you're unable to counter. Because attacking a girl's personality is always the way to "win" a case you've already lost. ;)
And go ahead and add that frown face you always love to add at the end of every single one of my posts in which I speak truth to power, because constantly harassing a woman on the internet is apparently all you live for. ;)

Um, y--yes it is. Childbirth. We've been doing it for literally ever.

Yes, mansplain to me, a woman, about childbirth and having children, something you, as a "man" (you aren't) will never experience or be able to do. And keep using your gross sexism and misogyny as an "argument" to try to force a female character to pop out kids for all eternity because you're obsessed with her bloodline being in everything with an XX chromosome. You can also use that sexism and misogyny to try to shut women like me up from being outraged about out favorite female characters being exploited. You and the "men" like you will no doubt get enraged by my passionate rant of women's liberty, real or fictional but deal with it. It's the future. :dealwithit:
Also, mansplain to me evolution when you actually crack open a book about one, and mansplain to me about the meaning of life when you actually go get a woman impregnated. ;) Because even if you do both, you're still wrong about women's purpose being babymakers for all eternity on the sick wants and ideas of "men" like you.

I never have this problem with other women and fangirls discussing my thoughts and grievances about a real and legitimate problem in the Zelda series. It's always "men" (real men aren't afraid of hearing women talk and knowing problems where they exist :)) who try to shut me up regarding feminist and scientific critique on things that need it, which of course, shows how fragile, cowardly, and ignorant they are. And like I said, they're all gonna lose at the end when Nintendo catches up with the times. :zelda:

All right, I mean it this time since there's nothing further to discuss with the idiots on this thread: //END POST!!// (Truth-speaking will go on forever, though!!! :zelda:)
Jan 11, 2021
Yes, mansplain to me, a woman, about childbirth and having children, something you, as a "man" (you aren't) will never experience or be able to do. And keep using your gross sexism and misogyny as an "argument" to try to force a female character to pop out kids for all eternity because you're obsessed with her bloodline being in everything with an XX chromosome. You can also use that sexism and misogyny to try to shut women like me up from being outraged about out favorite female characters being exploited. You and the "men" like you will no doubt get enraged by my passionate rant of women's liberty, real or fictional but deal with it. It's the future. :dealwithit:
I'm not explaining childbirth, or correcting your beliefs. You are perfectly entitled to your beliefs, I fully respect them, and I admit that I will never know as much about childbirth as you do. Sorry that I was so callous in my comments, I should have considered your gender before engaging in a discussion with you. My bad. Will do better.

Another fair point: it is sexist and misogynistic that Nintendo has claimed that Zelda has a bloodline and that it appears in all things with an XX chromosome. On board with that point; completely fair, and actually incredibly nuanced (not that my "manly" validation will be of any importance to your already well-formed and well-structured beliefs).

OH NO! I've been outraged by your fair and valid point that it would be BETTER if the lineage of Zelda wasn't a bloodline; that she should be free to make her own choices without being forced into this misogynistic and unfair patriarchal system that forces her to churn out babies like butter. I'm completely outraged and not at all sympathetic to the good point that you have made.

Also, mansplain to me evolution when you actually crack open a book about one, and mansplain to me about the meaning of life when you actually go get a woman impregnated. ;) Because even if you do both, you're still wrong about women's purpose being babymakers for all eternity on the sick wants and ideas of "men" like you.

I never have this problem with other women and fangirls discussing my thoughts and grievances about a real and legitimate problem in the Zelda series. It's always "men" (real men aren't afraid of hearing women talk and knowing problems where they exist :)) who try to shut me up regarding feminist and scientific critique on things that need it, which of course, shows how fragile, cowardly, and ignorant they are. And like I said, they're all gonna lose at the end when Nintendo catches up with the times.
Another incredibly fair point.

A SERIOUS ISSUE IN THE ZELDA SERIES IS THAT ZELDA IS TIED TO A BLOODLINE! I agree! We are on the same side, and I can be an ally in the fight towards truth. But I don't like this idea that there can be "real" and "not real" men. If anything, that makes men even more resentful and unwilling to listen. Because I think, for the most part, we'd agree with you. But you've just said that our gender is no longer our real gender, and that shuts down any room for true improvement.

All right, I mean it this time since there's nothing further to discuss with the idiots on this thread: //END POST!!// (Truth-speaking will go on forever, though!!! :zelda:)
It won't go on forever if you stop talking about it.

Spiritual Mask Salesman

CHIMer Dragonborn
Site Staff
I've never really bought that ancestry is why each Zelda in the games can look similar, honestly, so there has to be some reincarnation going on since it's a theme often re-used. Minor characters reincarnate, like the running man, Tingle, etc... Link reincarnates, Ganondorf has been reborn once, I don't see why Zelda can't either.
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Sep 5, 2021
Soul Society
Zelda is getting her power from being the incarnation of Hylia; not the descendant.
This renders the bloodline thing completely pointless. If almost everyone in Hyrule has Hylia's blood (which is what will eventually happen if Zelda chooses to have kids during the course of her eternal reincarnations) then the only way for Zelda to remain the only one with 100% the blood of the goddess is to be the goddess's reincarnation.
"Blood of the goddess" has to mean reincarnation, and not genetic descent. This is the only way for Zelda to remain special and be the only one with Hylia's powers. She has to be Hylia.

