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Zelda Instrument-Based Game?


Apr 19, 2009
I disagree. Shouldn't be DSiware because I don't have a DS :D. It should be on Wiiware or Virtual Console. OR, I think they should make it as like an extra, like something that they give away to club nintendo or to the people who preorder Zelda Wii.


Aug 25, 2008
If there's one thing I love, it's when people underestimate the potential of a good idea. One thing to take note of, is that there are ALOT of Zelda songs, so a large playlist is very much within the boundaries of possibility. Second of all, I don't see how it couldn't have a storyline, I don't mean a complex one, but one similar to Guitar Hero's campaign. I mean c'mon, having it as a minigame or DSiWare? That's such a waste of an idea that could very well be successful, and that's like saying Link's Crossbow Training should have been a WiiWare, which would've made it pointless.

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