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Your New Year's Resolution(s)


The Altruist
Jul 23, 2011
Mishima Tower
Before I say anything, let me say that New Year's Resolutions is about taking time to reach your goal. That said, most people expect things to happen so quickly and when it doesn't go their way for the first few days or attempts that they have done, the ultimately abandon their aspiring goals. For example if you are in debt of $35,000 in student loans, don't expect to be debt-free by the end of the week or month. Make reasonable goals and that is when a resolution feels easier to do and possible to achieve. Sure it is a New Year's Resolution but that doesn't you have to start on the new year. You can start right now if you want to. In fact there are some of my goals that I'm working right now as you kindly read my comment about New Year's Resolutions. These resolutions include:

-Build stronger friendships and memories here at ZD forums.
-Writing and editing stories for the forums.
-Provide better content from my own words and intake.
-Eating healthy and gaining sleep.
-Watch anime and read manga more efficiently.
-Learn how to program.
-Learn how to draw and use art programs to design graphics and build a thread for requests.
-Fix up my vocabulary and dedicate more time to study the material so I may converse with ease and intellect in the matter.
-Help out more around the house and communities both IRL and online.
-Become a local tutor to help students fully understand about the mathematical processes and use other methods to still give the same answer.
-Work out and gain muscle.
-Clean my competitive game in Pokemon and Smash.

With so many resolutions in my list I will have a hard keeping track of them all but in the end, I should become a better person than I currently am. I would also like to wish all you guys on your resolutions and may we have the best year to come in the upcoming hours! :)


birb overlord
Sep 16, 2011
Biggest thing is to get my license, but it's gonna take a lot of work. Not because of my lack of motivation, but my parents. Obviously I can't get my license if I can't get a ride to the BMV in the first place... Other things I'm really serious about this year is eating healither. Around spring last year I started changing my eating habits but I fell back into my old problems when the Holidays came around. I felt so much better when I was eating right, so I want to take better care of my body and feel like that all of the time. I also want to spend more time studying. These are all so cliche, but I still feel like they're important. I don't put as much effort into my studies as I could, so I want to change that. The only other thing I can think of is becoming more social. I'm kind of a hermit and I'm not very good at talking to people. I'd really like to change that, and I think I very well could if I gave myself the chance.

I'm really gonna stick myself to these, but I'm going to keep it realistic. I'm not gonna be perfect, but if I can make a difference in my life, then I think I'll have achieved something and that's good enough for me.

Firice da Vinci

Distinct lack of Leonardo
Jun 15, 2010
Renaissance Italy
I actually started to write letters to myself. Once every season, I write a reflection on what has been happening in my life. The one for winter of 2013/New Year's Day has yet to be started, but it basically is going to focus on self-improvement. Not anything related to school, though. I want to pay more attention to what is occurring in my life and the people around me; attempting to gain some backbone and willpower to do things that I want to do, no matter what anyone says.
Aug 18, 2009
I have many that I want to achieve in my life, but those are personal. I will let you know of the ones I want to achieve here.

1. Finish my ZD based story/series. (Support me and cheer me on so I can accomplish this lol)
2. Make friends and remain loyal to them.
3. Reach 4000 posts before 2014 ends, if I am still around. I don't think I will accomplish this, but I will try. ;)

Lord Vain

Dawn of a New Day
Nov 29, 2011
1. Find better ways to spend my time, as while the internet is great, I should probably find people to hang out with in real life as well or something.

2. Force myself to read through the entire driver's manuel and work on getting my license, that **** seriously bores me to death, but driving is sadly a skill required in day to day life. Well, or at least until we run out of gas it is.

3. Keep my job.

4. Save money more often.

5. Keep doing what I've been doing otherwise.

That's about it, yep.
Aug 18, 2009
Another one I want to add is winning the Pokemon tournament here, or become the Champion. I doubt I will be able to accomplish this, lol, because I am just a regular Pokemon fan, I mean, I am not much into knowing how to breed perfect pokemon, or any of that other crap. So yeah, gonna be difficult, but I love challenges.
Jul 24, 2011
Pennsylvania, USA
I have a few goals to complete by the end of this new year:

1. Build a gaming PC.
2. Beat Chakan: The Forever Man, The Lion King, and Aladdin on Sega Genesis. (My brother could never beat these as a kid, so I'm doing it for him.)
3. Expand my game collection exponentially.
4. Start running with the C25K program.

My bonus goal is getting my dad to quit smoking.

EDIT: I also want to get to at least 1700 posts here on the forums.

Mellow Ezlo

Spoony Bard
Dec 2, 2012
[see blog]

Aside from a bunch of little things that I don't really care about, there are really only a few true goals that I have that I want to really push myself to accomplish. I'm definitely looking forward to 2014! :)
Sep 23, 2013
United States
I did say resolutions were stupid before, but I want to just go ahead and list them here:

1. Learn how to drive (hopefully).
2.Clean my entire room.
3. Try to be more positive.
4. Watch all of my DVD's.

I'm pretty sure I have more, but these are the ones I can think of at the top of my head.


Soldier for Christ!
Jan 29, 2011
I haven't quite thought out my resolutions yet, but here's what's on my mind now. =)

I want to grow more spiritually to become closer to God, because I know that I am never close enough until I'm in Heaven, but I can strive to get as close as I can as a human on Earth by praying and practicing virtues. ^^ I will do my best to get up every morning to go to mass, no matter what is in my way! I will practice charity more often because I often see that I'm quite rude and mean to others only because I can't push aside my own problems and just give the people I'm with a good day, because maybe they are having a bad day and I need to not be so gloomy around them because it doesn't help! I will do my best also to get school work done, because I've been getting lazier as Christmas break came about and if I'm ever going to go where I want I need to step it up. X3 And I am determined to get a spiritual director this year because I know I need one right now!

So there you have some of it, that basically gives you the gist of what I'm striving for in life in general, not just this year. Happy New Year buddies!!!!!!!!! =D

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