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General Modern Zelda Wii-U: Setting


Dawn of the Final Day
Sep 16, 2011
Gerudo Valley
I know Skyward Sword just came out three months ago, but I've already gotten started thinking about a Wii-U Zelda. So a few thoughts came up in my head and I wanted to ask the people of the forum:

Where do you think the title known as Zelda Wii-U be set? Will it be a place we've seen before (Hyrule, Termina, etc....) or a new land entirely?

Do you want the game to be a sequel to a current Zelda game?

Do you want any locations to come back from any Zelda Games in particular? (I want the Lost Woods to come back, I loved that location in OoT)

Should the world be larger, smaller, more dense, less dense, or the same as Skyward Sword's overworld?

I want to hear everyone's thoughts :)

EDIT: I have another question for anyone else who wants to give their opinion on the setting of Zelda Wii U.

Is there any race in particular you want to return?

If anyone can think of any other suggestions for questions surrounding the atmosphere/setting of Zelda Wii U, please list them and I'll put them up here.
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luke is my wife
Apr 9, 2010
I'm going to answer the questions out of order, and I have a particular reason for doing so.

Do you want the game to be a sequel to a current Zelda game?

I would like to see not necessarily a sequel to Twilight Princess, but a game that somewhat continues or incorporates some of its story elements. The Twili to Twilight Princess, much like the Kokiri to Ocarina of Time, are most likely unique to their game and will not make a return. However, I would like to see and elaboration or continuation on the story of the Dark Interlopers and other aspects of the Triforce/Sacred Realm saga.

Where do you think the title known as Zelda Wii-U be set? Will it be a place we've seen before (Hyrule, Termina, etc....) or a new land entirely?

I believe Termina will always be a location unique to Majora's Mask, and won't be reused. Naturally, a plot involving the Triforce or the Sacred Realm as I would like should take place in (or at least mention) Hyrule. However, I wouldn't mind something like The Wind Waker had; all new locations with Hyrule making an appearance as a city lost long ago. Something like that would be neat, though they ought to pull it off differently than The Wind Waker did so as to not be repetitive.

Do you want any locations to come back from any Zelda Games in particular?

Ah, I would love to have Gerudo Desert come back, the one from Twilight Princess in particular, somewhat matching its story. I absolutely love the story of Arbiter's Grounds in TP, and I think that would be a great continuation of TP's story to include. Or something like the Ancient Harbor in Skyward Sword, minus the desert part. I would like to see an oasis with an island (and dungeon) cut off from the mainland.

Should the world be larger, smaller, more dense, less dense, or the same as Skyward Sword's overworld?

I would like it to be really big, so long as there are well-placed warps. I did enjoy the size of TP's overworld, though it was very, very expansive. TWW's overworld was just a tad too big (maybe a little more than a tad). SS's overworld was pretty well-sized but in some places, I felt it was too straighforward and too dense, not allowing enough exploration (like in the Faron Woods and Eldin area). Lanayru Desert was my favorite area in SS. I love desert themes, firstly, but I also thought it was quite large and allowed a decent amount of exploration. However, it was still very linear. I wouldn't mind another game like OoT where you could play it out of order. I've never played OoT out of order, really, but I like the idea of at least being able to explore more.


There you are! You monsters!
Feb 8, 2011
Where do you think the title known as Zelda Wii-U be set? Will it be a place we've seen before (Hyrule, Termina, etc....) or a new land entirely?

I'm anticipating it to be set in Hyrule, most likely. For one thing this is a home console game we're talking about, and those are wont to remain in Hyrule, with the exception of Majora's Mask. Nevertheless, to my knowledge they never gone back to a new land in any Zelda title, not even the DS Zelda, while those were situated in a place other than Hyrule, but was still called New Hyrule. :P But yes, I find it likeliest that Hyrule is indeed the next targeted locus.

Do you want the game to be a sequel to a current Zelda game?

Yep and nope. I'm most eager to learn where Nintendo got off saying that "should Link have failed" a new timeline would be produced. While Ocarina of Time will be the game it stems from, I wouldn't exactly term it as a sequel. Instead a new story will be made from that point based on the occurrences after OoT, the same way that Wind Waker went off. We don't see WW being labeled a "sequel", after all.