Hero-of-Time-777 is completely right you know, despite the men on here trying to tell her she's not. Nintendo trying to make Zelda and Hylia different people is a horrific mistake they're going to regret later, as anyone who knows genetics will see with the continued "unbroken exclusive Hylia bloodline producing Zeldas" crap. It destroys everything that makes sense in the series, saps the meaning out of Zelda/Hylia's relationships, and the deepness of the story. "Chosen knight of the goddess" is one of Link's monikers. Who is he always the chosen knight of, who was confirmed to be the goddess Hylia in Skyward Sword?

"Eternally reborn." Not reincarnated. Reborn. Born again. Renaissance. I'm taking it literally, sue me. If you have the specific quote in the Encyclopedia, please let me know because I cannot find it.

"I am the goddess reborn as a mortal." -- Zelda, Skyward Sword

"While it's true that I am Hylia reborn, I'm still my father's daughter and your friend..." -- Zelda, Skyward Sword

"Master Link, you have successfully protected the goddess reborn and defeated Demise, fulfilling your role as the hero of legend." -- Fi, Skyward Sword

Goddess reborn literally means the goddess was reborn. Instead of trying to deny this truth and twisting words out of context, why not accept what is officially canon and makes perfect and brilliant sense?

Legend of Zelda is about the spirit of a long-deceased hero eternally bound to a family line of Goddess-descended women who are cursed by the ancient evil they are eternally destined to fight against. It's...basically the same, except it's a matriarchy, not a soul reincarnate.

A descendant is not the same thing as a reincarnation. Us Zelinkers are supposed to be comforted that Link is ****ing Hylia's daughters instead of their mother Hylia? The fact that so many callous morons in the fandom can't tell the difference between a woman and her daughters proves how deep in misogyny the Zelda fandom is.
Funny how LOZ "theorists" try using science to cover their absurd theories, like Zelda's unbroken bloodline, until they realize science is not on their side.
Zelda is Hylia, no matter what Nintendo says. If Link is the same man reincarnating eternally, so is Zelda the same woman reincarnating with him as the goddess Hylia.


Just assume I'm lurking (and judging)
Staff member
ZD Champion
Comm. Coordinator
Zelda is getting her power from being the incarnation of Hylia; not the descendant.
This renders the bloodline thing completely pointless. If almost everyone in Hyrule has Hylia's blood (which is what will eventually happen if Zelda chooses to have kids during the course of her eternal reincarnations) then the only way for Zelda to remain the only one with 100% the blood of the goddess is to be the goddess's reincarnation.
"Blood of the goddess" has to mean reincarnation, and not genetic descent. This is the only way for Zelda to remain special and be the only one with Hylia's powers. She has to be Hylia.

Hero-of-Time-777 is completely right you know, despite the men on here trying to tell her she's not. Nintendo trying to make Zelda and Hylia different people is a horrific mistake they're going to regret later, as anyone who knows genetics will see with the continued "unbroken exclusive Hylia bloodline producing Zeldas" crap. It destroys everything that makes sense in the series, saps the meaning out of Zelda/Hylia's relationships, and the deepness of the story. "Chosen knight of the goddess" is one of Link's monikers. Who is he always the chosen knight of, who was confirmed to be the goddess Hylia in Skyward Sword?

"I am the goddess reborn as a mortal." -- Zelda, Skyward Sword

"While it's true that I am Hylia reborn, I'm still my father's daughter and your friend..." -- Zelda, Skyward Sword

"Master Link, you have successfully protected the goddess reborn and defeated Demise, fulfilling your role as the hero of legend." -- Fi, Skyward Sword

Goddess reborn literally means the goddess was reborn. Instead of trying to deny this truth and twisting words out of context, why not accept what is officially canon and makes perfect and brilliant sense?

A descendant is not the same thing as a reincarnation. Us Zelinkers are supposed to be comforted that Link is ****ing Hylia's daughters instead of their mother Hylia? The fact that so many callous morons in the fandom can't tell the difference between a woman and her daughters proves how deep in misogyny the Zelda fandom is.
Funny how LOZ "theorists" try using science to cover their absurd theories, like Zelda's unbroken bloodline, until they realize science is not on their side.
Zelda is Hylia, no matter what Nintendo says. If Link is the same man reincarnating eternally, so is Zelda the same woman reincarnating with him as the goddess Hylia.
I think you misunderstand. All of your references to Zelda being a Hylia are true, seeing as they're from Skyward Sword. That was the very first Zelda, a literal reincarnation of the goddess Hylia. All of the Zeldas in future games are ancestors of that first Zelda, part of her bloodline. So they all literally carry the blood of the goddess, they're not continuous reincarnations.
Also just wanted to mention that I am female, and I also dont agree with hero-of-time-777's assessment of Zelda as a royal baby making machine. That isn't Nintendo's intent, and I dont see why every generation has to have a princess. Sons can carry the bloodline too, it's just that when Ganon arises there's a princess zelda there to stop him.

