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Smash Bros Your Smash Tier List

Threads relating to the Super Smash Bros series.
Oct 14, 2013
Here is mine.

Oct 14, 2013
You don't like RYU?!
Correct. I never really cared for him. Was never a Street Fighter fan. Also the fact that to be good with him in Smash Bros you need to use his button combos. I suck at that so that put him in the don't like category for me.

I also don't like Pikachu. Well that's only partially true. I hate playing as Pikachu. However to relax I like vsing a number of easy AI Pikachus just to enjoy KOing them all.

I also don't like Falcon, but I don't hate him, I just don't care either way for him. So he's in the don't care category for me. The don't like lot for me are those characters I really don't like and have a beef with.

Azure Sage

Join your hands...
Staff member
ZD Legend
Comm. Coordinator
Now that I've had plenty of hands-on time, I can share my new list. The image quality sucks for some reason but you can see who is where and that's all that matters. (I wanted to make an account but you can only do that through twitter, so **** that.)


I am proud to say that I have gotten gud with Zelda and Palutena at last. Also I like Cloud much more than I thought I did, so much so that I can call him a new main. Learning is only Richter because he's the only one left that I want to be gud with that I'm still trying to git gud with. Want to Try is only Piranha Plant because he's the only one left to try because he's not out yet. Little Mac moved down to Neutral because I kinda lost interest in using him. I still like him, though. I like Inkling more than I thought I would, and Isabelle and Chrom are really fun. I enjoy them all a lot. Eventually, Learning and Want to Try will be cut from the list because they won't be necessary anymore. I think I'll save my next update for when that time comes.
Oct 14, 2013

After doing that and playing a decent amount of the game I feel I can make a new tier list. This one is how good I am with each character as well as how good or bad I think each character is. Of cause it's my own opinion based on my own skills and how good or bad I think each character is.
I've left out the Miis because they have variable movesets.



Mr. SidleInYourDMs
ZD Champion
May 5, 2012
American Wasteland

Mains - characters I love/am really good w/
Secondaries - characters I can hold my own w/ or I like using
Ok w/ - characters I'm not the best w/ but I don't mind playing as
nah - characters I'd rather not use
NAH - I won't play the game if I have to use them


I play my drum for you
Jan 30, 2011
Tangent Universe
Now that I've been playing regularly:
Mains: Roy, Marth, Meta Knight, Simon, Ganondorf
Secondaries: Robin, K.Rool, Daisy, Falcon
Not good but still play sometimes: Cloud, Sonic, Wii Fit
Never: Bowser Jr, Diddy, Puff, Pac Man, Villager


What’s the character limit on this? Aksnfiskwjfjsk
ZD Legend
Mains: Toon Link and Inceneroar.
Secondaries: Wario, Richter, and Villager.
Occasionally play as: the other Links, the Mii sword fighter I based off of myself, and my Ben Shapiro Mii Brawler.
Can’t play at all just because I suck at the game: Shulk, Sheik, and Pokémon trainer.
Wish they weren’t in the game to begin with: Lucina, Robin, Corrin, Chrom.

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