Do you want any locations to come back from any Zelda Games in particular? (I want the Lost Woods to come back, I loved that location in OoT)

If I'm right and this ends up coming from Ocarina of Time, we probably will see the Lost Woods. Of course this would suggest Ganondorf was in control of Hyrule the entire time, and devastation likely was wreaked upon Hyrule, turning the most of it barren. In this case Death Mountain will survive and Gorons will either live on it or be amblers again, and I'd like to see them both, actually.

Should the world be larger, smaller, more dense, less dense, or the same as Skyward Sword's overworld?

The layout of the land should be much larger. In fact, I wish for it to be open and expansive again. The Dungeon-ish feel worked out loads better in Skyward Sword than I thought it would...but I'm starting to miss the vast fields in Ocarina of Time and Twilight Princess. I welcome the change to the series, yet hate most of all that TP might truly be the last of its kind. Here's to hoping we're proven wrong with that.


Mad haters lmao
May 26, 2010
Hylian Champion
Where do you think the title known as Zelda Wii-U be set? Will it be a place we've seen before (Hyrule, Termina, etc....) or a new land entirely?
Do you want the game to be a sequel to a current Zelda game?
Do you want any locations to come back from any Zelda Games in particular?
Should the world be larger, smaller, more dense, less dense, or the same as Skyward Sword's overworld?
1) I think it'll be placed either in Hyrule, as is custom for most Zelda games, or a new land. I am most expecting another rendition of Hyrule, though.

2) I would LOVE for a sequel to Majora's Mask, but I know I will instantaneously be trolled or belittled for whatever reason. A sequel to MM would work well in my opinion.

3) Kokiri Forest with the KOKIRI intact, Gerudo Desert of Ocarina of Time, Snowhead perhaps (or a snow area like it)...those are only a few.

4) Larger and less "dense" than Skyward Sword. We need more areas out of a Zelda game. We need more and varied things to do in a Zelda game. Skyward Sword was too compacted and had no variation. Twilight Princess was too loose and still had no variation. We need the right size with more than enough and varied things to do in the world. If that means post game content, then so be it. If that means delaying the game to incorporate new and better AI/puzzles, then so be it.
Feb 5, 2011
Where do you think the title known as Zelda Wii-U be set? Will it be a place we've seen before (Hyrule, Termina, etc....) or a new land entirely?

Do you want the game to be a sequel to a current Zelda game?

Do you want any locations to come back from any Zelda Games in particular? (I want the Lost Woods to come back, I loved that location in OoT)

Should the world be larger, smaller, more dense, less dense, or the same as Skyward Sword's overworld?

As far as the title... something relating to the plot, an item or a character or a name given to Link. Since this is a game on a major console, I do not expect it to be a sequel, I expect it to be a completely new setting.

I think the part of the timeline that would work best is after Four Swords Adventures, the child timeline, as Ganon is still alive in that timeline and there's some potential in making a plot with him being trapped in a sword, possibly corrupting it and turning someone who claims it into an evil warrior.

As far as locations, I'm going to say most of Twilight Princess's locales, mostly Snowpeak. There's also the Lost Woods, Palace of Winds and maybe even the Temple of Time.

A big overworld like Twilight Princess. I'm among those who actually likes the overworld of Twilight Princess, very big and has some great scenery and atmosphere at night, though I will admit getting lost at some points so some signs with arrows like in Ocarina of Time would be nice. I might not agree with the minority who didn't like Skyward Sword, but I will admit I preferred being able to walk as opposed to fly, which did get boring at some points but wasn't terrible.

Really, just combine my two favorite 3D Zeldas, Twilight Princess and Skyward Sword and there you go.

Night Owl

Oct 3, 2011
Skybound Coil Tree, Noctilum
Where do you think the title known as Zelda Wii-U be set? Will it be a place we've seen before (Hyrule, Termina, etc....) or a new land entirely?
What if it was set in Hyrule, and instead of traveling through time you travel in alternate dimensions?
That would be cool. You could have a Gerudo Desert in one dimension and a Gerudo Rain-forest in another.

Do you want the game to be a sequel to a current Zelda game?
I would like the game to be neither a sequel or a prequel to any specific zelda game. I guess I want it to feel unique as a zelda.

