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Zelda HD. Good, Or Bad?


Ash Gala Wonderful!
Mar 9, 2010
49.9°N 8.2°E
Well, anyone remember Spaceworld 2000 and the outcome afterwards? It's the same here, all that we saw at E3 was a mere tech demo, showing what the WiiU can do and not what it necessarily will do. At SW2000 they presented us what Zelda could have looked like if they had gone to the Gamecube's limits but instead we got a game which would've run well on a N64 (not that I don't like WW, I'm just trying to say that it was very unexpected). I think they'll do the very same again and the final Zelda WiiU will have a completely different artstyle compared to the E3 demo.
Also I don't think that Nintendo will jump onto the CoD/Halo/BF/[insert another generic FPS here]... bandwagon, Zelda will always be unique and incomparable to any other game series! And it won't be a hyper-realistic blood-filled game, that's 99% sure, so no need to worry. They'll come up with a totally different artstyle again, and as long as it isn't Picasso-influenced (:S) I'll be fine! And because it's always the gameplay which makes Zelda, they'll most definitely come up with something unique again!


There you are! You monsters!
Feb 8, 2011
Cool as it would be to see Zelda Wii U in Hi-Def, I have to agree with the issue of this article. To see the franchise turn to Xbox-style graphics would likely result in parallel animation, meaning Nintendo might turn to HD at default. They already have updated their latest portable system to 3D, so I'm pretty sure that we will see the jump to HD as well. Nonetheless, I believe Nintendo has the foresight to perceive whether their turning to the "bloody/gritty" types of games out there. Just because they have similar graphs does not necessarily mean the games will be the same in "maturity."

Thank goodness Nintendo has a man such a Miyamoto in charge.
Aug 17, 2011
Melbourne, Australia
i would really hate for zelda to became a total realistic, gory, graphic dependant series.

i mean there are that many games out there that really offer nothing but the graphics look "real".

and i doubt that nintendo will turn zelda into a modern "gamer" voilence wank.

action is cool but zelda is an action/adventure fantasy game and that fantastic explorationg feature is really what i love abotu the games i wouldnt care if all the games had n64 graphics.

give me a 40+ hour long game with sub-par(by modern standards) graphics and id say it could be 100 fold better than some ultra real 10 hour long game with some multiplayer or gimick feature to keep people playing.
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Hero of Wheels

The Link of the Present
Aug 26, 2011
The cannon room with invisible Shad
The Zelda HD demo is the most beautiful display of graphics I have ever seen. A lot of (incorrect) people think that good graphics=Good game. Giving this game a shot is the one way to humor them. Then the series will have more fans when another Toon Link game comes out. I hope.


Chief of Shiekah Tribe
Jul 25, 2011
Koholint Island
I think we will get a repeat of the WW. Awesome tech demo. Only to find something completely different. Not that i did not like the WW. Very good game. I am just saying that is probably going to happen. Remember Eiji Anouma said that was not going to be it.


~ It's me, Dio!~
Jul 6, 2011
Absolute unit
Well, I really found TP's graphics as my favorite, yet the textures were a problem. Nintendo can fix that with the WiiU if they are going to come up with a "realistic" Zelda game. As for there being blood, we saw some of this in OoT (don't know why THAT was rated E because it had real blood coming out from Ganondorf while TP is rated T even though there was no real blood at all.) Like JuicieJ said, I would also love a graphic style with the mix of TP and OoT.

TP's art style is also my favourite but it just did not look pretty on the wii because of its poor capabilities and I would love for nintendo to use the same style in there next game as the Tech demo.

they may end up taking TOO much advantage of the Wii U's graphical abilities, and The Legend Of Zelda will become The Legend Of Duty or The Call Of Zelda. In other words, I don't want to see The Legend Of Zelda become ANYTHING LIKE Call Of Duty, and lose it's originality. What do you think?

I don't think that any zelda game would look like call of duty no matter how detailed the textures are, mainly because of how the characters faces have kind of anime eyes and features and I dont think nintendo would lose that because that is how the fans see the characters to look.
In fact I would say the tech demo for HD zelda looks Alot better than any call of duty game. When in call of duty can you see your characters reflection in a shiny floor?

zelda hd.jpg > call-of-duty-4-modern-warfare-2.jpg

Actually. That demo makes call of duty's graphics look terrible.

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