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ZD Members Vs. Mods Game Thread

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Heroine of Time

Rest in peace, Paris Caper...
Aug 6, 2011
Take a guess.
And here we arrive at the point in mafia where I wish I could edit my posts.

I don't necessarily want everyone to unvote JC and lynch Fig. I really am beginning to think a no lynch is a good option if possible. But I guess you guys can do whatever you want now with the info I gave you. (Maybe no one will believe me, anyway. -.-)

EBWODP (because my previous one wasn't EBWODP :P)

Oh yeah, good idea, JC. XD

Vote: Extension

Viral Maze

Verb the adjective noun
Feb 5, 2010
Food for thought, someone on Fig's wagon is scum. Like 100%. I feel it in my balls. That is if Fig is town, which he is leaning towards IMO.

Fig (4) - justac00lguy, Pendio, Go_Dark_Link, Atticus

If the mafia role cop targetted Fig and figured him to be a vengeful townie, then obv they'd wanna stack votes on him, and want themselves to vote early. 2 birds with one stone. Pendio and Atty stand out the most though.

Vote: Extension


Jul 1, 2012
Food for thought, someone on Fig's wagon is scum. Like 100%. I feel it in my balls. That is if Fig is town, which he is leaning towards IMO.

Fig (4) - justac00lguy, Pendio, Go_Dark_Link, Atticus

If the mafia role cop targetted Fig and figured him to be a vengeful townie, then obv they'd wanna stack votes on him, and want themselves to vote early. 2 birds with one stone. Pendio and Atty stand out the most though.

Vote: Extension
You have a very good point, Viral. Just so we can discuss this further though, could you please vote extension, just in case we make a mistake? ;p Oh and others as well, we need time now.

Big Octo

Jul 2, 2011
I've been fairly busy for the past week, so naturally I've been less active. I understand why it may seem suspicious that I'm only chiming in once in a while, but I really can't help it right now.

At this point I'm unconvinced of a Fig lynch for today. It seems to me that JC is just grasping at straws, digging up any reason he can to get Fig lynched today. I found it especially desperate when he suggested that Fig vote for himself. It's obvious that it wasn't all over for Fig, and that the votes for him could easily turn around, which the did. I'm sure JC was aware of others' suspicions of Fig waning, but he tried to get the lynch he wanted anyways. If JC flips town, I'm still not too keen on going with a Fig tomorrow, because the suspicions of him today boiled down to desperation. Of course, if he's looked into further with new perspectives and stronger theories, then I'd consider a lynch.

Big Octo

Jul 2, 2011
Bo, I know this might not convince you, but read Heroine's latest post.

If anything, it makes me more indifferent. Part of me wants to believe it's a fake claim, but another part of me wants a fresh start. I'm feeling the latter stronger. That beings said...

Vote: Extension

Because if we don't, then we've wasted a day.


If there ever was one
Mar 22, 2011
Over there, over there, and up there.
I don't have time to post my thoughts right now (though I will say both Fig and JC are starting to look town to me), but an extension sounds swell since I really want to look into the other two people before this day is over, and the weekend is perfect time for that.
Vote: Etens

Vote: Extension
Also can someone explain what a vengeful townie is? I saw Viral or maybe vergo mention it but I've never seen it in a game before (I think)


Version 1
Apr 6, 2011
The Turnabout
Good Gravy! Yeah, I'd like to apologize for my disappearence. I was on a retreat for a few days, so I going to have to tie some loose ends and catch up. Also, more time to talk sounds all right to me!

Vote: Extension
Dec 14, 2008
Louisiana, USA
Heroine of Time said:
I know JC IS a Tracker. I also know that ALIT targeted Kybyrian night one for entirely different reasons, so his results match mine perfectly. Unless he made a really lucky guess, his result is legitimate. I don't know about you, but I really don't want to lynch the Tracker this late in the game. He'll probably die tonight if we don't. Unless, of course, he's a Mafia Tracker. Which is... possible, I guess, but it sounds overpowered when combined with a Role Cop...

