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Your Head, Heart or Gut?


Rock and roll will never die
Jun 15, 2012
London, United Kingdom
I'm a head person. I'm neurotic and only trust an informed decision after I've thought about it. I don't have too good of a gut instinct and my heart? I don't think I know it well enough haha

Mellow Ezlo

Spoony Bard
Dec 2, 2012
Definitely not my head. I never ever think things through before taking action. I usually follow my gut. If my gut thinks it's OK, then I'll go ahead and do it. Same with my heart. If my heart tells me that it is not good to do something that my gut told me to do, then the heart typically wins the argument. But normally, I am a very gutsy person, and I try to do whatever my gut says.

Viral Maze

Verb the adjective noun
Feb 5, 2010
In a logical situation, like day to day life, work, school, etc, I follow my head.
In less logical situations I follow my gut.
When it comes to emotions, I follow my heart, because emotions aren't logical at all.

Hylian Hobbit

Delightfully Delicious ;P
Aug 20, 2008
I naturally tend to go by my instincts and what my "heart" tells me. But I also try to think critically and rationally before I make a decision to do something. Growing up, I was taught to use the wonders of logic and critical thinking and kind of ignored my heart and instincts in my decision making. But as I got older and started breaking out of my turtle shell, I started to realize that I am more of a right-brained person. So now I'm more "feelsy" and allow myself to go by what feels right, or what my instincts tell me. So I guess it kind of depends on the situation for me.
Jun 22, 2013
I tend to follow all three. To me all of them just mix together and I follow my impulses which sometimes logically, sometimes emotionally, and sometimes I don't know why I feel that way. I don't like personally having to choose one way, but I like to go more free flowing.


Jun 19, 2010
Definitely my head. I'm usually a very logical person, and I'm rarely rash or let emotions cloud my judgment. Worked out pretty well for me so far, and I tend to wind up with less regrets.

A Link In Time

To Overcome Harder Challenges
ZD Legend
A combination of my head and instincts drives my actions. I think decision through before proceeding and don't second guess myself.

When emotions enter the picture, my negative feelings like fear and anger prevail so I try to be firm and suppress what comes from my heart.
Nov 26, 2008
They're all the same thing, at least when they count.

Basing your decisions on good thinking is always a good plan and you can simply never go wrong with that. But good thinking isn't just hard logic. It's paying attention to emotion -- yours and others' -- among other things. "Following your heart", that is, paying attention to what you want or feel is right, is a core part of using your head. I could determine that one way I could do something is more difficult... but if it sounds like more fun, how is it a bad decision?

As for gut instincts... I don't believe people just magically have an internal instinct that feeds them good or bad ideas (depending on the person). All I think a gut instinct is, is a subconscious evaluation of facts or bits of information that you haven't noticed on a conscious level. I always listen to my gut because it's pretty much never wrong; times when I've ignored my instincts and tried to reason them away always have turned out badly for me. This isn't true for everyone as this works different depending on the person; someone else might not function as well subconsciously (or in general, sometimes) as another person, or some other people might evaluate more consciously and not need the subconscious evaluations. Bottom line though is I simply don't believe the gut instinct is completely separate from the intellect; how could it be, if, for some people such as myself, it's usually accurate? Accuracy requires understanding. Evaluation.

So bottom line is they're all different facets of the same thing. I would never say I depend the most on my gut, because I follow all of my instincts with conscious evaluation -- try to pick apart why I have that gut feeling -- and of course evaluate things regardless of whether or not my gut tells me something is up with them. But regardless of whether I'm thinking consciously or following my instincts, my "heart" still factors into it; what I want to do, or what I feel I should do, are both still evaluations.

Alita the Pun

Oct 6, 2016
Nintendo Memeverse
A Mellophone Player... Mellophonista?
I normally am quite instinctual so I normally go with my gut for split second descisions. For harder choices, I go with my heart. When I have more simple choices, I go with my head.
Oct 2, 2016
Thought this was a Pokemon GO reference.
Instinct for gut. Mystic for mind. Valor for heart.

In logical situations, I'll use my mind but the other two will fall under my more spontaneous moments.


~ It's me, Dio!~
Jul 6, 2011
Absolute unit
Most of the time I use my head. When it comes to quick decision making I will tend to go with my instinct as usually they will be right. Of course with women instinct won't help you. You've got to do the opposite of what your instincts are and of course you must also do the pec pop of love.

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