Do you want any locations to come back from any Zelda Games in particular? (I want the Lost Woods to come back, I loved that location in OoT)
I would like to see another swamp themed area Like they had in MM.

Should the world be larger, smaller, more dense, less dense, or the same as Skyward Sword's overworld?
Same density, but larger with more area to explore that is truly optional.


The Creepy Uncle
Feb 10, 2012
Swaggin Roost Island
1.) Personally I would love for the next Zelda title to be a completely new place. Yes it's fun to explore Hyrule, but a Zelda game placed in a new land has endless possibilities for story, landscape etc. There would be no reason to talk about the Goddesses, Triforce, Master Swords, etc. It would be a chance for a Zelda game to truly define itself as an individual entity like Majora's Mask did.

2.) Like I said above, I want it to stand alone so therefore I want it to be a sequel/prequel to any other game. Yes Majora's Mask was a sequel to Ocarina of Time and it worked, but I want Zelda Wii U to forge its own path and to receive its own glory.

3.) I don't want any area per say, but if I had to choose I would love to sea Gerudo Dessert make a return. Actually I've wanted a Zelda game where Link was the single male that is born into the Gerudo tribe every 100 years. He would be born as the King of the Gerudo like Ganondorf in Ocarina of Time. This would give Zelda a different plot structure and give a unique experience in my opinion. Anyone else like this idea?

4.) The world should be much larger than Skyward Sword and not nearly as dense. Things being so dense never made it feel like an accomplishment when you discovered some secret. Everything was so clustered that you would have to try not to find things. I want the sense of exploration that I have gotten from every other Zelda game. I never really felt like I explored anywhere new other than 4 places: The three provinces and the storm cloud...and really not even the storm cloud so I guess only the three provinces. The add on areas you discovered when you went back just felt like the same area to me. Nothing to really explore. Having a much larger overworld like Twilight Princess would be ideal. It had a decent teleportaion system that made it fairly easy to reach areas you had been before.

green goron

Best of the Gorons
May 15, 2010
Death Mountain
Where do you think the title known as Zelda Wii-U be set? Will it be a place we've seen before (Hyrule, Termina, etc....) or a new land entirely?

Do you want the game to be a sequel to a current Zelda game?

Do you want any locations to come back from any Zelda Games in particular?

Should the world be larger, smaller, more dense, less dense, or the same as Skyward Sword's overworld?

1) It will probably be in Hyrule or in a new land. I don't think Nintendo will renew Termina or any other land that wsn't Hyrule because it is original to that game.

2) I agree that a sequel might be cool but I want a new word with a new Link and a new adventure.

3) I would like Zora's Domain to make a return along with Death Mountain.

4) Quality not quantity. I'd rather it be small but filled wit many things like SS where every island had something rather than TP which had a huge field with little to do. I want bigger but more importantly fuller.
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Dec 17, 2011
Where do you think the title known as Zelda Wii-U be set? Will it be a place we've seen before (Hyrule, Termina, etc....) or a new land entirely?

If it will take place in a land we've seen before, I would expect it to be in Hyrule, because the other places are meant to be unique to their games. A new land might work, but that depends on how Link ends up there.

Do you want the game to be a sequel to a current Zelda game?

I think the best way to answer this question would be to look at the various threads:

• The Legend of Zelda / The Adventure of Link: As the most classic games in the series, I do think that it's high time we see a continuation, although I'm not sure how that would work from a gameplay perspective because it's been so long. I think that Nintendo should stay away from advancing the Downfall timeline for now, especially because it has the most installments on the timeline.

• A Link to the Past / Oracle series / Link's Awakening: I actually think a prequel and a sequel would work best with this. There needs to be a game that will actually depict the Imprisoning War, so Link's defeat in Ocarina of Time becomes more than "What If?" scenario. A sequel would also help bridged the gap between this thread and the classic one, and while it's apparently meant to be a time of peace, I think there's story potential there. However, thanks to the GBA port of A Link to the Past, this entire plot thread can be played on a GBA, so I think it should stay as a portable subseries, so I would expect the sequel to be on the 3DS or whatever the next handheld is. The prequel, however, should definitely be on a console. I know asking for two more games contradicts that I just said about the classic games, but I think I can make an exception because it would just be adding more games to the Downfall timeline rather than actually going forward.