This is fine. I don’t think Fig is the right choice, and I don’t like how his bandwagon shaped up at all. ALIT targeting Kybyrian night one makes perfect sense, so I’m more prone to believe you moreso than justac00lguy.

Vote: Extension

I already typed my response to you up, JC, so I’ll just put that here in case anyone else wants a more in-depth look at my reasoning. But as I’m inclined to believe Heroine on your behalf right now, you can disregard the “ultimatums”, for lack of a better word, that are present in it. Feel free to respond to it if you think it’ll strengthen you claim, but as it stands, I believe you for now.

justac00lguy said:
Exactly my main problem. I don't like when Mafia games are devoid of activity as I like to analyse a lot, and with so little to work with I can only formulate hypothetical situations that coincide with night scenes - so basically that's where my vote for Fig came from. I do have other suspicions but I simply don't have enough to make a decent enough post that would convince others. Said people would be Thareous, Heroine, and, to a lesser degree, Big Octo. Lack of activity makes it hard though.

Oh, I definitely believe you about that, trust me. But I already addressed why I think your “pioneering” ways on Fig were particularly strange in light of you wasting the entire day before that messing around with conflicting role-claims. If you had this “conversational” attitude for the entire game, I’d be more inclined to believe you. But you still sat on your hands all day yesterday, doing hardly a thing to help us determine whether Deku or Keith was mafia before everything went down. Your, shall I say, contradictory attitude from day to day, just sticks out like a sore thumb, I’m afraid.

justac00lguy said:
Okay I can see where you're coming from here, but I was sort of bantering with you at that stage, in fact we both were. I has an inkling this was a role madness game, as I too had a power role. You stating that this could be a role madness game was confirmation to me that you had a role of sorts too, which made my inkling now a possibility.

Honestly though, in hindsight I see how the rest could have been interpreted.

Indeed. I’m afraid that this entire portion of your post doesn’t do much good, however, as your response does quite literally nothing to excuse this or even offer and alibi. Your response, in the way it was presented and framed, was blunt, to the point, and void of anything meaningful that could have helped anyone. In fact, it could very well be argued that your response was in fact very typical of a mafia member; pointing out what seemed liked a mistaken role-claim. You can chalk this up to “banter” if you’d like, but this wasn’t even day one. You took what could have been a meaningful conversation point, and turned it into something that seems quite scummy and mafia-esque in hind-sight. Again, I probably wouldn’t be concerning myself with voting for you at all if this hadn’t happened so early, and you had stuck out so much to me. But the fact remains that it did, and we can only go from here.

justac00lguy said:
If you were in my position though, soft claiming Mandy was the best option. Put yourself in my shoes (whether you believe me or not). I got Mandy as my role and I get Tracker which is very similar to the Cop in a way. Put this together with my role PM, which could have easily referred to Mandy as a Cop, and--in my mind anyway--Mandy seems like a good person to seem like a Cop. There was another reason for why I chose Mandy as well being the fact that I actually am here, which makes the overall risk less. Anyway, I think I'll be able to explain this much clearer when the game's finished and I can show some information from my role pm.

First off, it’s a ridiculous assumption to “put myself in your shoes” when the entire premise of that depends on me actually believing that you got Mandy as a role. Second of all, this doesn’t address, at all, what I find to be just a terrible strategy to draw attention away from the cop. What rule says Mandy has the be the cop, exactly? Is it just because “tracker” is kind of like “cop” to you? Again, this is a ridiculous assumption on the part of the rest of us, something that I’m not willing to take on face-value because of other factors, like the ridiculousness of your yesterday strategy in the first place, that should be taken into account.

justac00lguy said:
Well first off, I acknowledge that my claim as Pancake was a mistake as I was over complicating things to an insane degree - to the point where I looked in retrospect and didn't even understand why I did it. I was too much set on Mafia focusing on whether or not I'm the Cop as I thought claiming Mandy was slightly obvious.

