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Four Swords Adventures Your Opinion on FSA?


Angry Megaman Fan
Jan 24, 2011
Behind you
Well I Really love FSA, this game is so much fun for me, specially when I play with some of my friends, its chaotic, challenging, and the arguments and screams that it causes are one of the best parts xD but I think criticism is very harsh on it and i noticed not many people talk about it...
In my opinion it has good music, graphics are nice (not excellent, but being that this game focuses on gameplay it doesn't matter), boss battles are really awesome, and like i said before, the game is so much fun overall
What is so bad about it or why is it so harshly treated? It's a great idea, and has great potential, specially if they made a new one that used Nintendo WFC
What do you think about this game?


True and Noble
Oct 17, 2007
United States of America
Four Swords Adventures was one of those games that was created purely for the multiplayer aspect. And it really does succeed in that respect, especially if you're playing with four players. When you're playing with three other people, it can be chaos, but it's more like fun, hilarious chaos. The levels were often vast and required a good amount of teamwork, etc. So to be honest, under the condition that I'm playing with at least two other people, Four Swords Adventures is a very fun game to play.
The downsides to the game are that it requires each player to have a Gameboy Advance and the corresponding cords to connect them to the Gamecube, and some of the levels, specifically some of the desert levels, were so time consuming, it took me two hours ALONE to get through them. Having to organize everyone on those levels would have made it impossible to get through it before the Gameboy batteries died on at least one gameboy.


and Tonic
Nov 29, 2010
The Flying Mobile Opression fortress
I thought it was a great game. Much more fun to play with friends than alone though. I love a co-op game whenever I can find one. But the single player made it a chore. I was not a fan of moving the Links into specific formations for attacks. But the world created was very good as well as the story. It probably bad the most characterization in a 2D Zelda at the time. And it introduced Vaati. I like the addition of another big villain for the series. From a story perspective it was a very good addition to the legend, it had all the tribes, the Dark World, Kaepora Gaebora, the Lost Woods, sages, and an alternate origin for Ganon.

It does get incredibly chaotic when played with three other people, but that is part of the fun. Trying to outrun each other to rupees and force gems if half the game. Fighting bosses comes second.

I have always assumed that the main criticism of FSA was the fact that everyone required a gameboy and a cord to play it in multiplayer. So it was seen as a marketing gimmick by Nintnedo than an actual game. Also it was using WW artstyle at the time fans were still angry with Nintendo using it in WW.


Hero of Something...
May 21, 2010
Though, I have not got the chance to play it on multiplayer, I think it is still a pretty fun game. It definitely shouldn't be your first Zelda since it will probably turn most people off if they are not playing multiplayer or are a series fan. So yeah I think it is pretty fun but it is a little different from the rest of the series and you might want to give this one a pass if you are not playing multiplayer.


Viceroy of Area 11
Dec 24, 2010
I've never played it on multiplayer and probably never will, but it still like it. It was one of my first Zelda games and I'm only on Death Mountain level 2. The levels are pretty long so I have a hard time finding chunks of time to play it.


Former Hylian Knight
Jun 8, 2009
I still have yet to beat FSA, I just recently bought it and was really excited to finally play through the whole game, since the other times I had tried it I was at someone elses house or we were just renting it. At one point I even owned one of those GBA link cables and a GBA, but I dont think I had this game at that time so I probably wont get a chance to try it anytime soon. Until then I'm just concentrating on beating it solo, which is fine by me. Like LolGames4U said I find trouble finding the time to play the game, and I only do one level at a time. I'm still on the second stage of the second level or something like that. When I beat it I'll be able to talk more about it, but so far I really like that you can throw the other versions of Link across gaps, the game has some great puzzles and battles.
Jan 27, 2011
it would have been better if you didn't have to use GBA's for multiplayer, if a seperate player goes into a hole or something it could turn into split screen, using a GBA to Gamecube cable is the worst idea i've ever heard cause that would mean that if you ever wanted to have a full co op game with three other people but you don't know enough people who have a GBA you would have to buy a GBA, it's exactly like what they're doing with the DS now a days, but they've become very pointless over the years especially in Castlevania Judgement where the DS was only used as a shortcut to unlock two of the game's characters without having to actually play through the whole thing


Jan 17, 2011
FSA was a great game in my opinion and i played it completely by myself. I t is my favorite Zelda. I wish they would release more on Wiiware or ds(with a playable version of the first one plz)

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