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Game Thread Yu Yu Hakusho Mafia


Jun 19, 2010
I think it's kind of weird that the game is dead 2.5 hours before EoD with a hastily formed bandwagon on Rag in the lead, which includes herself for some reason.

Anyway, I think I'll end up voting for either Neon or Dawning. The latter already has a vote, so let's keep things interesting.

Vote: DawningWinds

Mikey the Moblin

if I had a nickel for every time I ran out of spac
ZD Champion
Aug 31, 2014
southworst united states
I think it's kind of weird that the game is dead 2.5 hours before EoD with a hastily formed bandwagon on Rag in the lead, which includes herself for some reason.

Anyway, I think I'll end up voting for either Neon or Dawning. The latter already has a vote, so let's keep things interesting.

Vote: DawningWinds
I would join you but I don't think saving someone who thinks they should die is proper play

so for now I'll wait for rag

Morbid Minish

Spooky Scary Skeleton.
I think it's kind of weird that the game is dead 2.5 hours before EoD with a hastily formed bandwagon on Rag in the lead, which includes herself for some reason.

Anyway, I think I'll end up voting for either Neon or Dawning. The latter already has a vote, so let's keep things interesting.

Vote: DawningWinds

My rvs is still on DW, but I'm actually not seeing his scum play much here I don't think. Ex is usually better at reading him than me. But it seems like when he's scum he's more aggressive starting off. This seems more laid back and observational than that so it feels more townie DW to me.


Rag's self vote is weird and I hate self votes. But it being Rag there could be any reason for it really. It kinda seems like it could be scum who is trying to get suspicion off of themselves without much effort by making people think that scum wouldn't self vote there. But I dunno. Really could be either alignment here unfortunately.

Vote: Mikey

Just for an alternate wagon and he's the only one that's really made me hmmm. Him asking Rag if he should vote her is interesting. I feel like normally Mikey would just vote there. Could be scumbuds trying to figure out what's going on before putting Rag on the chopping block.

Mikey the Moblin

if I had a nickel for every time I ran out of spac
ZD Champion
Aug 31, 2014
southworst united states
Just for an alternate wagon and he's the only one that's really made me hmmm. Him asking Rag if he should vote her is interesting. I feel like normally Mikey would just vote there. Could be scumbuds trying to figure out what's going on before putting Rag on the chopping block.
that's an uncharitable interpretation of events
normally I do vote there yes, but look at the context
it's a naked d1 vote from RAG
I need to make sure it's serious before I policy

A Link In Time

To Overcome Harder Challenges
ZD Legend
Vote Count 1.7:

Ragnarokio (3) - Rubik, Ragnarokio, Neon
DawningWinds (1) - Kirino
ExLight (1) - Mikey the Moblin
Mikey the Moblin (1) - Morbid Minish

Not Voting - a'lana, DawningWinds, ExLight, Killjoy262, Seanzie

With 11 alive, it takes 6 for a majority lynch. Day 1 ends on Saturday, December 17th at 9 PM EST.

Morbid Minish

Spooky Scary Skeleton.
that's an uncharitable interpretation of events
normally I do vote there yes, but look at the context
it's a naked d1 vote from RAG
I need to make sure it's serious before I policy

I dunno, it just feels like you usually don't wait to see if it's serious and you just policy vote there anyways.
Maybe I'm wrong, just didn't feel like your normal kinda move.
I don't have much experience with DawningWinds, but a couple of their comments so far seem a bit lazy. Thinking of this post in particular, where the first point is agreeing with someone and just wording it slightly differently, and the second is just pointing out the obvious:
Yeah I didn't have a ton to say at the time of that post, but I was getting ready for bed and figured I should do a quick catch-up and post whatever thoughts I had before I went.

"I'm tired/busy" is something that people insert into their posts all the time as an excuse for everything, so it seems strange to me for them to take it at face value.
...it's usually true? Usually if people are saying that they're telling the truth about it even if they are scum. I feel like my main concern with them probably did just come down to their timing so in hindsight it probably would've made sense for me to adjust for that more.

Ugh it's getting close to EOD and I really haven't got any really suspicions. I still have like no clue what's up with Rag? She popped in dropped a self-vote and then just vanished... I still just can't wrap my head around that? I don't feel like I'd really want to vote there but. I don't know. I could probably live with it if Rag stays leading wagon but I don't feel confortable putting my own vote there.

Um who else is here. Neon and KillJoy I'm both still feeling relatively comfortable as town. Minish I'm also feeling pretty good about, the way she's been engaging with the thread feels different from scum Minish who tends to feel almost like she's watching from the sidelines in her early posts? I haven't been getting that here so I think she's probably town.

I was TRing Seanzie before but now his whole blatant "look over here, look at me" shtick is bugging me? It feels pretty Jester-y though, with the way he challenged Ex's lack of a scumread on him and called the idea of having someone vote him "perfect". I might vote him if I don't see anything I'm more confident in by the time I'm done sorting my thoughts, if I'm right, I don't mind giving a Jester a D1 win since in a vanilla ish game I don't see it likely to be game-ending.

Ex has still felt extremely NAI to me. Don't want to vote there now but I do want to keep a bit of a better eye on him going forward. A'lana's kinda in this same boat.

Rubik feels okay. The response he had to his RVS wagon blowing up felt pretty natural and nothing else of his has really stood out to me.

Kirino's case on me feels kinda meh but. I think it's a townie meh more than it's a scummy meh, their points don't feel very strong but I do see their reasoning.

Mikey. Um. I don't really understand his meta which seems to be some of the main motivation for the case on him. I still think his "case" on Ex is pretty garbage though. Hm.

I think I'll go on probably-a-Jester Seanzie for now but I'd like to hopefully take a better look at Mikey within the next hour or so.
Vote: Seanzie

A Link In Time

To Overcome Harder Challenges
ZD Legend
Day 1 Final Vote Count:

Ragnarokio (3) - Rubik, Ragnarokio, Neon

DawningWinds (1) - Kirino
ExLight (1) - Mikey the Moblin
Mikey the Moblin (1) - Morbid Minish
Seanzie (1) - DawningWinds

Not Voting - a'lana, ExLight, Killjoy262, Seanzie

The struggle between humans and demons resulted in one of those vying for control of the Demon World being ousted first. A barrage of Spirit Gun shots that combined human and demon energy brought the great Yomi to his knees. It was a shocking development for those who wanted demons to control the world. The humans could breathe a sigh of relief. The Spirit Detective and his comrades had done a good job. But would they be able to finish the fight?

Ragnarokio was Yomi, the Mafia Ninja.

The Living (10):

@Mikey the Moblin
@Morbid Minish

The Dead (1):

Ragnarokio - Yomi, the Mafia Ninja (Lynched Day 1)

Night 1 Begins!

Those of you with active night powers, please send me your actions via Discord or PM before Sunday, December 18th at 8:45 PM EST (15 minutes before day start).
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