I’d be willing to accept it as a simple mistake, as we all make them. But the fact remains that this was AFTER your claim of Mandy, so….. Was it really just THAT big of a screw-up on your part? That you thought claiming Mandy wasn’t enough, so you, for some reason, decided to claim what could very well be the lover pair, like, just a few posts later? And you’re expecting me to believe that you of all people screwed that up when your intention was as noble as saving our cop? I’m not a man that believes in coincidence too easily, and coupled with everything else, this whole thing just stinks, I’m sorry.

justac00lguy said:
Honestly I have done this so many times before, beginning of the day votes, that I find it odd that you think it's some sort of out-of-character move for myself (I did this many times in Pirates 2, yeah I was the Dreaming God, but I was scum hunting). Also, I had Fig in my sights beforehand. When Fig told the Cop to lie low I agreed and trusted him, but if Mafia were to kill the Cop that night then I knew who I would turn to. It wasn't like I just impulsively voted for him, I was thinking about this before the day began, which is why I was kind of ready and so sure of myself. Not sure as in I had the greatest lead of all time, but sure as in I might have a possible lead for the first time in the game because let's face it no one had any real strong leads.

No, no, you misunderstand me. I don’t think this is another slip-up on your part because of your past playstyles. To the contrary, your style is very much the same no matter whose side you’re on, which makes you a very good player. No, my issue is, once again, the timing. I addressed this in the first paragraph in response to you, but I will reiterate; when the post that Fig made, your entire basis for your original vote, happened on the previous day, why not bring this forward at all? You could have, if this was such a strong issue to you, at least put some kind of FOS on him, or at LEAST presented an opposing lynch option when pretty much nothing was there against Keith. But it’s not just that either, it’s the fact, again, that yesterday was a fairly useless day for you. Again, as I said originally, it seems like the mafia being in a very powerful position right now attempting to control the conversation, in comparison to yesterday when they didn’t have to thanks to the Keith bandwagon.

justac00lguy said:
I didn't, plain and simple. I actually explained why I didn't get involved in that whole fiasco. I wanted the Mafia to kill me, so getting involved in, what I thought was a rather pointless debate, didn't appeal to me, nor would it help my ulterior motive which was to keep the Cop alive. I stated that this was my utmost priority as at that point any decent information from the Cop was a game changer. This was proved by the fact that Alit actually had information on scum, but of course he never got to share the information. This is why I was so set on drawing attention to myself; however it looks like it wouldn't have worked either way as their Role Cop must have investigated Alit and killed him on the same night.

Ah, this is convenient indeed. So what you’re telling me is this – you suspend your mafia hunting skills ENTIRELY for one day, just because you’re hoping the mafia kills you. I’m sorry man, but this contradicts every single thing you’ve said to me. If your priority is to always aid town through activity, why on earth stop? If you were fake-claiming cop, why not take it further when some incredibly in-depth analysis on whether or not Keith is mafia. Come on dude, you know playing as mafia as well as I do; target the active members, and target the experienced member. If you truly, really wanted the mafia to kill you….. Act like a hardcore townie. But you didn’t do that. And, again, I think it’s because you were content with just letting that play out because it meant the lynch of a townie no matter what, regardless of your input. This response has only strengthened my resolve on this matter, the more I think about it.

justac00lguy said:
At this point in time I know I'm bound to be lynched if Fig flips scum because everyone has this odd state of mind in this specific game that any genuine attempt to target a player is a scummy move. Look I know my suspicion on Fig isn't the strongest; it's based off a hypothetical scenario which relies on the Mafia Role Cop targeting Alit. Now, where would this game be without me saying this? Would we still be stuck in safe mode beating around the bush and jumping on any slight out-of-the-ordinary move? Most likely yes. I don't like when people sit back and expect things to fall into place, we are in a losing position, a severe one, we can't afford to do that.