Spiritual Mask Salesman

CHIMer Dragonborn
Site Staff
A descendant is not the same thing as a reincarnation. Us Zelinkers are supposed to be comforted that Link is ****ing Hylia's daughters instead of their mother Hylia? The fact that so many callous morons in the fandom can't tell the difference between a woman and her daughters proves how deep in misogyny the Zelda fandom is.
Funny how LOZ "theorists" try using science to cover their absurd theories, like Zelda's unbroken bloodline, until they realize science is not on their side.
Zelda is Hylia, no matter what Nintendo says. If Link is the same man reincarnating eternally, so is Zelda the same woman reincarnating with him as the goddess Hylia.
Reincarnation doesn't mean those people are literally the person they've been reincarnated as. The people still have their own individuality and make their own decisions. For example, Link in Ocarina of Time isn't literally Link from Skyward Sword, Zelda in OoT isn't literally Hylia, and Ganondorf in OoT isn't literally Demise.

I always thought of reincarnation as inheriting the powers and potential of someone from the past. These things are simply innate, though they may require some work to unlock. I suppose memories can be unlocked as well, but personality is not transferred over.

Anyway, as I said in my other post, I do think in Zelda's case reincarnation is in play, just like it is for Link and Ganon. So Link nor Zelda are under some obligation to need have children, because the driving forces at play in the series will always simply reincarnate regardless, so long as people exist in the world.

Also I'll go ahead and point out that if the bloodline thing was legit I once pointed out that it could be fatal because all someone would need to do is wipe out that particular bloodline, probably tipping the scales in Ganon's favor tremendously. It can't be that easy, which is why reincarnation has to be in play.
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Oct 10, 2017
Zelda is Hylia, no matter what Nintendo says.

Sounds like intentional misrepresentation.

The fact that so many callous morons in the fandom can't tell the difference between a woman and her daughters proves how deep in misogyny the Zelda fandom is.

No, saying that, "A woman having the same name as her mother makes them the same person." is idiotic. My wife and daughter are both named Nicole, plus my father-in-law is named Nicholas. This does not mean my daughter is literally her grandfather. It means that a name was passed down. Trying to attach a term like "misogyny," in attempt to be edgy, is simply insulting; ignoring the fact that you are calling people "callous morons."
Jan 11, 2021
Zelda is getting her power from being the incarnation of Hylia; not the descendant.
This renders the bloodline thing completely pointless. If almost everyone in Hyrule has Hylia's blood (which is what will eventually happen if Zelda chooses to have kids during the course of her eternal reincarnations) then the only way for Zelda to remain the only one with 100% the blood of the goddess is to be the goddess's reincarnation.
"Blood of the goddess" has to mean reincarnation, and not genetic descent. This is the only way for Zelda to remain special and be the only one with Hylia's powers. She has to be Hylia.
...How is she Hylia? Through the blood! Cuz she has one kid, a daughter. That's how she remains special.

Hero-of-Time-777 is completely right you know, despite the men on here trying to tell her she's not. Nintendo trying to make Zelda and Hylia different people is a horrific mistake they're going to regret later, as anyone who knows genetics will see with the continued "unbroken exclusive Hylia bloodline producing Zeldas" crap. It destroys everything that makes sense in the series, saps the meaning out of Zelda/Hylia's relationships, and the deepness of the story. "Chosen knight of the goddess" is one of Link's monikers. Who is he always the chosen knight of, who was confirmed to be the goddess Hylia in Skyward Sword?
Zelda. The chosen knight of Zelda. The goddess reborn. Emphasis on born.

"I am the goddess reborn as a mortal." -- Zelda, Skyward Sword

"While it's true that I am Hylia reborn, I'm still my father's daughter and your friend..." -- Zelda, Skyward Sword

"Master Link, you have successfully protected the goddess reborn and defeated Demise, fulfilling your role as the hero of legend." -- Fi, Skyward Sword

Goddess reborn literally means the goddess was reborn. Instead of trying to deny this truth and twisting words out of context, why not accept what is officially canon and makes perfect and brilliant sense?
This is semantic. I see your point.

A descendant is not the same thing as a reincarnation. Us Zelinkers are supposed to be comforted that Link is ****ing Hylia's daughters instead of their mother Hylia? The fact that so many callous morons in the fandom can't tell the difference between a woman and her daughters proves how deep in misogyny the Zelda fandom is.
Funny how LOZ "theorists" try using science to cover their absurd theories, like Zelda's unbroken bloodline, until they realize science is not on their side.
Zelda is Hylia, no matter what Nintendo says. If Link is the same man reincarnating eternally, so is Zelda the same woman reincarnating with him as the goddess Hylia.
As a Zelinker, I do not want Link to be ****ing the vessel of a thousand-year-old mother Goddess. I want him to ****ing a person. An actual human person.

Zelda is Hylia. Via the bloodline. Link is the Hero. Via the spirit. They aren't both via the spirit.

Glad to discuss; you make good points.

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