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Hyrule Warriors Your progress in the game


Angel of Darkness
Staff member
ZD Legend
Jan 31, 2010
Yahtzee, Supernatural
Angel of Darkness
So what's your prgress? I have 100%ed all maps except for Termina Map. I still need to play Legend Mode in hero mode and gather the remaining heart pieces and skulltulas. I got all badges except for Marin (she only needs 2 more) and Toon Zelda (I look at you Ganon, gimme your stuff).
Now I'm trying to save the day in the Termina Map and am ready for the ALBW map.
So, what is your progress?
Oct 3, 2016
Wow, mine is not even close.

I have 100% the weapons in first adventure map and got all characters.

I don't understand how you can 100% this game unless you play many hours per day for months and play no other game and have no other commitments....


Angel of Darkness
Staff member
ZD Legend
Jan 31, 2010
Yahtzee, Supernatural
Angel of Darkness
Wow, mine is not even close.

I have 100% the weapons in first adventure map and got all characters.

I don't understand how you can 100% this game unless you play many hours per day for months and play no other game and have no other commitments....
Hahahaha I spent a huge lot of hours on this game. But it's not that hard to beat maps. At least on the 3DS it isn't. They balanced the maps so you don't really need to have all your characters level 200 anymore to beat a square.

Azure Sage

Join your hands...
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I've only ever completed one panel of the skultula puzzle things, so i only have one square open in the rewards map. Other than that, I've gotten everything in easy mode in the story, and beaten the first Adventure map, the Great Sea map, and the Master Quest map, and the Twilight map (none of which 100%). Made some pretty good progress through the Master Wind Waker and Termina maps, but haven't gotten very far in the Koholint or Grand Travels maps yet. My strongest characters are Lana and Linkle, both at level 101.
Oct 2, 2016
My wife and I have 100% except for Terminal, like the original poster. DrJaden, you are correct in the time commitment. We don't play many video games, so we played HW for a year straight, often every night. We didn't play anything else, so if we were gaming it was HW. My wife and I would sometimes talk about how it would be impossible for people who played other games to progress very far. We put in hours and hours and there is still a lot to accomplish.
Oct 2, 2016
Between Worlds
I've collected up to the tier 3 weapons for all the characters (apart from DLC), got all my warriors at least to lvl 50, completed the legend mode with a normal rank and have collected some of the tier 4 weapons


Oct 1, 2016
I only completed the main legend mode of HW, I still have a lot to do in this game xD
Oct 3, 2016
I don't think I will ever 100% complete the game based on how much time has to go in it. Thanks for clarifying zora the greek
Oct 2, 2016
I don't think I will ever 100% complete the game based on how much time has to go in it. Thanks for clarifying zora the greek

We set ourselves the goal of getting a 100%, but there did come the point where the fun starts to wane. There are a couple of levels we just couldn't get As on. A big part of the enjoyment is how many levels there are, so for a long time, if we got stuck we'd just move on to something else. But when you only have a few frustrating levels left, playing those over and over just to get an A isn't very appealing - especially since getting hit even once means you lose the A ranking in a lot of them.

Still, kudos to the programmers. There is so much content it is virtually impossible to do everything in this game. I would be curious if anyone in the world has actually 100% completed it.

Roger Rad

The Fabulous One
Oct 6, 2016
So far I cleared Story Mode, and from the adventure maps:
- 100% Normal Map
- 100% Master Quest Map
- 100% Twilight Map
- Currently working on Termina Map
still need to do: get Ganon and the (not-so-secret-anymore) last character to lvl 255
Oct 2, 2016
So far I cleared Story Mode, and from the adventure maps:
- 100% Normal Map
- 100% Master Quest Map
- 100% Twilight Map
- Currently working on Termina Map
still need to do: get Ganon and the (not-so-secret-anymore) last character to lvl 255
Are you saying you have all the characters at 255 except Ganon? Wow! As I mentioned earlier in the thread my wife and I have put in 100s of hours and our characters are all in the 150 range. The new DLC characters are very wimpy because they start at 1. Any tips on getting our levels that high?


Angel of Darkness
Staff member
ZD Legend
Jan 31, 2010
Yahtzee, Supernatural
Angel of Darkness
Are you saying you have all the characters at 255 except Ganon? Wow! As I mentioned earlier in the thread my wife and I have put in 100s of hours and our characters are all in the 150 range. The new DLC characters are very wimpy because they start at 1. Any tips on getting our levels that high?
In the wiiu version I got Link, Volga, zelda, Zant, twilight Midna, young Link all up to level 255. I managed to level Zant up from level 130 to 255 in one day. Master Quest map rack up your KO count 11 and rack up your KO count 12 are your friends here. What I did with very low leveled characters was getting the xp excelerator. I played one of the Rack up your KO count levels. A very low leveled character easily gets a huge lot of damage but also levels up fast. Near the final 2 minutes I didn't defend myself and let myself being killed. The game says DEFEAT and I chose the option to play again. that way I kept my experience points gained plus the potion. I did this with Toon Link 4 times in a row. He leveled up from 1 to 45 in 4 plays. Then it became a bit more tough because his heart containers increased and making it tougher to get him killed in the final two minutes. But he still leveled at least 3 till 5 levels up every time I played rack up your KO count. Especially young link went up like crazy because of his focus spirit ability.
Oct 2, 2016
Vanessa28, thanks for the tip. My wife and I haven't played in awhile because we got a little bored trying to build up our characters. We'll have to try this. What do you mean by KO count 11? I assume you mean the rack up your KO count level 11?

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