Nah, I’m not going after ya just because you voted for Fig. That’s a large part of it, but my theories and assumptions are based off of things entirely separate to that – your vote on Fig and reactions just far are the icing on the cake, the “supporting sentences”, if you will. I’ve presented my suspicions, with reasons from a varied amount of days, including days that took place far before even the first single vote was placed on Fig today. I appreciate the activity, I really do, but I’m just so weary of this “activity” and your so-called “pioneering” nature when it’s coupled with things that I’ve laid about above. I could have sat this one out, being in “safe mode”, as you say, but because I see something falling into place itself, I decide to act on it. We’re very much the same in that way, I suppose, just at an impasse here at the end of today.

justac00lguy said:
Obviously I'm going to disagree. However I just want you to consider a few things in the case that you might want to lynch me tomorrow. I have claimed a very common role and in what seems like a role madness game as well. On top of this, I've claimed a member who was pretty much a given to take part in the game in my eyes. Let's say that I am fake claiming for a minute, isn't it an incredible risk to not only claim a common role, but also name claim on top of that? Now if the name wasn't associated with the role (let's say Mandy is the Watcher for example) now there's two Townies that can pin me down and basically prove I'm lying. Why would I fake claim in this fashion, do you honestly think of be that naive? I did it for trust and trust only, but it seems to be hard thing to acquire in this game, so I can only suggest that you don't go targeting me, but that's all I can do. Don't be surprised if you look back in hindsight and see you've made a mistake.

There you go, with the assumptions once more – no one said that Mandy has to be a character in this game. Look at the member names we have so far – the vast, vast majority of them feature members who are active in ZD mafia games. Mine is the same. It’s entirely, ENTIRELY possible that Mandy, as someone who has not been active in a game to my knowledge since I returned late last year, was not a role in favor of someone else. Therefor, it would, indeed, be easy to pull off a claim of a name that doesn’t exist, and a role that you can cleverly hide behind the guise of “not getting results”. The Tracker has a variety of forms that it can take, and flavors that can be added. If anything, it’s EASIER to pull off a fake-claim of it because of this. You claim something that could easily be slightly different to another’s role, or hell, even a direct duplicate (I’ve seen pairs before). An inactive player may have it, or people may have glossed over your claim in the first place. This by no means gives you a free pass in any event, and should you not be lynched tonight, I’ll be keeping a close eye out if I’m still alive tomorrow.


The Altruist
Jul 23, 2011
Mishima Tower
Vote: Extension

I think it's only fair to have extra time to better think things through. Honestly I don't think JC is mafia, but he is just grasping at straws. If anything Pendio and Atts seem more scummy to me.


There you are! You monsters!
Feb 8, 2011
This game is shaping up to be the longest Mafia match-off in history, but I'm cool with that.

Vote: Extension

Now, I have a question for Heroine... How did you know that Justa was the Tracker? Could it be that you were watching his back, or is your investigative role none other than the Mafia Role Cop?


I play my drum for you
Jan 30, 2011
Tangent Universe
We need this extension. Today is far from over. I'm kind of tipsy on JC, but I feel him more scummy than Fig. I also am looking at Heroine, but not nearly as much. I'll look over posts soon and see what I can find.

Heroine of Time

Rest in peace, Paris Caper...
Aug 6, 2011
Take a guess.
Now, I have a question for Heroine... How did you know that Justa was the Tracker? Could it be that you were watching his back, or is your investigative role none other than the Mafia Role Cop?
I'm not sure how much I want to reveal -- plus there's only one claim per day anyway -- but I can tell you that I'm not a Role Cop, haha. I mean, I guess JC could be making up the rest of the results for all I know; I just know that his first one is true.


There you are! You monsters!
Feb 8, 2011
I'm not sure how much I want to reveal -- plus there's only one claim per day anyway -- but I can tell you that I'm not a Role Cop, haha. I mean, I guess JC could be making up the rest of the results for all I know; I just know that his first one is true.

Makes sense... For there to be such a thing as a Mafia Tracker would be quite bizarre, but theoretically, it could explain how the Mafia is able to predict Townie Power Roles, by tracking their movements. However, Draco pretty much confirmed that there is indeed a Role Cop in the game, and so if I'm to take you at your word then Justa is essentially cleared. Unless you really do have the ability to check a target's alignment, too...?
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