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ZD Pokémon Scarlet and Violet Tournament (March 2023) - Finished!


Jan 19, 2018
If you don't identify as the default options of Male/Female, you may enter your gender here.
i'm pretty sick but i imagine i'll be available for the next 12-ish hours. Its possible i'll fall asleep at some point. I'll check ZD intermittedly.

also ig pokemon showdown makes a noise when i'm messaged or challenged so if you can't reach me via ZD and exlight isn't here you can try messaging/challenging me there. my ign is ragnarokio
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Staff member
@Mikey the Moblin @Ragnarokio
I'm not the former host and I won't be letting a tournament be dragging out for months just to end up solving it on a biased coin flip.

I'd firstly like to ask once again if either if you have reasons to extend this deadline any further. If no good reasons for a extended deadline are given as well as a set day for it, I'd like for one you step forward and take responsibility for this match not happening.

I'm aware medical issues might be happening, as well as religious festivities, and even internet issues. But warning in advance, or asking the host to help schedule the matches for you are options that I feel haven't been explored properly.

If that doesn't happen, I'll give you both two days to DM me evidence of your attempts to schedule the match so I can try to pass a fair judgement decision on this matter. If you can still manage do your battle in this meantime I'll still accept it.

If neither were putting in effort in scheduling it, I'll straight up eliminate both from the tournament because it has to keep going. If it's decided that the stalling is a matter of foul play the player might get blacklisted from future events.

Love you both and hope you're both well.


Triforce Champion
May 14, 2022
New Mauville
@Mikey the Moblin @Ragnarokio
I'm not the former host and I won't be letting a tournament be dragging out for months just to end up solving it on a biased coin flip.

I'd firstly like to ask once again if either if you have reasons to extend this deadline any further. If no good reasons for a extended deadline are given as well as a set day for it, I'd like for one you step forward and take responsibility for this match not happening.

I'm aware medical issues might be happening, as well as religious festivities, and even internet issues. But warning in advance, or asking the host to help schedule the matches for you are options that I feel haven't been explored properly.

If that doesn't happen, I'll give you both two days to DM me evidence of your attempts to schedule the match so I can try to pass a fair judgement decision on this matter. If you can still manage do your battle in this meantime I'll still accept it.

If neither were putting in effort in scheduling it, I'll straight up eliminate both from the tournament because it has to keep going. If it's decided that the stalling is a matter of foul play the player might get blacklisted from future events.

Love you both and hope you're both well.
This poor man just wants to see a fight. Come on, guys! Help him out!


Jan 19, 2018
If you don't identify as the default options of Male/Female, you may enter your gender here.
I'm happy to play the match and should be able to do that any time from ~4:00 am to 6:00 pm EST over the next couple days. I can probably play at other times too if i'm given notice beforehand. I'm not sure if you've been attempting to contact me but if you have been It probably hasn't been working, so if thats the case setting a time to do the battle in this thread might be better. If you haven't attempted to contact me then you can still do so via here, exlight, or pokemonshowdown. (with the latter two probably getting my attention faster).

Otherwise if I see you active on ZD i'll send you a ping via the shoutbox or something and hopefully get your attention that way.


Staff member
I'm sorry for the tournament getting stalled for a while, everyone. Hopefully we can now get it back on its tracks.

Judging from the activity of both players throughout the time they were given, as well as considering the arguments provided in these past couple days, I have come to the conclusion that both parties had some scheduling issues, but that Ragnarokio was more active when it came down to attempts of scheduling the match.

It was not an easy decision, and it's definitely a situation I would've preferred to be avoided. It was decided that no foul play was involved, meaning Mikey will still be welcome to (and hopefully will) participate future tournaments. If anything, Mikey's sudden disappearance these past few days has me quite worried, I hope he's recovering well.

Now, to the updated brackets!

We're approaching the end of the tournament. Plinko has already guaranteed his spot as a finalist in this tournament, who'll be his final opponent??


Losers Round 3
@Ragnarokio vs. @Pokémaniac13

Please do your match until April 19th.
Whoever wins this match will have to fight The Sun Fan next.

Good Luck and have fun!


Jan 19, 2018
If you don't identify as the default options of Male/Female, you may enter your gender here.
in light of how last time went I'd prefer if we could agree on a time to play our match at. I'm broadly free between ~6:00 am and ~6:00 pm EST the next few days probably, but should be able to play somewhat outside that time if i'm given notice a day or so in advance. What time works for you?


Triforce Champion
May 14, 2022
New Mauville
in light of how last time went I'd prefer if we could agree on a time to play our match at. I'm broadly free between ~6:00 am and ~6:00 pm EST the next few days probably, but should be able to play somewhat outside that time if i'm given notice a day or so in advance. What time works for you?
From 12pm to 5pm (EST) preferably. I can do right now, though.

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