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Game Thread Yu Yu Hakusho Mafia

I think Mikey's probably telling the truth about this? I don't feel like I've seen much indication of another way the kills could've been stopped. That said, while I do think it's probably best for Mikey to claim his targets at this point just because I feel like that's usually best once you've already claimed, I don't know how much it'll really tell us? Since jailkeeps can stop the nk both by blocking the killer or by protecting the target.

Morbid Minish

Spooky Scary Skeleton.
I dunno how well Mikey knows Alit games to know that he often includes town jailer. So that makes the claim kinda believable. His reaction to me thinking he has been softing cop also seemed fairly genuine.

The thing that has me paranoid is like, how do you turbo Kirino and even after Ex says that if Kirino is town than Mikey is scum and Mikey said he was a bit nervous after that, you don't double check he was your target. Though I guess I could kinda see Mikey doing that.

We've had either someone stopping the nks (so doctor, roleblocker, or jailer), or mafia is playing a long con risky move after the Rag lunch d1 and just not killing to set up fake claims. The first seems more likely, but there are some people I wouldn't put the second past.

I think I'm just gonna believe Ex is town the rest of the game. For the fact that he seems to also have picked up on Mikey's softing. And if Mikey is actually town then Ex most likely is too.
Jul 7, 2021
I didn't quite follow the whole Mikey thing so I'm just going to sit here and wait for whatever we're waiting for.

Morbid Minish

Spooky Scary Skeleton.
I don't think moe claiming targets makes much of a difference because if it's the roleblocker-doctor kinda jailer the targets can either be scum or town anyway so it wouldn't reduce the PoE

I was mostly curious his n2 target, because for some reason thinking it was Kirino and then there being no kill led him to believe Kirino was scum. Rather than Kirino was the nk. Which is kinda interesting. But I guess not too interesting if he just believes Mafia never targets Kirino there.

If n2 and n3 were the same targets I think that leans more towards that person being scum potentially. Because if someone was saved n2, what are the chances Mafia targets them again and doesn't try to target who they think might be the doctor or whatever?

Mikey the Gengar

if I had a nickel for every time I ran out of spac
Aug 31, 2014
southworst united states
The fact that I've blocked two in a row is pretty scary though because it means there most likely isn't a strongman, or if it is they used it on night 1 to kill killjoy and it was a 1 shot
Wifom game and I hate it

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