• Ocarina of Time / Majora's Mask: I maintain that any continuation to the Hero of Time's story should be on the 3DS, and as such should wait until Majora's Mask 3D becomes a reality.

• The Wind Waker / Phantom Hourglass / Spirit Tracks: I think Spirit Tracks ended pretty conclusively, but there should be a sort of interquel set between Phantom Hourglass and Spirit Tracks, and I think it would work pretty well for the Wii U, so that we have some sort of compromise between the gameplay of Wind Waker and Phantom Hourglass.

• The Minish Cap / Four Swords / Four Swords Adventures: Four Swords Adventures ended this story on the Child timeline, but it's possible for it to continue on the Adult or Downfall timelines. However, since I haven't played Four Swords Adventures, I'm not sure if this is a story thread I would prefer to see on the Wii U or the 3DS.

• Twilight Princess: Nicole suggested a sort of spiritual successor to this game, and since Twilight Princess was the "premiere" Zelda experience for the Wii despite being a port, so having a full-fledged game meant for the system set in that timeline would be fantastic.

• Skyward Sword: I haven't beaten this game or Minish Cap yet, but I'd like to see a game set between the two, if only because I want Ganondorf to have chronologically made an appearance in a game before Vaati, and Demise doesn't count. As such, this wouldn't necessarily be a sequel to Skyward Sword, but certainly set after it, and I think "the original Ganondorf" is a big enough plot thread to be worth of putting on the Wii U.

As such, my answers are:
• Ocarina of Time / A Link to the Past interquel
• Phantom Hourglass / Spirit Tracks interquel
• Twilight Princess spiritual sequel
• Skyward Sword / Minish Cap interquel

Do you want any locations to come back from any Zelda Games in particular? (I want the Lost Woods to come back, I loved that location in OoT)

I have no preference, but I had to choose, I'd say Death Mountain.

Should the world be larger, smaller, more dense, less dense, or the same as Skyward Sword's overworld?

I actually liked Skyward Sword's overworld, but perhaps they would implement the "dual worlds" aspect of A Link to the Past and Ocarina of Time. The surface should definitely have more connections to each other, and there should be more simpler warps than constantly having to fly around to get from place to place. It should be large, but not quite as big as Wind Waker's overworld, and it should be easy to travel across, with the addition of warps.

A Link In Time

To Overcome Harder Challenges
ZD Legend
Where do you think the title known as Zelda Wii-U be set? Will it be a place we've seen before (Hyrule, Termina, etc....) or a new land entirely?

I would like for the title currently tentatively coined Zelda Wii U to be set in the land of Hyrule. It's time for Nintendo to give us another glorious romp through a familiar land and Hyrule is the perfect place to start! Skyward Sword showed gamers Nintendo has learned how to make more focused overworlds and it would certainly be interesting to roam through a Hyrule field filled with numerous and interesting tasks to do. Also, this option seems very likely as the developer teams at Nintendo love to follow in the vain of Ocarina of Time moreso than any other series installment.

Do you want the game to be a sequel to a current Zelda game?

Yes, I want the game to be a sequel to Ocarina of Time but not a direct one like Majora's Mask. I've personally been dying for some more backstory on the Sealing War before A Link to the Past on the "Hero is Defeated" timeline. I believe this would finally be a chance for a grander story and yet another shot at villains with greater intentions. And yes, villains. It truly would be interesting to see Link take on groups of baddies with equally able allies at his side. This opportunity is simply too good for Nintendo to pass up.

Do you want any locations to come back from any Zelda Games in particular? (I want the Lost Woods to come back, I loved that location in OoT)

The Lost Woods would be a perfect location to see return. I believe there are some interesting instrumental applications that could be included in the Zelda Wii U particularly with the Ocarina's buttons being on the touchscreen controller. and yes, it should be an Ocarina for that was the most practical and useful musical instrument throughout series history.

Something the aforementioned timeline barely mentions is the Temple of Time and it would certainly be interesting to see what occurred to the temple after Ganondorf's reign of terror. Also, this could potentially provide explosive and dynamic backstory for A Link to the Past and make room for more future titles.

Should the world be larger, smaller, more dense, less dense, or the same as Skyward Sword's overworld?

I believe the overworld should be larger than that in Skyward Sword but with the same amount of focus and tasks to complete. Never again, will a placeholder like Hyrule Field in Twilight Princess be used. In this respect, Skyward Sword was a true link to the future for the franchise and Nintendo should definitely take note of what worked and what didn't in the title and build on it. However the next overworld is in Zelda Wii U (or rather second most future for Zelda 3DS is likely to release first), as a a gamer, I'm confident Nintendo will make the right choice and fulfill not only my personal aspirations but those of Zelda gamers around the globe. Long live the gaming king!


Destroyer of Destruction
Sep 28, 2011
Probably in my room.
1. I'm guessing it'll be in Hyrule, though, you can never be sure.

2. YES, I soooo freaking want a sequel to TP. I would literally throw myself at Miyamoto's feet and BEG him to make it so.

3. Umm...Hyrule Castle and Castle Town. I like the whole 'capital city' feel, but hoping that it's actually larger and more free roaming than in TP.

4. I actually liked TP's overworld, but I would want there to be more monsters roaming the land and more grotto's and a few more caves.

Big Octo

Jul 2, 2011
Where do you think the title known as Zelda Wii-U be set? Will it be a place we've seen before (Hyrule, Termina, etc....) or a new land entirely?
I would like Hyrule to be seen again, ain't because of the plot elements that I hope will be used.

Do you want the game to be a sequel to a current Zelda game?
Not really. Again, back to plot elements. I am particularly anticipating Ganon(dorf) in WiiU Zelda, and opportunities for Ganon-centered sequels is scarce.

Do you want any locations to come back from any Zelda Games in particular?
Why not, I guess. I'd like to see some Hyrule regulars (Lake Hylia, Death Mountain, etc.)

Should the world be larger, smaller, more dense, less dense, or the same as Skyward Sword's overworld?
Much larger, and with varying densities in different areas. Skyward Sword had The Sky, but for the most part it was relatively empty, and the the Surface was a bit weak and lacked good reason to return to certain areas, the exception being when the main quests requires so. I picture a large, RPG-esque Hyrule.
Sep 4, 2011
I know Skyward Sword just came out three months ago, but I've already gotten started thinking about a Wii-U Zelda. So a few thoughts came up in my head and I wanted to ask the people of the forum:

Where do you think the title known as Zelda Wii-U be set? Will it be a place we've seen before (Hyrule, Termina, etc....) or a new land entirely?

Do you want the game to be a sequel to a current Zelda game?

Do you want any locations to come back from any Zelda Games in particular? (I want the Lost Woods to come back, I loved that location in OoT)

Should the world be larger, smaller, more dense, less dense, or the same as Skyward Sword's overworld?

I want to hear everyone's thoughts :)

1. I would like to see it in Hyrule.
2. Yes, it should be a sequel to TP.
3. Sure, it should have snow areas, swamps, ruins, more villages with reasons to come by.
4. It should have a large overworld that isn't linear, but has depth and density in some areas. It should have cool things to find, and tough enemies.

Unlucky Monkey

The Great King of Apes
May 17, 2011
NRW, Germany
Where do you think the title known as Zelda Wii-U be set? Will it be a place we've seen before (Hyrule, Termina, etc....) or a new land entirely?

I think the game will most likely take place on a new Continent. The beginning of a new Era. So, I can't imagine how this new world will look like. But it will definitely not feature the same lands as shown in Spirit Tracks.

Do you want the game to be a sequel to a current Zelda game?

Judging by the official Timeline shown in Hyrule Historia, this would lead to Minish Cap? I think, there is nothing any more special in this Era. A Sequel set in the world of A Link to the Past would be cool.

Do you want any locations to come back from any Zelda Games in particular? (I want the Lost Woods to come back, I loved that location in OoT)

I would finally like to see this scary Forest from Twilight Princess which was completely cut out in the final game.


Should the world be larger, smaller, more dense, less dense, or the same as Skyward Sword's overworld?

The overworld is something Nintendo can't handle with. In every 3D Zelda, there are flaws concerning the Overworld. Hyrule Field in Ocarina of Time feels a bit boring. In Twilight Princess I felt lonely. And there is Skyward Sword. A whole Species is limited on a small Island including about 30 Villagers. The upcoming Overworld should include everything Nintendo has planned for their original vision of Twilight Princess.
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